"The reality is that the Conservatives federally cannot get elected without a credible climate plan."
It must have been all the oil and gas subsidies that cost Trudeau the lead?"The reality is that the Conservatives federally cannot get elected without a credible climate plan."
That means they are guaranteed to win, since Conservatives are the only party with any plan at all."The reality is that the Conservatives federally cannot get elected without a credible climate plan."
Looks like you're an imbecilic shit pump who STILL moronically thinks I support(ed) the Conservatives. You know what your problem is Punky Brewster? You have such a raging denial and severe case of cranial-rectal inversion.Looks like it's working out for the Cons since they broke up with Jinentonix.
Seriously dude, getting sick of hearing that bullshit. Not all of us in Ontario are selfish, self-serving, self-absorbed asswipes who care nothing about Canada as a whole.The proper economic plan is to ignore all the globull warming truthers and export as much coal, oil, and NG as possible until there is no market for it. We can easily split Canada at the OntariOWE border and let those in the east starve and wallow in debt while the West prospers.
According to my calculations, based on the "experts" proclamations that "we have just 12 years to turn things around or else" ever since 1950. we will have gone extinct 6 times by next year.If climate were a crisis, nuclear powerplants would be popping up overnight like mushrooms on a rotting log.
30 years of flailing around about crisis from the unwashed has accomplished what?
The stated goal is to slash emissions by at least 40 per cent compared to 2005 levels by 2030.
"I've been crystal clear why climate change is important to me, not just as a politician. I talk about climate change with my daughter Mollie, who's 15. And we need to make our emission targets as a country," O'Toole said.
O'Toole acknowledges some Conservatives 'frustrated' over carbon pricing plan
Erin O'Toole acknowledged a long-simmering sentiment within Conservative circles on Saturday: the Tory leader's carbon-pricing scheme is not universally beloved among the party faithful.beta.ctvnews.ca
Where did you get that from?Hey, that bone head liberal O'Tool wants to make vaccinations mandatory. Is that idiot any different from comrade Fidel Trudeau who wants to do the same thing?
True, so that makes it your duty to change things around. Like Quebec, I'm sure there are a good number of people there that dislike the activities of their provincial government but hey are not doing anything visible to turn the tide of hatred to the rest of Canada.Seriously dude, getting sick of hearing that bullshit. Not all of us in Ontario are selfish, self-serving, self-absorbed asswipes who care nothing about Canada as a whole.
where do you get this from?? do you have a source to back this up?Hey, that bone head liberal O'Tool wants to make vaccinations mandatory. Is that idiot any different from comrade Fidel Trudeau who wants to do…..![]()
I cannot remember where I read this. Dam, I really wish I could now.Where did you get that from?
See above.where do you get this from?? do you have a source to back this up?
Liberal campaign propaganda. I read the same thing. All the LPC financed media outlets have posted much the same.I cannot remember where I read this. Dam, I really wish I could now.
See above.
But we will all find out soon enough after the election to see if what I read was true about what O'Tool said about vaccine passports. Until then, that is the best that I can offer for now.
The first year will be largely paying off turdOWE's gifts of our money to his friends and family .From the sun, no less:
The Conservatives’ enthusiastic abandonment of conservatism
If elected, a Conservative government would rack up a deficit of $168 billion in its first year. For context, the highest deficit ever incurred by Stephen Harper topped out at only $55.6 billion – and that was during the worst year of the Great Recession. It’s also noticeably higher than the $157 billion deficit that the Liberals intend to rack up in their first year.
FIRST READING: The Conservatives’ enthusiastic abandonment of conservatism
Trudeau doesn't say "uh" as much in Frenchtorontosun.com