Spade:You have not denied one, Motar.
How about another six.
11. Motar: the rapture
Gerry: nonsense
12:.Motar: justification by faith
Gerry: by faith and good works
13. Motar: hell is real
Gerry: the notion of hell is incompatible with a god of love
14. Motar: the Book of Revelation as prophecy
Gerry: the Apocalypse is a description of early Christians in the Roman empire
15. Motar: communion as symbolic
Gerry: literal body and blood
16. Motar: Mary had other children
Gerry: The immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, no sin, no other children
1. Big Bang or Intelligent Design - Faith trumps
2. 4.5 billion or 6000 years - who cares. Don't think God will give us a quiz on this one.
3. Evolution or Garden of Eden - see #2
4. dark side or the apple - maybe we have a dark side because of the apple
5. flood myth or true - is believing one way or another dependant on salvation? No,
6. another is the bible myth or true debate - How much of the Bible must be believed to be saved?
7. getting a little bias here - see #2, #3, #5, #6
8. Pope antichrist or no - this has what to do with salvation?
9. stuff just hits the fan or by God's plan - both, the Lord directs our steps but probably isn't responsible for when we open a cupboard and a plate falls on our head - unless that is we need a crack to the head
10. six sacrament, no sacraments or 20 - a heart could believe any or none of those options and still be saved, no one knows the point another is in sanctification I am glad God is patient with us.
11. Rapture or Nonsense - back to the Bible Myth or Truth debate
12. faith or faith & works - not able to tackle this one in a brief manner. Salvation by Faith Alone and works will follow as the believer is a new Creation in Christ. Our dark side or the apple enjoys judging others on this.
13. hell or no hell - are we only to adopt the warm and fuzzy verse of the Bible?
14. Apaclpyse or No - see #13
15. communion just symbolic or real - Did Jesus say we must accurately define the elements of communion to be saved? If one believes in transubstantiation over symbolism does one or the other lose salvation?
16. Mary no children or more than Jesus - Does knowing the right answer save us?
Spade, you make salvation sound like a game show. It isn't about having all the answers. Faith of a mustard seed. That suggests to me that God doesn't expect us to get everything right. Just maybe he sees some of us (and I include myself) as getting the most important thing right (faith, even if not yet perfect) and sees that we have some other things really balled up.