Everything's Broken - latest Polievre youtube short


Time Out
Dec 7, 2022
Well i wouldn't say it's JUST your opinion, i've heard it said a lot :) IF you want to take a step back further, the real problem is Conservatives don't cheat enough. Previous liberals tended to stock the judges with 'friendlies". Harper came up with a very reasonable and non partisan method to appoint judges that weeded out a lot of that nonsense and made it fair, rather than do the same thing. Trudeau got in, tossed that out in one second, and went back to the cronyism of the past.

The libs aren't in it to be fair or honest, and we've got to quit trying to be when it comes to that kind of thing.

The problem here is that if the conservatives did cheat, it would be front page news in Canada for weeks. Yet, the master in charge of Canada Trudeau can commit many ethic violations, cheat, lie and steal our tax dollars and commit crimes against humanity like during covid, the lying and fake bought off Canadian MSM will protect him no matter what and will expose nothing about what Trudeau has done criminally. Not only has America become one big deep state country but so has Canada. We have a leader who could careless about Canada and Canadians. Isn't Trudeau and Freeland and most of the liberal party all WEF globalist supporters and pushers for the great reset? Even WEF globalist Klaus Schwab acknowledged this fact and has mentioned Trudeau many times as one of his favorite people. If the conservatives did win the next election, than they must show Canadians that they believe in more freedom, less government and less taxes. No Canadian could be against that? :unsure:
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
The problem here is that if the conservatives did cheat, it would be front page news in Canada for weeks. Yet, the master in charge of Canada Trudeau can commit many ethic violations, cheat, lie and steal our tax dollars and commit crimes against humanity like during covid, the lying and fake bought off Canadian MSM will protect him no matter what
That's because we haven't been cheating enough :) We need to make sure we start funding the MSM's that do support the cpc and repress those who don't. Defund the cbc, start giving lots and lots of ad revenue to the sun and np and others who are more inclined to be fair. And maybe create a fund for the fringe media that favours the many right wing papers and blogs out there like true north (which actually does do some pretty good reporting)

Like i said - we don't do what they do. We don't buy media, we don't stock the benches, we play fair. And where's that getting us?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
This might help to drive down the prices of hard drugs in Vancouver, but people are still going to need to be able to feed their addictions without having the ability to be able to work….Because these hard drugs do not make productive people. The moneys gotta come from somewhere beyond government handouts….And that is crime that will supply the money for the drugs. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.
Addiction and babysitting addicts is an industry.

No addicts....no industry.
Since moving to B.C. from Quebec in 1998, Boivin has accumulated more than 115 criminal convictions, most of them property-related offences to support his drug addiction. Earlier this month, Vancouver police announced new charges against Boivin, accusing him of stealing more than $40,000 in art from a Vancouver art gallery.

Boivin had stable parents growing up in Quebec — his father was a police chief and his mother a drug counsellor.

Boivin’s next court appearance is Jan. 24.

He is just one of many chronic offenders who cycle through the criminal justice system.

Longtime criminal defence lawyer Mark Gervin, who has numerous clients who are chronic offenders, said that while Eby might be the right person to solve the issue, it’s not going to be fixed any time soon.

“If there was an easy solution, we would have done it. There is no easy solution, and really it’s going to involve more money.”

Gervin believes there needs to be more funding put into better housing, drug treatment and mental health supports if any progress is to be made with chronic offenders.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022

Gervin believes there needs to be more funding put into better housing, drug treatment and mental health supports if any progress is to be made with chronic offenders.
I agree 100 percent. We should spend more money - building prisons. That solves their housing issue, it's easy to do manditory drug programs and as far as mental health goes they'll have all kinds of time to think about their issues.

I have zero faith in any program to resolve the issue of repeat offenders while they're still roaming free. I haven't seen a single study or the like which leads me to believe that's going to be reasonably successful. Frankly I don't have much faith in any program rehabilitating those people behind bars but at least you've got their attention and they're off the streets and not hurting the innocent any more. If your dog gets rabies, no matter how much you love your dog it gets put down. If these people have a defect that causes them to repeat serious crimes and especially violent crimes - then they have to be removed from society period, and if they can't get better then permanently.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I agree 100 percent. We should spend more money - building prisons. That solves their housing issue, it's easy to do manditory drug programs and as far as mental health goes they'll have all kinds of time to think about their issues.

