Denial site


Time Out
Jun 1, 2012
St Calixte Quebec Canada
Evil Cavemen!

Those are the kind of prehistoric critters we should bring back through cloning,not dinos.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Climate change is real and it,s serious it can kill people and it has never stopped for one second since day one. The problem with the econutfascist fossil fuel retards is there insistence in a normal static climate for earth. Climate change is the norm. Only a fool would pay taxes to modulate the suns output. The plans have banker written all over them.

Those are the kind of prehistoric critters we should bring back through cloning,not dinos.

Let,s see some of them rodeo wimps ride one of them steers.

Denial site is the wrong term, deranged site is probably better.

We're already putting billions of tons a year of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere with dramatic changes on climate already. There are trillions of tons of a very powerful greenhouse gas methane held in ice in tundra and seafloor deposits. As the entire Arctic region warms significantly after the melting of the ice pack then inevitably some of that methane is going into the atmosphere. We're already looking at significant species loss due to current climate change, I guess you can hold with the psychopaths here that hold that destruction of man and the natural world is good, because that's exactly what we're creating.

This site has been carefully and professionally deranged for your mental entertainment.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Denial site is the wrong term, deranged site is probably better.

We're already putting billions of tons a year of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere with dramatic changes on climate already. There are trillions of tons of a very powerful greenhouse gas methane held in ice in tundra and seafloor deposits. As the entire Arctic region warms significantly after the melting of the ice pack then inevitably some of that methane is going into the atmosphere. We're already looking at significant species loss due to current climate change, I guess you can hold with the psychopaths here that hold that destruction of man and the natural world is good, because that's exactly what we're creating.
Which species have we lost so far?


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Dose of reality:

How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic: Responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming | Grist

Climate change: A guide for the perplexed - environment - 16 May 2007 - New Scientist

RealClimate: Start here

Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007

Index to paperlists « AGW Observer

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP)

Purdue Newsroom - Drop in carbon dioxide levels led to polar ice sheet, study finds

Abraham presentation

Trends in Carbon Dioxide

Open Climate Science 101

About : Climate Desk

USGS Release: Climate Projections Underestimate CO2 Impact (12/7/2009 1:50:12 PM)

Climate Denial Crock of the Week - YouTube

yaleclimateforum's channel - YouTube

Yale Project on Climate Change Communication

Scientific Consensus on Global Warming | Union of Concerned Scientists

Deforestation and Global Warming | Green Science | Learn Science at Scitable

Tropical Deforestation and Global Warming | Union of Concerned Scientists

Tropical Deforestation : Feature Articles

How Do We Know Global Warming is Human-Caused? - YouTube

Global Climate Change Indicators

Cookies Required

Global Warming

Global Warming’s Six Americas in May 2011 | *Yale Project on Climate Change Communication

Climategate-gate: The Dangerous Psychology of Ongoing Climate Change Denial - Forbes

Some solutions:

Mission 2012 : Clean Water
Help Fight Climate Change & Global Warming | The Nature Conservancy
Commentary in Nature: Can economy bear what oil prices have in store? | UW Today
New York City Girds Itself for Heat and Rising Seas by Bruce Stutz: Yale Environment 360

And some of the same violent anti-science bull**** you see from members here like Praxius and taxslave:
Popular Science reviews denialists’ war on climate scientists | Climate Science Watch

Although things are starting to change a bit:
Discuss: Are global-warming skeptics breaking a sweat? | Ed cetera | The Seattle Times
NASA - Satellites See Unprecedented Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Melt

For those who have a tough time understanding complex issues how about some first hand acounts:
Voyage to the 'front line' of global warming
Icy Seas | Scientific Musings of a Sailor in a Changing Climate | Page 2

Some articles on the climate change denial movement we can see in full operation here:
Oil firms fund climate change 'denial' | World news | The Guardian
Royal Society tells Exxon: stop funding climate change denial | Environment | The Guardian
The heat is on: The warming of the world's climate sparks a blaze of denial, By Ross Gelbspan (Harper's Magazine)
Doubt is Their Product - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming - James Hoggan - Google Books
Global Warming Deniers Well Funded - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
George Monbiot on climate change and Big Tobacco | Environment | The Guardian
No change in political climate - The Boston Globe
Climate change is another grim tale to be treated with respect - Opinion
Deniers of global warming harm us -
George Monbiot: Top 10 climate change deniers | Environment |
A climate of censorship | Comment is free |
Answering Climate Change Skeptics, Naomi Oreskes - YouTube
Scientists offered cash to dispute climate study | Environment | The Guardian
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Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Given the seriousness of this issue and the damage done already, and the significant risk of cataclysmic climate change, it's disturbing that there isn't much better moderating being done on this forum.

