Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
"WASHINGTON — A video depicting a macabre scene of a fake President Trump shooting, stabbing and brutally assaulting members of the news media and his political opponents was shown at a conference for his supporters at his Miami resort last week, according to footage obtained by The New York Times." -

I don't know why people would be shocked. I mean he did say he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue (NYC) and his fans would still support him.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
AnnaEmber;2776932 I don't know why people would be shocked. I mean he did say he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue (NYC) and his fans would still support him.[/QUOTE said:
Do you think possibly there was a little "tongue in cheek" there?


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
Although I don’t endorse Trump I’m sure Trump will get re elected 2020.
The only option is to vote to go to the past with endless war and the same old.
As Robert Bacevich writes
“Honest people may differ on whether to attribute the Iraq War to outright lies or monumental hubris. When it comes to tallying up the consequences, however, the intentions of those who sold the war don’t particularly matter. The results include thousands of Americans killed; tens of thousands wounded, many grievously, or left to struggle with the effects of PTSD; hundreds of thousands of non-Americans killed or injured; millions displaced; trillions of dollars expended; radical groups like ISIS empowered (and in its case even formed inside a U.S. prison in Iraq); and the Persian Gulf region plunged into turmoil from which it has yet to recover. How do Trump’s crimes stack up against these?
The Great Recession stemmed directly from economic policies implemented during the administration of President Bill Clinton and continued by his successor. Deregulating the banking sector was projected to produce a bonanza in which all would share. Yet, as a direct result of the ensuing chicanery, nearly nine million Americans lost their jobs, while overall unemployment shot up to 10%. Roughly four million Americans lost their homes to foreclosure. The stock market cratered and millions saw their life savings evaporate. Again, the question must be asked: How do these results compare to Trump’s dubious dealings with Ukraine?
Trump’s critics speak with one voice in demanding accountability. Yet virtually no one has been held accountable for the pain, suffering, and loss inflicted by the architects of the Iraq War and the Great Recession. Why is that? As another presidential election approaches, the question not only goes unanswered, but unasked.
To win reelection, Trump, a corrupt con man (who jumped ship on his own bankrupt casinos, money in hand, leaving others holding the bag) will cheat and lie. Yet, in the politics of the last half-century, these do not qualify as novelties. (Indeed, apart from being the son of a sitting U.S. vice president, what made Hunter Biden worth $50Gs per month to a gas company owned by a Ukrainian oligarch? I’m curious.) That the president and his associates are engaging in a cover-up is doubtless the case. Yet another cover-up proceeds in broad daylight on a vastly larger scale. “Trump’s shambolic presidency somehow seems less unsavory,” Moyn writes, when considering the fact that his critics refuse “to admit how massively his election signified the failure of their policies, from endless war to economic inequality.” Just so.
What are the real crimes? Who are the real criminals? No matter what happens in the coming months, don’t expect the Trump impeachment proceedings to come within a country mile of addressing such questions.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
U.S. lawmakers, others condemn Trump for 'lynching' comment on impeachment probe
October 22, 2019
October 22, 2019 4:30 PM EDT
U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to the press before a cabinet meeting at the White House, in Washington, D.C., on Monday, Oct. 21, 2019.Brendan Smialowski / AFP via Getty Images
WASHINGTON — U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday again waded into America’s fraught racial history by labeling the impeachment inquiry against him a “lynching” – language that conjured memories of decades of killings of thousands of black people – drawing swift bipartisan condemnation.
“All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here – a lynching. But we will WIN!” Trump wrote on Twitter, referring to the impeachment inquiry in the Democratic-led House of Representatives focusing on his request that Ukraine investigate a domestic political rival, Democrat Joe Biden.
Lynching refers to the murder of thousands of Americans, most of them black, between the 1880s and 1960s, as African-Americans struggled for their rights as U.S. citizens in the aftermath of the Civil War in which Southern states fought in vain to maintain black slavery.
“The president should not compare a constitutionally mandated impeachment inquiry to such a dangerous and dark chapter of American history. It’s irresponsible for him to do so, and I hope that he will apologize,” said House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries, who is black.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, said, “Given the history in our country, I would not compare this to a lynching. That was an unfortunate choice of words.” McConnell added that he viewed the House inquiry as “an unfair process” that is denying Trump “procedural safeguards.”
