Source for what. Source for climate change is every scientist who ha any part in researching or commenting on the research. Every National Academy of Sciences. Every government in the world except the present Canadian.
Source for the dangers and consequences is every scientific study and paper written for the past dozen or so years. Source for CO2 as the culprit is the laws of Physics and the undeniable fact that there has been no other variable at work for forty years. Source for CO2 as human in origin is the fact that the type of CO2 that is showing in increased concentrations can come only from the burning of fossil fuels.
What other sources do you want?
Source for the dangers and consequences is every scientific study and paper written for the past dozen or so years. Source for CO2 as the culprit is the laws of Physics and the undeniable fact that there has been no other variable at work for forty years. Source for CO2 as human in origin is the fact that the type of CO2 that is showing in increased concentrations can come only from the burning of fossil fuels.
What other sources do you want?