Death knell for AGW


Council Member
Apr 24, 2012
I warn you now, Bear. Stop the slander now or I will take legal action against you. You are a singularly vile piece of work. You see, I can prove it but have not the slightest interst in your views or opinion.

And this is the only warning you will get.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I warn you now, Bear. Stop the slander now or I will take legal action against you. You are a singularly vile piece of work. You see, I can prove it but have not the slightest interst in your views or opinion.

And this is the only warning you will get.

Oh brother. Slander... Legal Action...Seriously?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ok, I give up. Tell me.
I'm asking you. If the PDO has ocean surface temps far cooler than normal air is going to be far cooler (less energy stored) and unable to carry water molecules very far inland making for nice mid-continental droughts.

Have we had any of those lately? Was it snowy and rainy enough for you last winter and spring?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I'm asking you. If the PDO has ocean surface temps far cooler than normal air is going to be far cooler (less energy stored) and unable to carry water molecules very far inland making for nice mid-continental droughts.
:) Air molecules don't carry water molecules. Air, moist or not is a mixture of gases. The molecules do not meld.
Like I said, shouldn't have skipped those science classes.

Have we had any of those lately?
Who is "we"?
Was it snowy and rainy enough for you last winter and spring?
Average snow in comparison to the last decade or so. The spring produced more precip in June than normal bet also produced less precip than normal earlier.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
:) Air molecules don't carry water molecules. Air, moist or not is a mixture of gases. The molecules do not meld.
Like I said, shouldn't have skipped those science classes.

Who is "we"?Average snow in comparison to the last decade or so. The spring produced more precip in June than normal bet also produced less precip than normal earlier.
Without heated air is it going to travel? Just average precip in mountains this year eh? Explain that theory to the people flooded out this year and I bet they'll have some questions to follow.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Without heated air is it going to travel?
You tell me. You seem to consider yourself the expert on all things climactic.
Just average precip in mountains this year eh?
I didn't say that. You're attempts at diversion are getting weaker. We don't live in the mountains. We live beside the lake with the mountains behind us.
Explain that theory to the people flooded out this year and I bet they'll have some questions to follow.
I bet they don't. People got flooded because by the time the spring rains came (they were late) they combined with the time of when the snow melts the fastest. That combination is what led to the huge amount of water.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
As always, the devil is in the details. PDO alone doesn't do a very good job of explaining North American drought. In fact, the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation explains more variation than the PDO. When scientists look at the principle components (PC) of North American drought, they find the PDO, the AMO, and a third PC related to North Hemisphere temperature. Taken together they account for nearly three quarters of the total variability in both drought frequency, and the spatial patterns observed.

Focusing on one variable alone as the culprit is foolish. That would be like focusing only on either diet, exercise, or family history as the explanatory variable for hypertension risk.

Some reading on drought predictors for those interested:
Pacific and Atlantic Ocean influences on multidecadal drought frequency in the United States


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Focusing on one variable alone as the culprit is foolish.
BINGO. With la nina just phasing out the two sure created a **** kicker of a drought while they coincided. huh? Perhaps when the PDO does return to normal so will mid continent precip.
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I warn you now, Bear. Stop the slander now or I will take legal action against you. You are a singularly vile piece of work. You see, I can prove it but have not the slightest interst in your views or opinion.

And this is the only warning you will get.

So much for your knowledge of the law.

So long as Cabbagesandking is an anonymous entity on the net, you have no grounds.

You have to prove actual damages. It's not like your make believe world on the net, lol.


Electoral Member
Jun 11, 2012
If I understand the science correctly all that fossil fuel is sequestered carbon. So it must have been lose at one time which would mean that there had to have been much more CO2 in the atmosphere. We also know that trees live off CO2 and produce oxygen and that young vibrant growth produces lots of O2 while old decadent forests actually use more O2 than they produce. Which means that you cityots are primarily responsible because you clear cut and plant concrete and asphalt.Then to top it off you have made reserves out of the old decadent trees, compounding the problem. Us loggers cut down mature trees that are reaching the end of their most productive O2 producing cycle and replant with new ones. Which means that we are the best thing going for the environment.

It would not have had to be loose all at one time. It was sequestered over hundreds of millions of years, but yes if it had all been loose at one time things would have been much warmer than they are now. So now if we continue to use and release the carbon from all that fossil fuel it will get warm. And we will not have the thousands of years most earlier climate changes have allowed for mitigation and adaptation.

Even benefits of human behavior like saving forests from cutting are not necessarily net benefits if other actions which are negative such as slash and burn agriculture outweigh the benefits.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
via sda

The Sound Of Settled Science

More evidence that the big, glowing ball in the sky may affect Earth's climate;
A study published in the journal of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) shows an association between the freezing of the Rhine River in Central Europe and variation in sunspots. The study examined records of the Rhine going back to 1780 and noted that it froze in places 14 times from that period to 1963. It has not frozen since. Ten of the 14 times it froze were periods of a quiet sun (few sunspots). The suggested link is that a dormant sun emits less ultraviolet energy, which heats the upper atmosphere, thus changing the atmospheric circulation patterns and weather patterns for various regions of Europe. The study suggests that the unusually cold winters in Central Europe in 2010 and 2011 were the result of low solar activity, contradicting those who are claiming these are the result of declining Arctic sea ice. Of course, the study is not definitive, but suggests further investigation is needed.

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup | Watts Up With That?

small dead animals: The Sound Of Settled Science