I have zero faith in any program to resolve the issue of repeat offenders while they're still roaming free. I haven't seen a single study or the like which leads me to believe that's going to be reasonably successful. Frankly I don't have much faith in any program rehabilitating those people behind bars but at least you've got their attention and they're off the streets and not hurting the innocent any more. If your dog gets rabies, no matter how much you love your dog it gets put down. If these people have a defect that causes them to repeat serious crimes and especially violent crimes - then they have to be removed from society period, and if they can't get better then permanently.
The US has 3 Strikes…maybe Canada could have a 50 or 100 strikes rule?
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
The US has 3 Strikes…maybe Canada could have a 50 or 100 strikes rule?
No joke, a bc top cop a few years ago made the same comment but said if they have three could we at least go with a 30? :)

I"m not huge on locking people up for 'retribution' for most crimes (some but not most). But the public has a right to be reasonably safe from people who for whatever reason cannot responsibly control their actions and are a serous threat. Until they come up with some model that has a reasonable success rate (nobody's expecting 100 percent) for rehabilitation then i think it's entirely reasonable to say those people should be kept separately from society.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
I agree 100 percent. We should spend more money - building prisons. That solves their housing issue, it's easy to do manditory drug programs and as far as mental health goes they'll have all kinds of time to think about their issues.

I have zero faith in any program to resolve the issue of repeat offenders while they're still roaming free. I haven't seen a single study or the like which leads me to believe that's going to be reasonably successful. Frankly I don't have much faith in any program rehabilitating those people behind bars but at least you've got their attention and they're off the streets and not hurting the innocent any more. If your dog gets rabies, no matter how much you love your dog it gets put down. If these people have a defect that causes them to repeat serious crimes and especially violent crimes - then they have to be removed from society period, and if they can't get better then permanently.
You would get banned from facebook for that.


Time Out
Dec 7, 2022
That's because we haven't been cheating enough :) We need to make sure we start funding the MSM's that do support the cpc and repress those who don't. Defund the cbc, start giving lots and lots of ad revenue to the sun and np and others who are more inclined to be fair. And maybe create a fund for the fringe media that favours the many right wing papers and blogs out there like true north (which actually does do some pretty good reporting)

Like i said - we don't do what they do. We don't buy media, we don't stock the benches, we play fair. And where's that getting us?

The Conservative party in Canada needs to wake up and stop worrying about what they want to say. Ignore the leftist liberal media altogether who do enjoy attacking and mocking conservatives for what they say or do because no matter how much the conservatives try and kiss and suck up to the lying and fake MSM they will never get anywhere with them. The MSM just hate all things conservative. It's time to call the liberal media out like Trump did. Just call them fake news.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
The Conservative party in Canada needs to wake up and stop worrying about what they want to say. Ignore the leftist liberal media altogether who do enjoy attacking and mocking conservatives for what they say or do because no matter how much the conservatives try and kiss and suck up to the lying and fake MSM they will never get anywhere with them. The MSM just hate all things conservative. It's time to call the liberal media out like Trump did. Just call them fake news.
You are not wrong, but the average low information voter get most of their "information" from legacy media. Therefore, they tend to vote according to what they were told.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
The Conservative party in Canada needs to wake up and stop worrying about what they want to say. Ignore the leftist liberal media altogether who do enjoy attacking and mocking conservatives for what they say or do because no matter how much the conservatives try and kiss and suck up to the lying and fake MSM they will never get anywhere with them. The MSM just hate all things conservative. It's time to call the liberal media out like Trump did. Just call them fake news.
Well the reality of that is a little more complicated. But the essence is valid. You can't let the media control the entire narrative.

O'toole fell into that trap where he had nothing new to discuss in the last half of his campaign and the media totally took control and spent all of their time asking him questions that made him look weak and bad, like the constant "Where's Kenney" questions.

You can't just call the media 'fake news' or they just report "today PP lied and called media fake news in an effort to spread misinformation" and people believe it. But with the right strategy you can achieve more or less the same results.
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Time Out
Dec 7, 2022
Well the reality of that is a little more complicated. But the essence is valid. You can't let the media control the entire narrative.