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Democrats and other critics have previously accused Trump of stoking racial divisions while trying to appeal to his largely white core of conservative Republican voters, noting his comment in 2017 that there were “very fine people on both sides” at a rally by white nationalists in Charlottesville, Virginia in which a counter-protester was killed.
Some Republican allies agreed with Trump’s use of the word lynching.
“It shows a lot of things about our national media. When it’s about Trump, who cares about the process, as long as you get him. So, yeah, this is a lynching in every sense. This is un-American,” Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, whose home state of South Carolina has a large black population, told reporters.
Trump has a long and controversial history on race including decades-old allegations of discrimination in his family’s real estate business. He also championed the death penalty for five black and Latino teens wrongly accused of raping a white woman in 1989 in New York’s Central Park, used an expletive to describe African countries in 2018, and singled out black athletes for criticism after they failed to stand for the national anthem while protesting racial inequity.
Trump’s lynching comment was immediately condemned by critics as unbecoming of a president.
“For him to say something like that was disgusting, reflects his insensitivity toward the historical tragedies of this country,” said Representative Barbara Lee, who said she was not surprised or shocked but Trump’s comments but “just very, very disappointed.”
“For Trump to characterize a legal impeachment inquiry as a lynching shows a complete disrespect for the thousands of Black people lynched – murdered – throughout our nation’s history in acts of racism and hatred,” said Karen Baynes-Dunning, interim president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which advocates for equal opportunity and fights bigotry.
The impeachment inquiry is focused on Trump’s request during a July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy that he investigate a domestic political rival, former vice president Joe Biden. Biden is a leading contender to become the Democratic 2020 presidential nominee to run against Trump.
Senator Tim Scott, the only black Republican U.S. senator and one of just two black Republicans in Congress, said, “I get his absolute rejection of the process,” but said he would not use the word lynching. Scott, like Graham, represents South Carolina.
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Republican Jeb Bush, a former Florida governor who ran in the party’s 2016 presidential nomination contest won by Trump, wrote on Twitter: “The President is not a victim. He should be the most powerful person on the planet. To equate his plight to lynching is grotesque.”
Senator Elizabeth Warren, a leading Democratic presidential candidate, wrote on Twitter, “Lynching is a horrific stain on our country’s history, and it is beyond disgraceful for Donald Trump to invoke one to avoid being held accountable for his crimes.”
White House spokesman Hogan Gidley defended Trump.
“The president was clearly articulating the way he feels and the way you guys have treated him from day one,” Gidley told reporters.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Eminem once grilled by Secret Service over Trump, Ivanka Lyrics
October 24, 2019
October 24, 2019 3:38 PM EDT
LOS ANGELES ( – It turns out that when Eminem rapped in his 2018 song “The Ringer” that he’d been visited by the Secret Service, he was telling the truth.
According to documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by Buzzfeed News, the rapper — who has made no secret of his loathing for the 45th president — was indeed interviewed by Secret Service agents in connection with his lyrics about Trump and his daughter Ivanka, specifically in the song “Framed,” from the “Revival” album, and Eminem’s scathing anti-Trump freestyle aired during the BET Awards in 2017.
Agents met with Eminem (born name: Marshall Mathers) on Jan. 16, 2018. In the most entertaining segment of the report, it recounts that when agents began reading the lyrics of the freestyle, “Mathers was familiar the song and began rap along with the interviewers as the verse was read.”
The interview concluded peacefully and was discussed two days later at an agency meeting, where “it was determined that this case will be NON-REFERRED” to a prosecutor — meaning the agents decided Eminem did not seem to pose a plausible threat to the president or his family.
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The visit was spurred by a call from a “concerned citizen” — who, fittingly enough, turned out to be an unnamed TMZ reporter — that called the agency on Dec. 15, 2017 — the day “Revival” was released — to point out that the album includes a “new song called ‘Framed’ with an inappropriate comment towards President Donald Trump and a threatening comment towards Ivanka Trump.”