It's being run in the name of Canada and reflects very poorly on our nation.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
Given the seriousness of this issue and the damage done already, and the significant risk of cataclysmic climate change, it's disturbing that there isn't much better moderating being done on this forum.

It's being run in the name of Canada and reflects very poorly on our nation.

OMG! It is the mod's fault now, and admin too! :lol:



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Denial site is the wrong term, deranged site is probably better.

We're already putting billions of tons a year of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere with dramatic changes on climate already. There are trillions of tons of a very powerful greenhouse gas methane held in ice in tundra and seafloor deposits. As the entire Arctic region warms significantly after the melting of the ice pack then inevitably some of that methane is going into the atmosphere. We're already looking at significant species loss due to current climate change, I guess you can hold with the psychopaths here that hold that destruction of man and the natural world is good, because that's exactly what we're creating.

Speaking of deranged and look who shows up. The guy thats thinks we should deliberately destroy our economy because we have had a couple of warm summers. Not going to happen buddy.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Given the seriousness of this issue and the damage done already, and the significant risk of cataclysmic climate change, it's disturbing that there isn't much better moderating being done on this forum.

It's being run in the name of Canada and reflects very poorly on our nation.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Given the seriousness of this issue and the damage done already, and the significant risk of cataclysmic climate change, it's disturbing that there isn't much better moderating being done on this forum.

It's being run in the name of Canada and reflects very poorly on our nation.

SO if you quit posting the mods won't have to ban you again.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
So while this site basically is saying climate change isn't happening- otherwise why would all the denial anti-science be pinned at the top- we've got the lowest level of Arctic sea ice since about 120,000 years ago, heading to a summertime ice free Arctic very soon. If anyone gives you BS on how the ice melt in the 1930s was the same as today then scroll down the page below to the map. Ice in the Arctic has been studied for over a century, it's never done anything like this in recorded history.

Arctic Sea Ice

Research that indicates that extreme temperature events have increased in frequency.

NASA GISS: Research News: Research Links Extreme Summer Heat Events to Global Warming

A new statistical analysis by NASA scientists has found that Earth's land areas have become much more likely to experience an extreme summer heat wave than they were in the middle of the 20th century. The research was published today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

One of the worst droughts in US history, totally consistent with predictions of the negative effects of climate change.

State of the Climate | Drought | July 2012

Based on the Palmer Drought Index, severe to extreme drought affected about 38 percent of the contiguous United States as of the end of July 2012, an increase of about 5 percent from last month. About 2 percent of the contiguous U.S. fell in the severely to extremely wet categories.
About 57 percent of the contiguous U.S. fell in the moderate to extreme drought categories (based on the Palmer Drought Index) at the end of July.

New Orleans is also getting hammered again.

I hope sites like this and those responsible for the continued dependence on fossil fuels eventually get sued, shut down and potentially locked up, what's being done is immoral and borderline if not outright criminal.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
One of the worst droughts in US history, totally consistent with predictions of the negative effects of climate change.

State of the Climate | Drought | July 2012

Sigh... GW enthusiasts using weather again.

New Orleans is also getting hammered again.


A hurricane during hurricane season is now proof of GW.

What a dumb azz.

I hope sites like this and those responsible for the continued dependence on fossil fuels eventually get sued, shut down and potentially locked up, what's being done is immoral and borderline if not outright criminal.

Wait a second! Are you actually saying that CanCon should be shut down because members aren't buying into GW? CanCon should be sued?

Debate should be shut down?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
I hope sites like this and those responsible for the continued dependence on fossil fuels eventually get sued, shut down and potentially locked up, what's being done is immoral and borderline if not outright criminal.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
You're a moderator here? It is possible to communicate ideas with words and not silly pictures, but then you'd need to understand what's being discussed.

Uses of Coal - World Coal Association

Coal has many important uses worldwide. The most significant uses are in electricity generation, steel production, cement manufacturing and as a liquid fuel. Around 6.1 billion tonnes of hard coal were used worldwide last year and 1 billion tonnes of brown coal. Since 2000, global coal consumption has grown faster than any other fuel. The five largest coal users - China, USA, India, Russia and Japan - account for 77% of total global coal use.