O'toole fell into that trap where he had nothing new to discuss in the last half of his campaign and the media totally took control and spent all of their time asking him questions that made him look weak and bad, like the constant "Where's Kenney" questions.

You can't just call the media 'fake news' or they just report "today PP lied and called media fake news in an effort to spread misinformation" and people believe it. But with the right strategy you can achieve more or less the same results.

This is why the conservative party have to ignore the Canadian liberal media as much as possible. Trump knew how to handle and piss off the liberal fake media and it drove them f'n crazy. Pierre P. needs to do the same thing with our MSM in Canada. Try and make them look like fake news. Call them out when they try and make the conservative party look bad. We need to try and make the media look bad.

O'tool had plenty of opportunities to discuss conservative values. But then again, O'tool showed that he hardly gave a dam about conservative values. When one stands up for conservative values, and not afraid to mention those values, the liberal media will try and mock and attack anyone who tries to do so. Treat the Canadian media like they treat the conservative party. Ignore them as much as one can do so. When the media tries to make it appear as though conservatives are racist, well then fire back and ask them as to what proof they have of this accusation.

The Canadian liberal media is full of Marxist so called journalists arse holes and they need to be treated as so. One cannot win the war with the enemy when you keep giving into their demands. That is what the conservatives have been doing for decades. Kissing the liberal; media's butt. Stop it conservatives, will you.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Trump knew how to handle and piss off the liberal fake media and it drove them f'n crazy.
Sure. But it did not win him any votes. Remember, he lost the next election. The media loved him before he got elected and he got much free advertising out of them. His fights with them afterwards did NOT move his agenda forward.

Pissing off the media is fun, but self-harming. You have to learn how to neurtralize them. Harper is a better example there.

Try and make them look like fake news.
That's largely a losing game. You can do that a bit but you can't out-propaganda the media, it's literally what they are on this earth to do.

When one stands up for conservative values, and not afraid to mention those values, the liberal media will try and mock and attack anyone who tries to do so.
They are piranha, and if they smell blood during an election they will attack en masse. They smelled blood the moment he waffled and flip flopped on guns, and he had nothing in his plans to deal with them. They'll do that to any politician btw during an election - remember dion.

When the media tries to make it appear as though conservatives are racist, well then fire back and ask them as to what proof they have of this accusation
That's playing into their game. Never engage. The better choice is to divert - "There is no question about it , the Conservative party is not racist, The real question here is why aren't you calling the liberals out on their racism, such as when they 'example example'. " ANd honestly PP is a master of that, we've seen that again and again.

That is what the conservatives have been doing for decades. Kissing the liberal; media's butt.
Hogwash. Harper certainly didn't. He was sidestepping the media long before trump made it popular. But he didn't confront - he deftly sidestepped and still got his message out.

PP has done a very good job of going around the media to get his message out there. But at the end of the day - you have to learn how to make the mainstream media work for you. You CANNOT ignore them, certainly not entirely. They are what the people listen to. You MUST use that platform even if you have other methods.

That's the art here - avoiding the media, going around the media and still managing to use the media. It takes an absolute master, and PP is pretty good so it'll be fun to watch.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Today is the day for BC to decriminalization hard drugs such as heroin and fentanyl, as well as crack and powder cocaine, methamphetamine and MDMA. Illegal drugs will still be prohibited for youth under 18, on school grounds, at licensed child-care facilities and at airports.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Guess we'll see how it goes in a year or two. Though I imagine digging the data out of the shrieking'll be tough.
Yeah, and keeping the experiment confined within the BC borders without spill out. Here’s the other side of the debate:

…& here’s a look from the outside looking in:

Canada's province of British Columbia is starting a first-in-the-nation trial decriminalising small amounts of hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.

From Tuesday, adults can possess up to 2.5g of such drugs, as well as methamphetamine, fentanyl and morphine.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yeah, and keeping the experiment confined within the BC borders without spill out. Here’s the other side of the debate:

…& here’s a look from the outside looking in:

Canada's province of British Columbia is starting a first-in-the-nation trial decriminalising small amounts of hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.

From Tuesday, adults can possess up to 2.5g of such drugs, as well as methamphetamine, fentanyl and morphine.
With heroin and meth sold by the point of a gram, 2.5 gr is still a distribution level possession. 25 doses.
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