Controversy surrounds re-enactment of historic Quebec battle


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Semper Fi EagleSmack
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Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
What is all the fuss about, we re-enact battles all over the place, there were victors and losers. We both come from one nation now. (The U.S. and Canada) Battle reenactments can be a very enjoyable events, socializing partying etc. Enjoy it, life is to short.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Plains of Abraham re-enactment doubtful after separatist outcry
Source: Plains of Abraham re-enactment doubtful after separatist outcry

MONTREAL — The leader of a small network of Quebec separatists was claiming victory Saturday after it was announced that plans to re-enact the Battle of the Plains of Abraham have been “modified.”

The re-enactment had been slated as part of 250th anniversary celebrations of the pivotal battle in the French-British struggle for North America.

“Yes, it was because of us that they have cancelled it,” Patrick Bourgeois, leader of Le Reseau de Resistance du Quebecois said Saturday.

“I’m very proud of that.”

Bourgeois’s Internet campaign and his threats to disrupt the celebrations appeared to have had the desired effect.

Andre Juneau, director of the National Battlefields Commission, which is organizing the celebrations, confirmed Saturday there had been a change of plans.

He told reporters in Quebec City that he will announce on Tuesday a “modified program that will take into consideration the entirety of all the recriminations that we have received, and that will take into consideration … certain threats.”

Juneau said he was surprised the reaction had been so vocal.

After all, the battle has been re-enacted three times before, most recently in 2004, luring thousands of tourists to the provincial capital.

Bourgeois expressed delight Saturday that his campaign ignited opposition to the re-enactment of the 1759 battle in which British forces defeated French and Canadian troops, marking the beginning of the end to French colonialism in North America.

He claimed the celebrations constitute “federalist propaganda.”

Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe and Parti Quebecois Leader Pauline Marois supported le Reseau de Resistance in its opposition to the re-enactment, calling it disrespectful.

Bourgeois had threatened to bring out hundreds of demonstrators to disrupt the celebrations.

“We were not going to be violent,” he said. “But we planned to do whatever civil disobedience was necessary.”

In a written statement on his website, Bourgeois warned any tourist who visited Quebec City for the re-enactment that “they would not forget their visit for a very long time.”

Bourgeois said he didn’t know for sure how many militants are in his group.

“There are between 200 and 300 paying members,” he said, adding that many more have signed up since he began his campaign.

He described the re-enactment as part of a continuing political struggle between Canada and Quebec separatists and said it “showed disrespect for Quebecers and our ancestors.”

Montreal Gazette


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Plains of Abraham re-enactment doubtful after separatist outcry
Source: Plains of Abraham re-enactment doubtful after separatist outcry

MONTREAL — The leader of a small network of Quebec separatists was claiming victory Saturday after it was announced that plans to re-enact the Battle of the Plains of Abraham have been “modified.”

The re-enactment had been slated as part of 250th anniversary celebrations of the pivotal battle in the French-British struggle for North America.

“Yes, it was because of us that they have cancelled it,” Patrick Bourgeois, leader of Le Reseau de Resistance du Quebecois said Saturday.

“I’m very proud of that.”

Bourgeois’s Internet campaign and his threats to disrupt the celebrations appeared to have had the desired effect.

Andre Juneau, director of the National Battlefields Commission, which is organizing the celebrations, confirmed Saturday there had been a change of plans.

He told reporters in Quebec City that he will announce on Tuesday a “modified program that will take into consideration the entirety of all the recriminations that we have received, and that will take into consideration … certain threats.”

Juneau said he was surprised the reaction had been so vocal.

After all, the battle has been re-enacted three times before, most recently in 2004, luring thousands of tourists to the provincial capital.

Bourgeois expressed delight Saturday that his campaign ignited opposition to the re-enactment of the 1759 battle in which British forces defeated French and Canadian troops, marking the beginning of the end to French colonialism in North America.

He claimed the celebrations constitute “federalist propaganda.”

Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe and Parti Quebecois Leader Pauline Marois supported le Reseau de Resistance in its opposition to the re-enactment, calling it disrespectful.

Bourgeois had threatened to bring out hundreds of demonstrators to disrupt the celebrations.

“We were not going to be violent,” he said. “But we planned to do whatever civil disobedience was necessary.”

In a written statement on his website, Bourgeois warned any tourist who visited Quebec City for the re-enactment that “they would not forget their visit for a very long time.”