So over 7 BILLION tons of coal are consumed a year and close to 100,000 barrels of oil a day in the world. It's been know SINCE THE MIDDLE 1800s that carbon dioxide acts to trap thermal energy in the atmosphere and we're putting BILLIONS of tons of the stuff into the air every year.

Temperature measurements have been going up in recent decades, ice melting around the globe, this year has seen the lowest volume of Arctic sea ice, less than 1/3 of what it was 30 years ago and somehow we're living in a world that going by this site is cooling?

Truly bizarre. Most Canadians I know are pretty smart, this site and our current government are an insult to average Canadians.

They also pose a clear and present danger to our future.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You're a moderator here?
Yes he is...

It is possible to communicate ideas with words and not silly pictures, but then you'd need to understand what's being discussed.
This is what he was discussing with his aptly chosen pic...

I hope sites like this and those responsible for the continued dependence on fossil fuels eventually get sued, shut down and potentially locked up, what's being done is immoral and borderline if not outright criminal.

Attacks on this site, are going to garner the ire of the Mods, and patrons alike.

Stop being such a bitch.
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Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
When you go through the list of denialist BS threads started by Locutus here it's amazing.

Makes you wonder what planet people like that live on.

So while the poles rapidly melt(about as fast as the worst case scenarios) and we're already dealing with serious weather produced by climate change like the massive drought in the US this summer, we also have a killer from the deep past waiting in the wings.

Massive methane gas stores could sit beneath Antarctica | Earth | EarthSky

There could be a similar amount of methane stored beneath Antarctica’s vast ice sheets as there is trapped in the Arctic permafrost, researchers have discovered.

The large scale release of methane has been associated with several mass extinctions and rapid warming events in the deep past like the end Permian extinction that came close to wiping out all life.


However, only one sufficiently powerful cause has been proposed for the global 10 ‰ reduction in the 13C/12C ratio: the release of methane from methane clathrates;[9] and carbon-cycle models confirm that it would have been sufficient to produce the observed reduction.[105][108] Methane clathrates, also known as methane hydrates, consist of methane molecules trapped in cages of water molecules. The methane is produced by methanogens (microscopic single-celled organisms) and has a 13C/12C ratio about 60 ‰ below normal (δ13C −60 ‰). At the right combination of pressure and temperature it gets trapped in clathrates fairly close to the surface of permafrost and in much larger quantities at continental margins (continental shelves and the deeper seabed close to them). Oceanic methane hydrates are usually found buried in sediments where the seawater is at least 300 metres (980 ft) deep. They can be found up to about 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) below the sea floor, but usually only about 1,100 metres (3,600 ft) below the sea floor.[109]

"Our" PM( he really is the tool of the fossil fuel sector), thinks it's wonderful that the Arctic ice is melting, the oil and gas companies can get up there and make a killing with the new reserves opened up by the rapidly disappearing ice. They can also speed up the release of the trillions of tons of methane gas estimated to be frozen there and the real killing is going to be of our future.

I guess if you're a complete sociopath(according to a book I'm reading 1 in 25 people are) then this would seem to be a great idea.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
When you go through the list of denialist BS threads started by Locutus here it's amazing.

Makes you wonder what planet people like that live on.

So while the poles rapidly melt(about as fast as the worst case scenarios) and we're already dealing with serious weather produced by climate change like the massive drought in the US this summer, we also have a killer from the deep past waiting in the wings.

The large scale release of methane has been associated with several mass extinctions and rapid warming events in the deep past like the end Permian extinction that came close to wiping out all life.


"Our" PM( he really is the tool of the fossil fuel sector), thinks it's wonderful that the Arctic ice is melting, the oil and gas companies can get up there and make a killing with the new reserves opened up by the rapidly disappearing ice. They can also speed up the release of the trillions of tons of methane gas estimated to be frozen there and the real killing is going to be of our future.

I guess if you're a complete sociopath(according to a book I'm reading 1 in 25 people are) then this would seem to be a great idea.

And let's not forget your earlier assertion that a Hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico during Hurricane Season is a sure sign of GW.

The large scale release of methane has been associated with several mass extinctions and rapid warming events in the deep past like the end Permian extinction that came close to wiping out all life.


Did man cause that too?