Death knell for AGW


Council Member
Apr 24, 2012
Source for what. Source for climate change is every scientist who ha any part in researching or commenting on the research. Every National Academy of Sciences. Every government in the world except the present Canadian.

Source for the dangers and consequences is every scientific study and paper written for the past dozen or so years. Source for CO2 as the culprit is the laws of Physics and the undeniable fact that there has been no other variable at work for forty years. Source for CO2 as human in origin is the fact that the type of CO2 that is showing in increased concentrations can come only from the burning of fossil fuels.

What other sources do you want?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Shoulkd anyone care what Klaus says or thinks? His own government does not and he has been touting this rubbish for many years.

It has not stopped the Czech Republic from being a participant in Kyoto and attempting to reduce its emissions.

Weasel Zippers; Small Dead Animals! They have about the same credibility as Wattsupwiththat.

All of which have far more credibility than you troll.

Droughts will happen. A drought is not a new phenomenom.

Unless one happens on the wet coast. Never happened yet though. In fact this spring was colder than normal.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'm waiting for him to tell me how he can be the same person that wrote this, while he claims to have been published in UN articles.

But the name of the author of the that doggerel, can not be found in the UN directory of authors, contributing or otherwise.

Scabbage What's this UN crap and where the hell did you come up with it?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I had heard that theory as well, along with goats chewing everything down to the roots. Does anyone else find it odd that some posters think that because we have extreme conditions on the planet that our actions won't produce more. It has been long understood that co2 is a greenhouse gas. It is readily recognized that our burning of fossil fuels is putting massive amounts of this greenhouse gas into the air, that we are about halfway through the oil with plenty of coal to burn, and it should follow then that if we continue to burn them we will definitely make things more extreme

Where is the comprehension problem?

If I understand the science correctly all that fossil fuel is sequestered carbon. So it must have been lose at one time which would mean that there had to have been much more CO2 in the atmosphere. We also know that trees live off CO2 and produce oxygen and that young vibrant growth produces lots of O2 while old decadent forests actually use more O2 than they produce. Which means that you cityots are primarily responsible because you clear cut and plant concrete and asphalt.Then to top it off you have made reserves out of the old decadent trees, compounding the problem. Us loggers cut down mature trees that are reaching the end of their most productive O2 producing cycle and replant with new ones. Which means that we are the best thing going for the environment.


Council Member
Apr 24, 2012
Scabbage What's this UN crap and where the hell did you come up with it?

I did not and the sore headed Bear is trying to foment trouble again.

What I did say on one of the Quebec threads was that the UN, in the deliberations about the Davidson case, used a sentence from an article I wrote (in the Montreal Star), verbatim, in concluding that Quebec's language laws arre illegal. And, in syaing that it could not intervene until all domestic resources are exhausted.

And that is all I have to say. The Bear cab go and see a taxidermist for all I will have to do with him.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I did not and the sore headed Bear is trying to foment trouble again.

What I did say on one of the Quebec threads was that the UN, in the deliberations about the Davidson case, used a sentence from an article I wrote (in the Montreal Star), verbatim, in concluding that Quebec's language laws arre illegal. And, in syaing that it could not intervene until all domestic resources are exhausted.

And that is all I have to say. The Bear cab go and see a taxidermist for all I will have to do with him.
Never under estimate the powers of the Google navigator....


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
What I did say on one of the Quebec threads was that the UN, in the deliberations about the Davidson case, used a sentence from an article I wrote (in the Montreal Star), verbatim, in concluding that Quebec's language laws arre illegal.
That would make you a contributing author to a UN article, and would be cited.

And since I know the name of the person that wrote the Harper poem, but can't find that name anywhere in the UN author database, something smells.

I just ran that same name through the Montreal Gazette's archives, since they incorporated them after taking over the Star.

No matches.

Something still smells.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
And that is why cool oceans cause droughts?

Ge I dunno, why don't you read the link you posted earlier.. The Perfect Ocean for Drought ;-)

After looking at this data, Hoerling became curious and decided to investigate whether there was a common cause for these droughts. During the four year period from 1998-2002, cooler waters had been in effect in the eastern Pacific, part of the phenomenon known as La Niña.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
During the four year period from 1998-2002, cooler waters had been in effect in the eastern Pacific, part of the phenomenon known as La Niña.
The other part being the PDO which is still humming along in full flip while la nina turns to el nino and the drought persists....because of the PDO.

The steam fom Les' sugared up coffee doesn't have the energy to make it over the Sierras let alone the Rockies.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
via sda:

Climategate 2.0: Man to Mann

Rich Lowry;
Usually, you don’t welcome a nuisance lawsuit, because it’s a nuisance. It consumes time. It costs money. But this is a different matter in light of one word: discovery.

So, as you might have heard, Michael Mann of Climategate infamy is threatening to sue us.
Mann is upset — very, very upset — with this Mark Steyn Corner post, which had the temerity to call Mann’s hockey stick “fraudulent.” The Steyn post was mild compared with other things that have been said about the notorious hockey stick, and, in fact, it fell considerably short of an item about Mann published elsewhere that Steyn quoted in his post.

So why threaten to sue us? I rather suspect it is because the Steyn post was savagely witty and stung poor Michael.

Possessing not an ounce of Steyn’s wit or eloquence, poor Michael didn’t try to engage him in a debate. He sent a laughably threatening letter and proceeded to write pathetically lame chest-thumping posts on his Facebook page. (Is it too much to ask that world-renowned climate scientists spend less time on Facebook?)

All of this is transparent nonsense, as our letter of response outlines.

In common polemical usage, “fraudulent” doesn’t mean honest-to-goodness criminal fraud. It means intellectually bogus and wrong. I consider Mann’s prospective lawsuit fraudulent. Uh-oh. I guess he now has another reason to sue us.

Usually, you don’t welcome a nuisance lawsuit, because it’s a nuisance. It consumes time. It costs money. But this is a different matter in light of one word: discovery.

If Mann sues us, the materials we will need to mount a full defense will be extremely wide-ranging. So if he files a complaint, we will be doing more than fighting a nuisance lawsuit; we will be embarking on a journalistic project of great interest to us and our readers.

more good stuff

Get Lost - Rich Lowry - National Review Online

small dead animals: Climategate 2.0: Man to Mann



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
From what i've heard a week ago,apparently the sahara was fertile at on time in the past,but the humans that lived there,damaged it with irrigation diverting the rivers screwing with nature,then POOF water gone.

if true,then we are repeating the mistakes of the past.

Are you serious? Please tell me you're kidding.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I read it. I can't see anywhere that prehistoric humans diverted rivers or used irrigation. Can you?

Or is there going to be some goal post moving? Let me know OK?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
That would make you a contributing author to a UN article, and would be cited.

And since I know the name of the person that wrote the Harper poem, but can't find that name anywhere in the UN author database, something smells.

I just ran that same name through the Montreal Gazette's archives, since they incorporated them after taking over the Star.

No matches.

Something still smells.

Generally it is called plagiarism but most newspapers don't care if a short quote is used in a letter to the editor with no acknowledgment.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Sumerian Babylonian,those are 2 of the civilisations that existed before greeks and romans

Oh I didn't know the Sumerians and Babylonions were in the Sahara. Are you are telling me they were?

Let's stick with the Garamates that actually were in the Sahara.

The Garamates diverted what rivers? And the Garamates used so much irrigation that it made the Sahara a desert?