Documentary makers claim tomb of Jesus found


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The way I see it, is that you have two possible and more-or-less rational answers: that you don't believe in boogeymen for one thing.
and the other thing is that you think your deity would protect you. In the latter case, your deity can't even prevent someone being shot by accident, or ran over by accident, etc.
So that leaves us with the former answer: that you don't believe in boogeymen. Well, tell you what; I don't believe in your god or your Jesus so why would I or any other atheist be afraid of them if you aren't afraid of boogeymen?

Gilbert , are you sying I don't have to be afraid of those boogymen cuz they ain't real, thank you:laughing7::wave:


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The way I see it, is that you have two possible and more-or-less rational answers: that you don't believe in boogeymen for one thing.
and the other thing is that you think your deity would protect you. In the latter case, your deity can't even prevent someone being shot by accident, or ran over by accident, etc.
So that leaves us with the former answer: that you don't believe in boogeymen. Well, tell you what; I don't believe in your god or your Jesus so why would I or any other atheist be afraid of them if you aren't afraid of boogeymen?

Gilbert , are you sying I don't have to be afraid of those boogymen cuz they ain't real, thank you, when I get my jammys on tonight I'm not even going to look in the closet.:wave:


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Sue, don't waste your efforts in this sort of a discussion. Let the doubters yip and yap, it discredits you to take part. They are looking only to insult and ridicule. It is unhealthy spiritually to carry on for you. Let it go. Focus on God and let them sort it out amongst themselves.

Sanctus, surely you know that the Roman Catholic Church, while it can draw its lines back to the Original Catholic Church, is not the one and only contender to that title.

Anglicans also can draw the same line, so can Coptics, so can Orthodox. Each one believes they are the correct church. But from an academic perspective surely you can acknowledge that bit of history?

Edit: You know what I hate?

Those stupid emoticons that people use in the place of real discussion, drowing out any intelligent debate with inanity and little animated icons designed to insult.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Sue, don't waste your efforts in this sort of a discussion. Let the doubters yip and yap, it discredits you to take part. They are looking only to insult and ridicule. It is unhealthy spiritually to carry on for you. Let it go. Focus on God and let them sort it out amongst themselves.

Rufff Rufffff grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruffruff hahahahaha, yes and don't read anything either eh. What's spiritually unhealthy, is to suspend you judgement. ruffruff yip:wave:


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
Sanctus, surely you know that the Roman Catholic Church, while it can draw its lines back to the Original Catholic Church, is not the one and only contender to that title.

Anglicans also can draw the same line, so can Coptics, so can Orthodox. Each one believes they are the correct church. But from an academic perspective surely you can acknowledge that bit of history?

Nope, I attest and affirm that the Holy Roman Catholic Church is THE Church, founded by Christ.


Electoral Member
Dec 13, 2006
Sue, don't waste your efforts in this sort of a discussion. Let the doubters yip and yap, it discredits you to take part. They are looking only to insult and ridicule. It is unhealthy spiritually to carry on for you. Let it go. Focus on God and let them sort it out amongst themselves.

thanks fr. youre right i know. it is bad spiritually to have so much negativity around. people just dont want to be happy, do they?


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Nope, I attest and affirm that the Holy Roman Catholic Church is THE Church, founded by Christ.

I believe he Founded the ORIGINAL Catholic Church.

The Orthodox and Roman Catholics were one church, the roman catholic church and history acknowledge this. Christ and his followers also didn't draw big lines between the power of the pope and the patriarchs, apparently the thought that faith in Jesus would defeat power plays.

The pope decided he was head honcho, infallible. He knew this is true because he declared it.

The Patriarchs felt that the pope was just a figurehead. Since no infallibility had been officially declared to him.

Now, both groups claim to be the original Catholic church, with the other a spin off group who broke away because things didnt' go their way.

Can you honestly Sanctus, not look at this as if you were an outsider?