Bourgeois said he didn’t know for sure how many militants are in his group.

“There are between 200 and 300 paying members,” he said, adding that many more have signed up since he began his campaign.

He described the re-enactment as part of a continuing political struggle between Canada and Quebec separatists and said it “showed disrespect for Quebecers and our ancestors.”

Montreal Gazette


Absolutely unfathomable!

Sometimes this country makes me so incredibly ill........cowards, arseholes, morons, we are led by jellyfish, It sickens me that some idiot in Quebec. who has as his very reason for drawing breath the evisceration of the nation, can dictate to our cowering "leaders" what is acceptable in the recollection of one of our most important historical events.....and then crow "victory"..... and with good reason.

The idiots that run this country should on occassion, stuff 3 feet of rebar up their arse and pretend it is a backbone.........

Sometimes I think we should just get together and throw Quebec out....shrunk to her original 1867 borders, of course..........

My rant for the day.....


New Member
Feb 15, 2009
A Canadian in Quebec

As a westerner currently living in Quebec, I have a perspective that comes out of my daily dealings with Quebecers.

Generally, and I say this with respect, many Quebeccers are insecure and ill-informed. Many believe that anything that contradicts the revisionist ideology that has risen out of the last thirty years is an afront to the Quebec "nation".

The past is HISTORY. If Quebec history needs to be re-written to appease Quebec sensitivities, then perhaps those who take this and an insult or an "opening of old wounds" should pull up their big girl panties and suck it up. The battle of the Plains of Abraham was fought between the British and the French, not the Canadians and the Quebecois.


New Member
Feb 15, 2009
And here I am, an anglo working for a Federal department in Quebec, being denied (not omitted but denied) instruction and training in my language, putting up with anti-english insults, and putting my life in danger due to this. What a great country.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
The British WON and the French LOST the French and Indian War and the sooner the French Canadians come to terms with this the better. I am sick of history being Politicialy Correctified . I dont care if the British winning the Battle of the Plains of Abraham upsets French Canadians, if it does then tough love, you cant change history no matter how much you want to. The French Canadians should move on with their lives and stop moaning and sulking about this. General James Wolfe died on the Battile Field a Martyr and Hero, The Marquis of Motcolm died in a hospital the next day a looser and coward.

Here is another fact!

The French in the Treaty of Paris were given a choice between retaining either New France (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island) of the French West Indies (Guadeloupe, Martinque) and they retained The French West Indies over New France.

And here is a thought!

How come France never made an attempt to capture the Portuguese Colony of Brazil. Brazil at the time of the ending of the French and Indian War was a very sparsly populated area and the French Army could have defeated the Portuguese Army and replaced New France with Brazil. This was a missed opputunity. If the French had conqured Brazil, most French Canadians would have left Canada and gone to Brazil.


May 24, 2006
I see that the reinactment has been cancelled. Pretty sad the quebecers are that thin skinned about this. If the french had been fighters, Canada would be french and I would be living in England. Pretty rediculous. The English made a mistake. They should have deported the french back to france when they won the war....


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
I see that the reinactment has been cancelled. Pretty sad the quebecers are that thin skinned about this. If the french had been fighters, Canada would be french and I would be living in England. Pretty rediculous. The English made a mistake. They should have deported the french back to france when they won the war....

I agree with you. The French should have been deportated from Canada soon after the signing of the Treaty of Paris of 1763. I believed that they should have been deporated to either the Louisiana Territory or Brazil. At the time of the ending of the French and Indian War the Portuguese Colony of Brazil was very sparsly populated and if the French Canadians were deporated to Brazil, they would have founded a "New" New France in Brazil. Mind you I the only French Canadians that in my oppion should have stayed in New France after the British conquest were the Rich French Canadians. The British in North America did not need the poor French Canadians and should have deported them to the Louisiana Territory or Brazil but they really needed the Rich French Canadians who left New France after the British Conquest and went back to France.

The French had at one time or another had 2 colonies in Brazil. They were France Antarctique (1555-1567) and France Equinoxiale (1612-1615).

France Antarctique
France Antarctique - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

France Equinoxiale
France Équinoxiale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I do believe that all Quebecois who support independence of Quebec and who are disloyal to Canada should be deporated and exiled while the Quebecois who dont support Independence of Quebec and who are loyal to Canada should be allowed to stay. The first people who should be deporated and exiled from Canada including Quebec are the members of the Parti Quebecois. These people should be deporated to either France, United States (State of Louisiana), Mexico, Argentina or Chile.

