Can you give me an example of mutually exclusive beliefs, Spade?
There are so many, I will give you ten to start.
I will use the names "Gerry" and "Motar" only for illustration.
1. Gerry: the big bang as the origin of the universe
Motar: God's willing it into existance
2: Gerry: the age of the earth is 4.5 billion years
Motar: a new earth approximately 6 thousand years
3. Gerry: evolution
Motar: Garden of Eden
4. Gerry: original sin is just the dark side of human nature
Motar: the snake and apple
5. Gerry: the flood as myth
Motar: the lieral opening of the gates of heaven pouring water from the firmament
6. Gerry: the story of the sun stopping in the sky so God could have Joshua kill a few more innocent is myth
Motar: the story as fact
7. Gerry: the Exodus as myth
Motar: God had first born Egyptians slaughtered
8. Gerry: Pope as spiritual leader
Motar: Pope as antichrist
9. Gerry: **** happens
Motar: God continually interferes in human affairs
10: Gerry: The six sacraments
Motar: You've got to be kidding!