Babbling about Scripture makes no point at all.
You probably won't like the new discussion thread I just posted, Petros : )
Babbling about Scripture makes no point at all.
You have to first understand what the prophecies are promoting. if you mistake the brass for the iron then you will get the wrong version.Okay, as long as you think it's legitimate to cite texts from a superstitious, pre-literate, pre-scientific age in support of your position, try 1 Thessalonians 5:21: Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
If you follow that advice, and understand the rules of evidence and logic, and have the critical thinking tools some of our brightest minds have worked out over the last few centuries for testing the truth content of claims, and you reason honestly, being mindful of the many well known ways human perception and cognition can go astray, you will arrive at the atheist position.
My path led me to be both sane and a believer, that only points to your 'conclusions' not being the one and only answer. That is is more that voices from my mind is what adds strength to the doctrine I push as being sound as far as Scripture is concerned.All my life I've been told by believers, including several in this thread, that if I do this and that and thus and so I'll end up in the same place they're at, why shouldn't I take the same attitude?
There are a few who might question that claim. After working with mental health for years, I came to the conclusion that nobody is sane, just varying degrees of crazy.My path led me to be both sane and a believer, that only points to your 'conclusions' not being the one and only answer. That is is more that voices from my mind is what adds strength to the doctrine I push as being sound as far as Scripture is concerned.
I think first you have to believe that there's some substance to the prophecies and they have some relevance to the contemporary world. I don't.You have to first understand what the prophecies are promoting.
Client or Staff?There are a few who might question that claim. After working with mental health for years, I came to the conclusion that nobody is sane, just varying degrees of crazy.
The old earth creation models allows for the earth to be 6B years old, that is a new understanding as far as contemporary science goes.I think first you have to believe that there's some substance to the prophecies and they have some relevance to the contemporary world. I don't.
The science came first, then religion had to retreat from its claim that the world was created in 4004 BC and rework the old "facts" into metaphors. If science hadn't falsified that claim I've no doubt the church would still be making it. In fact some people ARE still making it, not the mainstream Christian churches, but certain fringe groups.The old earth creation models allows for the earth to be 6B years old, that is a new understanding as far as contemporary science goes.
Seriously? You can think of NO other explanation than that there must really be just a single author? I'd say that's a singular failure of imagination. It's perfectly clear the NT writers were familiar with the OT, is it impossible that the OT writers might have been familiar with the same stories, read the same things, perhaps even each other's work, used the same sources? Really MHz, you're grasping at straws here.To have 24 OT passages cover the same event from slightly different viewpoints is getting into the realm of being beyond the abilities of the original 40 writers. Just going over the term Babylon in Jeremiah makes it clear there are two fates yet the Babylon in Revelation is mentioned only in the last few pages. The odds of that being there due to the 40 writers is at zero, it being there because there is one author is perfectly understandable to somebody who can think independently.
Thanks, but I already have my own spirit and I don't any more believe in biblical spirits than in Mother Goose or Dr. Seuss characters. IOW, it'd be a wild goose chase. And through the years, I have often come across the saying that if I want to find something and can't, quit looking for it and it'll show up. I haven't been looking and no spirit has shown up that is described as being your holy one.Gilbert, I get that. Maybe set that aside and seek out the Holy Spirit for awhile.
Why debate? For fun actually.Why debate the illogical? Should we rather consider why God chose these signs, miracles and happenings that defy human reason? Really, if God is God, I would think Him to have skill sets that we don't. I just think he has some powers that we do not and therefore it is very difficult to believe. Imagine if some dude or dudette showed up on your drive and said, "Hey I'm God". We would probably say something like, "no you're not, and if you are turn this tree into a gorilla". Then when the self annointed god says he can't, we would say - "Hmpff, you're a hack."
Let us spray.Lettuce pray.
And 6 billion is wrong. Earth is slightly over 4.5 billion years old.Client or Staff?
The old earth creation models allows for the earth to be 6B years old, that is a new understanding as far as contemporary science goes.
To have 24 OT passages cover the same event from slightly different viewpoints is getting into the realm of being beyond the abilities of the original 40 writers. Just going over the term Babylon in Jeremiah makes it clear there are two fates yet the Babylon in Revelation is mentioned only in the last few pages. The odds of that being there due to the 40 writers is at zero, it being there because there is one author is perfectly understandable to somebody who can think independently.
Let us spray.
?If I were offering advice (scientific) to cj44 and Motar, I would suggest they read "Coming of Age in the Milky Way" by Timothy Ferris.
It is still a matter of fitting the knowledge available to the text. In the last 50 years one person could do as much 'research as a whole Monastery" could 100 years ago. This generation can appreciate an earth that experienced it's first sunrise some 4BYA. My making it a 'there is only one chance to get it right' theme then obviously the game is over before it begins. But if by chance the powers of 10 were part of the understanding needed then it is not unlike the 70 weeks of years. Only in our current times do we know the days, months and years would have been different 4BYA compared to 4MYA when the 4th day ended. What current science journal supports that in general, all of them yet in ancient texts that bit is left out as far as I am aware.The science came first, then religion had to retreat from its claim that the world was created in 4004 BC and rework the old "facts" into metaphors. If science hadn't falsified that claim I've no doubt the church would still be making it. In fact some people ARE still making it, not the mainstream Christian churches, but certain fringe groups. .
When you have Daniel saying he has no idea what he is writing then yes, a single author is more than a slim possibility. Does Genesis 1-3 and Revelation 20-22 give a summation of the beginning and the end if all events and prophecies about the two bruises are left out. I would say using the knowledge we have today the Ge:1 account does follow history as we know it only if the creation days are either 10x longer in duration or shorter in duration depending which direction you go. Even the dates in Revelation can be used to determine the end of this earth by fire would be 3.6B years in the future. All of that is speculation, the things the Bible covers in fine detail doesn't have to be speculated about what it means.Seriously? You can think of NO other explanation than that there must really be just a single author? I'd say that's a singular failure of imagination. It's perfectly clear the NT writers were familiar with the OT, is it impossible that the OT writers might have been familiar with the same stories, read the same things, perhaps even each other's work, used the same sources? Really MHz, you're grasping at straws here.
I find God to be supernatural. As in having the ability to defy the laws of nature. Mostly because he created them. But, I will take a look at what ole Timmy has to say. Not expecting him to trump the Lord, but I will take a look.If I were offering advice (scientific) to cj44 and Motar, I would suggest they read "Coming of Age in the Milky Way" by Timothy Ferris.
The need of the hour is to distinguish and differentiate between "religion" and Christianity. Christianity is NOT Religion What is religion? Was Jesus Christ religious? Is Christianity a religion?
The bible is full of conflicting and contradictory passages. None the less, Christianity is a religion, actually about 3500 different variations on a religion, probably because of all the contradictory and conflicting passages in the bible. Adhering to any dogmatic interpretation of anything is what religion is and holding firm to the belief that no one comes to god unless they are born again in Jesus' name is about as dogmatic as it gets.Religion:
"The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven." (Matthew 16:1 NIV)
"He replied, 'When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” Jesus then left them and went away." (Matthew 16:2-4 NIV)
Matthew records yet another confrontation between religion and Christianity. In this encounter, Jesus contrasts the religious leaders' meteorological awareness with their theological dullness.