from the godfather 'Fred Singer' no less! :mrgreen: Well done, Locutus! As a few here have shown, there is no pause... there has been a slower rate of warming based on surface temperature readings of certain datasets. Your article author's first sentence speaks to the purposeful cherry-pick to align with the anomalous 97/98 ENSO event; one that can be measured against this graphic that shows the BS for what it truly is:
you've also been apprised that some of the surface temperature datasets lack coverage of station data from remote areas of the earth (like the Arctic, like areas of Africa) that are warming the most. In that regard, it was member Tonington that offered a reference to the
Cowtan/Way hybridization method to upgrade the HadCRUT4 dataset... one that allows you interactively to bring forward your own results for surface temperature warming... results like the following; results that clearly show there has been no pause. Notwithstanding, of course, that this doesn't even factor the warming of the oceans where more than 90% of all warming goes into: