Swine Flu Campaign Waits on Vaccine
Government health officials are mobilizing to launch a massive swine flu vaccination campaign this fall that is unprecedented in its scope -- and in the potential for complications.
The campaign aims to vaccinate at least half the country's population within months. Although more people have been inoculated against diseases such as smallpox and polio over a period of years, the United States has never tried to immunize so many so quickly.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The language of this article almost sounds like that of a military maneuver.
"...campaign...mobilizing.....recruiting...small army..." It sounds more like a military operation to secure a beachhead than an immunization program.
And we have good reason to ask questions, and be very concerned about what will be in these vaccines.
There has been no time for the vaccine makers to vet these products through a proper and standard testing protocol.
And the question is, in light of the fact that the actual amounts of vaccine will be less than expected to prevent the first round of flu, with the federal government give vaccine makes permission to use untested adjuvants (like squalene) or preservatives (like thimerosal) to make the vaccines "stretch" into more doses?
As reported at:
SQUALENE (in a h1n1 vax) - misc.health.alternative | Google Groups
"The Lancet - a peer-reviewed medical journal - recently editorialized on
behalf of caution in regard to fast-tracking mass vaccinations (1). After
free registration, the essay can be viewed online. Oddly, The Lancet
editorial mentions vaccine adjuvants but does not dwell upon their
documented side-effects. Indeed, several vaccine ingredients merit concern,
including mercury, aluminum, live viruses, and squalene."
'For instance, despite assurances that thimerosal injections do no harm, an
increasing body of peer-reviewed evidence describes adverse effects of
vaccinal thimerosal (eg, 2). Aluminum is associated with neurodegeneration
(eg, 3), and the adjuvant squalene is associated with arthritic pathologies
and with Gulf War Syndrome (4-6)."
Please share this information with everyone you know, and
that definitely includes pregnant women, and women with infants.
Swine Flu Campaign Waits on Vaccine