If me and my brother own a firm called Zzarchov Consulting. Have a fight, split up, and each run a company called "Zzarchov Consulting"...which one of us is the "real" Zzarchov Consulting? Do we both not have a claim?


Also, when you insult and ridicule people who don't share the same views as you, even when they debate civily and rationaly... you really are missing the message of Christ.

Seriously now. Stop trying to spread hatred and despair under the name of love and faith. There is no need to ridicule, and there is never cause to lie in the name of Christ.

It is always a sin to lie.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
youre full of crap. the catholic church is the original church. period. end of story. go play another game with someone else. i dont care what you say. im fairly certain the pope knows more than you do about god and jesus..and i have total faith in the church, thanks very much.

Everybodys full of crap Maplegirl, on average I think it's about 3%of body weight per person.You're very welcome .:laughing7::laughing7::wave:


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Darkbeaver, can you knock if off with the emoticons who's only point is to try and ridicule people. Emoticons are not a signature.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
thanks fr. youre right i know. it is bad spiritually to have so much negativity around. people just dont want to be happy, do they?

WE are not negative, you are. We are full of life and you are full of religion, they're not the same thing, when god no longer serves you, life will. And who told you only christians are happy, what rot the church delivers.:wave:


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
I refuse to debate, I just insult people by using emoticons to ridicule them and hide my own incompetance :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :angel8: :evil3: :wave::wave: :pukeright: :pukeright: :grommit: :|:wave: :wave: :wave: :laughing7: :wave: :wave:

Seriously, please knock it off.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I believe he Founded the ORIGINAL Catholic Church.

The Orthodox and Roman Catholics were one church, the roman catholic church and history acknowledge this. Christ and his followers also didn't draw big lines between the power of the pope and the patriarchs, apparently the thought that faith in Jesus would defeat power plays.

The pope decided he was head honcho, infallible. He knew this is true because he declared it.

The Patriarchs felt that the pope was just a figurehead. Since no infallibility had been officially declared to him.

Now, both groups claim to be the original Catholic church, with the other a spin off group who broke away because things didnt' go their way.

Can you honestly Sanctus, not look at this as if you were an outsider?

If me and my brother own a firm called Zzarchov Consulting. Have a fight, split up, and each run a company called "Zzarchov Consulting"...which one of us is the "real" Zzarchov Consulting? Do we both not have a claim?


Also, when you insult and ridicule people who don't share the same views as you, even when they debate civily and rationaly... you really are missing the message of Christ.

Seriously now. Stop trying to spread hatred and despair under the name of love and faith. There is no need to ridicule, and there is never cause to lie in the name of Christ.

It is always a sin to lie.

Jesus never heard of the catholic church or the pope and the man was never a christian.:laughing7::wave:


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
well his best joke ever (Peter you will be the foundation of the church..peter in greek is Petros..or stone...)

Implies he planned for one.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
I am officially taking myself out of this conversation.

People like sanctus, are very smart when it comes to debating this.

I am a young person, not experienced much in this, and I get too emotional.

If you attest there is no God, how come you are so compelled to constantly discuss and debate it.

See with atheists, they constantly like to talk about their stance on no God. To me, its there way of making it set in stone there is no God.

If they said there was no God and left it at that, they would doubt themselves, instead they obsess in life and on these forums on the issue, the issue consumes them, saying there is no God, that it ends up their passion on talking about it all the time hardens them into the stance, where they are no longer reachable, or worth discussing too.

Me, I don't need to bring up religion everywhere I go to reaffirm my belief, I get involved in these threads, because I get emotional and feel I have to defend my beliefs.

When I should concentrate on my faith, and praying instead of wasting my time and energy debating people who feel they need to blow steam about the issue all the time to validate themselves.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Ignore people who don't but up a rational debate, I generally skim over darkbeaver lately. But I actually enjoy discussing faith with those who have it, versus those who feel the need to "be cool" by being intentionally insulting to other faiths.