Death knell for AGW


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
CO2 has been labeled by legislation as a dangerous gas and as such will be regulated by law accross international boundries. This is very clearly a demonic final solution assault on the plant kingdom by the insane primates. Where is corrupt World Wildlife Fund?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
They want to pump the CO2 into the ground in huge vats right next to the seed banks and the water tanks. So if we cook freeze or get swept off the surface the bunkered bankers will still have grass for their lawns and bananas for their monkeys when the sun comes out again on that happy day in the near future when the peace of desolation covers the old ball. There should be lots of composting material piled up in huge reefs in the foothills.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
CO2 IS a dangerous gas (along with the others we needlessly add to the atmosphere. It causes acidification. That's not good for plantlife.
Warming reduces oxygen content, and in case you didn't know it, plants need oxygen just as much as CO2. They perform both photosynthesis and respiration during daylight hours, only respiration during night hours. Between the lack of oxygen and the acidification of the oceans, fauna in a large part of the oceans disappears. Animals depend on the fauna for food and shelter, they will move. Plants don't move quickly. Guess where most of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere comes from .... yup; the ocean's fauna.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Anybody happen to know what happens when you put plants in a greenhouse with higher temperature, and higher carbon dioxide, without giving them additional water and other nutrients? They don't exhibit better growth, except for very specific species. Carbon dioxide is not the limiting nutrient.

For those unfamiliar with agriculture, we call it Liebig's law of the minimum.

Sigh, it's a tough job some days fighting ignorance...


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
CO2 IS a dangerous gas (along with the others we needlessly add to the atmosphere. It causes acidification. That's not good for plantlife.
Warming reduces oxygen content, and in case you didn't know it, plants need oxygen just as much as CO2. They perform both photosynthesis and respiration during daylight hours, only respiration during night hours. Between the lack of oxygen and the acidification of the oceans, fauna in a large part of the oceans disappears. Animals depend on the fauna for food and shelter, they will move. Plants don't move quickly. Guess where most of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere comes from .... yup; the ocean's fauna.
Ugh, not enough coffee this morning I guess. Replace where I said "fauna" with the word "flora".


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Posted: December 11, 2009, 9:08 PM by NP Editor

Western carbon dioxide emissions increase plant yields in the Third World. So why are they asking for reparations?

By Lawrence Solomon

t Copenhagen, Third World countries are demanding hundreds of billions of dollars in reparations from the West for the consequences of the West’s fossil fuel burning, among them droughts and crop failures.​

Third World countries have it backwards. The West’s CO2 emissions have been increasing crop yields while helping to ease the Third World’s water shortages. Rather than plead for reparations, Third World governments should offer a paean to Providence.​

The bureaucrats at Copenhagen dread high CO2 levels. The biosphere craves them. Plants evolved when CO2 levels in the atmosphere stood at a healthy 1000 parts per million, two-to-three times today’s paltry level of about 380 parts per million. Plants crave CO2 so much that commercial greenhouse operators often enrich greenhouse air with CO2 — also known as nature’s fertilizer — to levels of 1500 parts per million, or four times that of our current atmosphere.​

Since humans began adding CO2 to the planet’s atmosphere, taking plants off their starvation rations by creating a planet-wide greenhouse, plants have thrived. Data from NASA satellites, which since the early 1980s have been tracking the amount of biota on Earth, vividly demonstrate the results. As CO2 emissions grew in leaps and bounds, so did plants — the data shows planet Earth is now greener than when those satellite measurements began.​



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
December 12, 2009
Get Global Warming Out of Our Schools

By Jane Jamison

[FONT=times new roman,times]Because of the recent revelations of "Climategate" and my experience raising two children in private and public schools in California, I believe we need to start a nationwide campaign to get "global warming" immediately removed from the curriculum of our schools. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]We cannot wait for politicians or activists to do any more damage to our future generation. "Global warming" is not just an objectionable and discredited scientific theory. Teachers are grafting the loony climate-change premise onto lifestyle, religion, and politics in "science" classrooms. It cannot stand. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]The leaked e-mails and subsequent evaluation of their contents, which inspired the term "Climategate," sound the alarm that we have been fooled for thirty years. There is good cause to believe that the "global warming" data was contorted to achieve a desired result, that true facts were suppressed or destroyed, and that truth-tellers were censored by climate gurus on a mission.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Even if a local school district does not want to accept that "global warming" has been completely debunked, the argument can be made that the "theory" is so suspect that it will likely be investigated in Congress, if not in a criminal fraud venue. It cannot be passed off to students as "settled science." Insist on removing "global warming" until there is consensus sometime in the future.[/FONT]


