Conservatives responsible for heckling in house


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Dude, it was a ban. Meaning, they couldn't be part of the delegation even if they wanted to.

Oy vey.
Dude, put down the bong. They weren't invited.

If it was a ban, May wouldn't have been reporting from the conference.

Seriously, how do you stop from puking when you spin so much?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Dude, put down the bong. They weren't invited.

If it was a ban, May wouldn't have been reporting from the conference.

Seriously, how do you stop from puking when you spin so much?

May went, but had no voice. She was NOT part of the Canadian delegation and therefore could not participate in any meaningfull way aside from being there and reporting what she heard and saw.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
May went, but had no voice. She was NOT part of the Canadian delegation and therefore could not participate in any meaningfull way aside from being there and reporting what she heard and saw.
That's right.


Because she isn't the sitting gov't.

She wasn't banned, barred, forcefully prevented.

She attended.

Just like the rest of Parliament was able to do.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
That's right.


Because she isn't the sitting gov't. For the last 20 years the delegation to these conferences has been made up of sitting MP's from both government and opposition party's so that all Canadians could have a rep/voice. As it stands, the harper government is now telling Canadians that they and their representatives have no voice at the table and in fact are not welcome at the table since the conservatives now have a majority government. Not even your hated Liberals were that jackbooted.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Ontario For the last 20 years the delegation to these conferences has been made up of sitting MP's from both government and opposition party's so that all Canadians could have a rep/voice. As it stands, the harper government is now telling Canadians that they and their representatives have no voice at the table and in fact are not welcome at the table since the conservatives now have a majority government. Not even your hated Liberals were that jackbooted.
You'll have to excuse me if I just don't care that they broke a 20 year tradition.

That only seems to matter when the jackboot is on the other foot.

Since the sitting gov't was forced to produce sensitive military documents. Breaking a hundred plus year long tradition on the Hill.

Personally, I actually don't agree with the move, but I can see why Harper did it. Why would you invite a group of clowns, whose sole purpose in life now, seems to be to embarrass the gov't. Instead of doing what is actually right for the nation as a hole.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
You'll have to excuse me if I just don't care that they broke a 20 year tradition.

That only seems to matter when the jackboot is on the other foot.

Since the sitting govt was forced to produce sensitive military documents. Breaking a hundred plus year long tradition on the Hill.

Personally, I actually don't agree with the move, but I can see why Harper did it. Why would you invite a group of clowns, whose sole purpose in life now, seems to be to embarrass the govt. Instead of doing what is actually right for the nation as a hole.

What is your opinion on the New Veterans Charter? Now that is in my opinion equal to sending troops with no kit to war Zones, the only difference is how the Govt treats wounded/ dead vets family Vets like Crap.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
As a hole? Not whole? Both seem to work, I guess.:lol:
That was a neat typo, lol.

What is your opinion on the New Veterans Charter? Now that is in my opinion equal to sending troops with no kit to war Zones, the only difference is how the Govt treats wounded/ dead vets family Vets like Crap.
Great start a thread.

I think it was a Freudian slip on Bears part. It's what he truly feels the conservatives are operating out of and digging themselves.
Nope, not anything but a typo. And I've yet to see a gov't act completely honestly, above board, and without their own self interests in mind.

Every gov't gives us so much fodder for fun. There is no need to manufacture it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
How about the fact that government prevented opposition members from attending and then accusing those same members of being remiss for NOT attending? If it was me I would have called him far worse names than what Justin did along with the hypocrite label.

I thing Global warming is some kind of bad joke, and Kyoto is the biggest confidence game in history.

But you are correct, Kent's behaviour was arrogant, insulting, and outrageous.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Fantino is the prime example for why debate in the house is now degrading..

Maybe Julian Fantino’s Grandchildren Have the Answers to Questions About the Harper Government’s F-35 Purchase?

Yesterday’s House of Commons Question Period was rowdy, particularly when it came to questions about the Harper government’s F-35 purchase.

The NDP were raising questions based on an interview with the Montreal-based L’actualite, a French-language political magazine in which Assistant Defence Minister Julian Fantino now says the number of F-35s that Canada will purchase is not carved in stone. The Harper government announced 65 planes would be bought.

But that number is still being analyzed, says Fantino. “We still talk about it; it is (being) analyzed. There is still time, until 2013, to decide the final number,” he told the magazine. “Could be under 65? Maybe. At some point, we make a decision.”

NDP MP Matthew Kellway was trying to ask a question about that but was continually being interrupted by Conservative MPs. He kept trying to say that Julian Fantino should get to the part of his talking points where it states that the purchase is on “track” and once there he would ask his question. The shouting from MPs went on for a bit and finally, Kellway was able to ask: “The Associate Minister now says that we may not buy 65 planes. Is this plan B?”

And the response from Fantino: “Mr. Speaker, even my grandchildren would not stoop to answer that silly question.”

Maybe Julian Fantino