Climate Change Deniers Are Having A Very Bad Year


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Not cooling though. Typical denier though.

"The world is cooling!!!"

When shown irrrefutable evidence otherwise...

"It's not heating up very much."

The graph shows the temperature record since reasonably reliable temeprature measurements started to be taken. Another fail.
Sigh... the climate will change Zip. No amount of electronic bank transfers will stop it. Try again.

You know, the least you guys could do is at least get, like, a Grade 9 understanding of sceince prior to posting, maybe? :lol:

And perhaps you should get a Grade 6 understanding of spelling.



House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Sigh... the climate will change Zip. No amount of electronic bank transfers will stop it. Try again.

And no amount of obfuscation is going to change the radiative properties of a carbon dioxide molecule.

And perhaps you should get a Grade 6 understanding of spelling.


I happen to be an excellent speller. Just a really lousy typer. :lol: Besides, with respect to climate change, it's the science and not the spelling that is the relevant skill requried.

You've got a half a dozen guys on this site who claim the world is cooling. Here's a newsflash--there are virtually no scinetists who are saying the world is cooling. All the heavyweights on the skeptical side of things--Lindzen, Dyson, Daly--all readily admit that the temperature is increasing. Virtually all skeptical scinetists argue that the IPCC models are flawed, the claite sensitivity is wrong, the warming is primarily natural, or the arming won't be catastrophic. None of them are arguing that the world is actually cooling.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
YA but this graph DOESN'T start at the CRETACIOUS.

You mean the late Pleistocene/early Holocene. The chart does need to start at at least 1Ka but 20Ka will give a far better idea of "global average".
Besides, with respect to climate change, it's the science and not the spelling that is the relevant skill requried

If you aren't going to look at this in proper scientific perspective, f-ck off and die.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
it's like saying it was cool last thursday but warm and muggy today...their little grade 8 peabody graph is a joke. silly clingers they are. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
it's like saying it was cool last thursday but warm and muggy today...their little grade 8 peabody graph is a joke. silly clingers they are. :lol:

And if you give them money they can drop the temps down a bit.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
If we have ice free ports in the north we'll be able to ship more oil that we need
shorter distances. Of course there is climate change and easy word to use as
climate change has gone on since the beginning of time. The fact is it is a natural
occurrence and will continue as long as time exists and there is nothing we can do
about it Whenever the granola people get on their high horse it makes me want to
go out and start my Silverado V8 up and let it run for a while.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If we have ice free ports in the north we'll be able to ship more oil that we need
shorter distances. Of course there is climate change and easy word to use as
climate change has gone on since the beginning of time. The fact is it is a natural
occurrence and will continue as long as time exists and there is nothing we can do
about it Whenever the granola people get on their high horse it makes me want to
go out and start my Silverado V8 up and let it run for a while.

I hear you but I think we have to remember one thing and that is animals (human and others) are contributing to climate change and partly at least in proportion to the population. I would amend "nothing" to "not much".


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
And if you give them money they can drop the temps down a bit.

I'm almost embarrassed for the so-called scientists that try to ignore ancient weather patterns (which is really like a large number poll vs just asking your neighbor).

these self-proclaimed, self-aggrandizing, self-righteous eggheads with their charts 'n' graphs du jour would go down with their koolaid lollipop ship than to submit to the obvious only because the 'other side' is there. they would lose face. they're turning japanese.

pretty odd for what should be open-minded um, technicians, sciencey doods, degree-holders of all description...their fanboyz of blowhards, armchair meteorologists, celebrities, social media freaks and geeks, the urban touqes, ows masked types and even alvin gore..

they are visibly upset that their tall agw money-making tale isn't being swallowed no more.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
You're avoiding the question aren't you? Gimme the normal range of climate variation which you must know because you've declared the present to be outside that normal range.

Your question is illogical, and a red herring. I said imbalance. If you understand English- a contentious assertion I realize- an imbalance means a lack of proportion between corresponding things. Like, the energy coming into the planet from space, and the energy that leaves the planet to space.

Normal has nothing to do with the definition of an imbalance.

The reference to your body weight was actually a humorous way of turning your illogical question around. What's been your normal weight over your life time? Probably hasn't been consistent. Yes, just like our climate! But if you consistently take in more energy than you burn, there's going to be a trend. Who cares if it's relative to your 5-10 year old weight, or your 25-30 year old weight? Obviously we care about your current weight more so for things like mitigating risk. Likewise, who cares how much energy came in during the Triassic? It has no relation to our current state, anymore than your weight as a toddler relates to now.

An imbalance in energy into a system and energy out of a system doesn't need a term like normal, in fact it's irrelevant.

Maybe you misunderstood what the term top of the atmosphere energy imbalance means in the climate discussion. Therein lies the problem with folks like you and Colpy-who don't seem to know what the terms are- who think you know better than the people who work in this field.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
When the oil in the engine is too cold to allow you to pull out the dipstick does that mean there is enough in it?