In 1974 the late Soviet Dissedent Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was expelled from the Soviet Union and had his citizenship revoked and deportated to West Germany. Canada should follow this policy in reguards to the members of the PQ exept on a massive scale. Canada could use Anticosti Island as an opposite of Elis Island in the means of deporating these traitors.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Now that this historic event has been cancelled we have lost one more freedom to terrorists. Every time we cave in to the threat of protests the terrorists win one more round.
Have the reenactment with live amo and eliminate any protester that comes around. This is the only way we will protect the freedoms that thousands died for in two world wars.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I see that the reinactment has been cancelled. Pretty sad the quebecers are that thin skinned about this. If the french had been fighters, Canada would be french and I would be living in England. Pretty rediculous. The English made a mistake. They should have deported the french back to france when they won the war....

Absolutely untrue.......Canadiens were then, and are now, extremely effective fighters.....they were greatly feared in the lower colonies, due to their ability to don snowshoes, or take canoe, and raid anywhere they wished, seemingly at will.

in fact, Montcalm repeled attack after attack, to the point where British forces were preparing to withdraw before the freeze, and Wolfe pleaded for one last chance..........

Montcalm was over-confident. He sent a force out of the town to repel yet another (diversionary) attack by Royal Marines, then realized there was another force formed on the Plains of Abraham.......which he immediately went out to confront, instead of waiting for the return of his forces, that had been successful yet again in thumping the Marines.

Thus Wolfe went up against only part of Montcalm's force at once........

In addition, the Canadien part of Montcalm's force did not fight in the standard way, they went to ground, fired from cover, skirmished.....and basically got in the way of the musket barrages from Montcalm's French regulars........

No lack of courage, or ability on the French side.........just one fatal mistake, quite literally, for Montcalm.

And a good idea from Wolfe.....


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Absolutely untrue.......Canadiens were then, and are now, extremely effective fighters.....they were greatly feared in the lower colonies, due to their ability to don snowshoes, or take canoe, and raid anywhere they wished, seemingly at will.

in fact, Montcalm repeled attack after attack, to the point where British forces were preparing to withdraw before the freeze, and Wolfe pleaded for one last chance..........

Montcalm was over-confident. He sent a force out of the town to repel yet another (diversionary) attack by Royal Marines, then realized there was another force formed on the Plains of Abraham.......which he immediately went out to confront, instead of waiting for the return of his forces, that had been successful yet again in thumping the Marines.

Thus Wolfe went up against only part of Montcalm's force at once........

In addition, the Canadien part of Montcalm's force did not fight in the standard way, they went to ground, fired from cover, skirmished.....and basically got in the way of the musket barrages from Montcalm's French regulars........

No lack of courage, or ability on the French side.........just one fatal mistake, quite literally, for Montcalm.

And a good idea from Wolfe.....
The infernal forum wouldn't let me give you any more "rep".

But that was spot on...Go Van Doos...;-)
Last edited:


New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Battle Losses

Despite what you think of the French / English debate, I believe the Seperatists are missing the boat in one respect: the economy.

Over 2000 historical re-enactors, not to mention their family members and entourages, as well as the thousands that would come to witness the spectacle from across Canada, the U.S., and around the world, would pump millions of dollars into the Quebec economy. In a time when the economy is stalling, one of the first industries to be hit is the tourist/service industry. Leave it to the separatists to shoot themselves, and everyone else, in the economic foot.

(Besides, who doesn't like a good show where the French get whipped!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
everyone should get a copy of today's globe and Mail and read Christie Blatchford's commentary on the issue at hand.

Damn, sometimes this country sickens me.

I feel humiliated, but who cares? I'm not a seditious, whinny, spoiled little Frenchman with a blog and a skin thickness measured in 10,000 of millimeters.

The idiots that run this nation keep handing victories to their enemies.....what was it Churchill said about feeding the crocodile?

And just think what French Canada missed by being conquered in 1759.....they kept language rights, and were brought into an Empire that was gradually embracing the peaceful development of democracy......and that eventually benignly oversaw the dissolution of that same Empire........

But the French Canadien missed all that other fun! You know, the French Revolution, murder of the upper classes, violent repression of dissent, the Napoleonic Wars, the Reign of Terror of the guillotine....

Damn shame that. Such humiliation!