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
CO2 IS a dangerous gas (along with the others we needlessly add to the atmosphere. It causes acidification. That's not good for plantlife.
Warming reduces oxygen content, and in case you didn't know it, plants need oxygen just as much as CO2. They perform both photosynthesis and respiration during daylight hours, only respiration during night hours. Between the lack of oxygen and the acidification of the oceans, fauna in a large part of the oceans disappears. Animals depend on the fauna for food and shelter, they will move. Plants don't move quickly. Guess where most of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere comes from .... yup; the ocean's fauna.

Plants move faster than animals, they fly more often than humans, they are the most mobile of all life forms on this planet. You are such a confused person, thank goodness you have Lester the rock to take care of you.;-)


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
This point does bother me, where do these "Third world countries" get the right to demand anything from the industrialized countries. They sat back on their duffs and stole, robbed and stripped their countries wealth for personal use of leaders (I mean thru dictatorial type governments). We, (the industrialized nations) owe them nothing, plus we have our own problems to solve.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Posted: December 11, 2009, 9:08 PM by NP Editor

Western carbon dioxide emissions increase plant yields in the Third World. So why are they asking for reparations?

By Lawrence Solomon

t Copenhagen, Third World countries are demanding hundreds of billions of dollars in reparations from the West for the consequences of the West’s fossil fuel burning, among them droughts and crop failures.​

Third World countries have it backwards. The West’s CO2 emissions have been increasing crop yields while helping to ease the Third World’s water shortages. Rather than plead for reparations, Third World governments should offer a paean to Providence.​

The bureaucrats at Copenhagen dread high CO2 levels. The biosphere craves them. Plants evolved when CO2 levels in the atmosphere stood at a healthy 1000 parts per million, two-to-three times today’s paltry level of about 380 parts per million. Plants crave CO2 so much that commercial greenhouse operators often enrich greenhouse air with CO2 — also known as nature’s fertilizer — to levels of 1500 parts per million, or four times that of our current atmosphere.​

Since humans began adding CO2 to the planet’s atmosphere, taking plants off their starvation rations by creating a planet-wide greenhouse, plants have thrived. Data from NASA satellites, which since the early 1980s have been tracking the amount of biota on Earth, vividly demonstrate the results. As CO2 emissions grew in leaps and bounds, so did plants — the data shows planet Earth is now greener than when those satellite measurements began.​

Carbon dioxide is not the limiting nutrient. These assertions are not grounded in reality.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Plants move faster than animals, they fly more often than humans, they are the most mobile of all life forms on this planet. You are such a confused person, thank goodness you have Lester the rock to take care of you.;-)
When was the last time you saw a tree fly? Seeds can fly. It takes plantLIFE decades to move a mile away. Animals can wander about at will.
Have another toke, Beaver. Your brain needs it.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
lol Why bother, Ton? Walter refuses to dump the ignorance. He's on a crusade.

I do my best to contain the ignorance. Walter's not going to change. Random internet traffic might include those looking for answers, and they should know these things aren't up to the whims of an editorializing/opinionated journalist. :smile:


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past

By Charles Onians
Monday, 20 March 2000

Britain's winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives.


Snow and ice to hit Britain at New Year

Snow and freezing weather could bring an icy start to 2010 with forecasters predicting the return of plunging temperatures for the New year.

Published: 2:46AM GMT 27 Dec 2009

CRU’s forecast: UK winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event” « Watts Up With That?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006

More importantly, no statistically significant cooling. This is a statistical trick. The reason that climate is defined as 30 years of weather, is because at that time frame it is highly unlikely that any significant trend could be due to noise.

If you understand even basic statistics, this post by Tamino should make the issue clear:
How Long? « Open Mind


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past

By Charles Onians
Monday, 20 March 2000

Britain's winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives.


Snow and ice to hit Britain at New Year

Snow and freezing weather could bring an icy start to 2010 with forecasters predicting the return of plunging temperatures for the New year.

Published: 2:46AM GMT 27 Dec 2009

CRU’s forecast: UK winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event” « Watts Up With That?
Yup, weather happens. Go figure.