“I want to know if your agency is investigating Eminem for his threatening lyrics about First daughter Ivanka Trump,” the reporter asked.
In their report, the agents included several lyrics, focusing on the “Framed” line, “How the f— is Ivanka Trump in the trunk of my car?/… Plus I feel somewhat responsible for the dumb little blonde/ Girl, that motherf—in’ baton twirler that got dumped in the pond/ Second murder with no recollection of it.”
“This is not the first time MATHERS made threatening comments towards POTUS and his family,” the report reads. “In June 2017, MATHERS freestyled comments that were threatening in nature towards POTUS.”
In “The Ringer,” Eminem raps, “Agent Orange just sent the Secret Service/ To meet in person to see if I really think of hurtin’ him/ Or ask if I’m linked to terrorists / I said, ‘Only when it comes to ink and lyricists.’”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
LILLEY: Trump must be jealous of Teflon Trudeau
Brian Lilley
October 31, 2019
October 31, 2019 8:39 PM EDT
U.S. President Donald Trump, left, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hold a bilateral meeting during the G7 summit in Biarritz, France, August 25, 2019. REUTERS/Carlos Barria
As the House of Representatives in Washington voted 232 to 196 to move forward on the impeachment process, I can only imagine that Donald Trump was thinking of his friend to the north, “Justin from Canada.”
Trump must wish that he had the power to shut down investigations, to fire those that stood in his way with impunity and even to block the police from doing a proper investigation. For all those Canadians looking smugly at what is happening south of the border, it’s worth remembering that our own leader has his own problems.
In fact, if Trudeau were dealing with an American style system, he’d probably be on his way out the door. Now that he has moved from a majority government to a minority, Trudeau may still face some problems but not to the extent that Trump is even though objectively, Trudeau is guilty of far worse than Trump.
After the 2016 Presidential election there were claims of Russian interference and collusion between Russian agents and the Trump campaign. Despite spending nearly two years and tens of millions of dollars, and having the full resources of the Justice Department behind him, Special Counsel Robert Mueller couldn’t prove Trump guilty of anything.
He didn’t even recommend any action and Democrats didn’t move to impeach.
In fact, Democrats only moved to impeach when Trump allegedly used a phone call with the leader of Ukraine to go after Joe Biden. Essentially to the Democrats, Trump could do what he wanted as long as he didn’t attack one of their own.
Now they are going to try to remove him from office over a phone call where they say he tried to get benefit for his own personal re-election from a foreign leader.
Let’s compare that to our own newly re-elected PM.
Trudeau, and those in his office, repeatedly interfered in a criminal prosecution of a Canadian company on bribery and corruption charges and part of the reason was his own re-election.
‘I am an MP in Quebec — the member for Papineau,’” Trudeau said to then attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould. Trudeau was asking that Wilson-Raybould to step in and stop the prosecution of SNC-Lavalin because Trudeau was worried about the loss of jobs in his riding.
He worried that if SNC started shedding jobs in Montreal that it would hurt his own re-election chances. That is what the Americans might call a quid-pro-quo.
He wanted SNC protected so that they would keep jobs in Montreal and he could stay the PM and an MP.
“We can have the best policy in the world, but we need to be re-elected,” Trudeau advisor Mathieu Bouchard said at the time hinting that if SNC didn’t get the deal they wanted the Liberals would have trouble at the ballot box.
Of course when Wilson-Raybould wouldn’t do what Trudeau and his advisors wanted she was fired from the position of attorney general.
If only Trump could fire his attorney general without any issue the way Trudeau could.
When the Justice Committee of the House of Commons tried to look into SNC-Lavalin, Trudeau shut it down. When the Ethics Committee tried to do the same, Trudeau’s Liberal MPs voted to stop it.
Even when the RCMP and the Ethics Commissioner tried to investigate and gain access to key witnesses and documents, Trudeau blocked them by refusing to waive privilege and allow access.
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These are the powers that Trump could only dream of having.
Objectively when it comes to SNC-Lavalin, Justin Trudeau has committed far more grievous sins than Trump has because we have actual proof.
Yet Trudeau remains in power with the support of 33% of the population and levers of power that any American president can only dream of.