CDN Election 2019


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
An NDPer has deserted the federal fold and has instead chosen to run as a provincial mpp???????????

Oh that IS a comfort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It means NDPers are looking ahead and counting the odds that anti white bigot and supporter of Sikh terrorists Jagmeet Singh can lead them to something resembling victory in the October 2019 election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And fed NDPers DO NOT LIKE THE ODDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the other hand. NDPers seem to have a nice hold on British Columbia so jumping ship looks like a good idea??????????
This IS NOT good news for federal NDpers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nor is it good news for our mouldy Green Party airheads since they use a party policy made up of CRAP heavily spiced with a mix of socialist garbage that would even embarrass some NDPers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Green Party airheads season their policy salad with STALE OLD IDEAS stolen from Pierre Trudeau era speeches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If there is any political progress made by Greens in the 2019 election - it WILL NOT be because of public acceptance of Green socialist dogma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any political success enjoyed by Greens in the next federal election will be on a par with the NDP "success" in Quebec under Tom Mulcaire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mulcaire and his NDP had some time in the sun because of a PROTEST VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing more than that- and Greens may capitalize on the same wave of socialist frustration by stealing votes from LIE-berals and NDP!!!!!!!!!!!!
But what of our federal LIE-berals?????????????????
What ship can THEY JUMP TO in order to escape enraged voters?????????????????????????
Oh dear- there seems to be a SHORTAGE of life boats able to carry fleeing LIE-berals away from the not so good ship TRUDEAU!!!!!!
This is because Lenny Kroger decided to leave provincial politics to ruin Nanaimo.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
An NDPer has deserted the federal fold and has instead chosen to run as a provincial mpp???????????

Oh that IS a comfort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It means NDPers are looking ahead and counting the odds that anti white bigot and supporter of Sikh terrorists Jagmeet Singh can lead them to something resembling victory in the October 2019 election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And fed NDPers DO NOT LIKE THE ODDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the other hand. NDPers seem to have a nice hold on British Columbia so jumping ship looks like a good idea??????????
This IS NOT good news for federal NDpers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nor is it good news for our mouldy Green Party airheads since they use a party policy made up of CRAP heavily spiced with a mix of socialist garbage that would even embarrass some NDPers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Green Party airheads season their policy salad with STALE OLD IDEAS stolen from Pierre Trudeau era speeches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If there is any political progress made by Greens in the 2019 election - it WILL NOT be because of public acceptance of Green socialist dogma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any political success enjoyed by Greens in the next federal election will be on a par with the NDP "success" in Quebec under Tom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mulcaire and his NDP had some time in the sun because of a PROTEST VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing more than that- and Greens may capitalize on the same wave of socialist frustration by stealing votes from LIE-berals and NDP!!!!!!!!!!!!
But what of our federal LIE-berals?????????????????
What ship can THEY JUMP TO in order to escape enraged voters?????????????????????????
Oh dear- there seems to be a SHORTAGE of life boats able to carry fleeing LIE-berals away from the not so good ship TRUDEAU!!!!!!

The NDP were doing alright in Quebec under Mulcaire until he came out against banning the Burka, which is popular in Quebec, opening the door to SUNNY WAYS with no vote split


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Why wouldn't they do as good there as they do in France? Place is like a big magnet really. How do they treat their Royals and Movie Stars?? (I've been out west and news is slow when it comes to trivial things)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The NDP were doing alright in Quebec under Mulcaire until he came out against banning the Burka, which is popular in Quebec, opening the door to SUNNY WAYS with no vote split

Oh come now Moose...........................

that one NDPer got elected in Quebec in spite of not living in the riding, not speaking any French and not even being IN CANADA for a part of the election campaign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you not recall the big TO DO about the Quebec woman who signed on with NDP for a laugh and then pent a couple weeks in Las Vegas????????????????

And when she came back she discovered she was the front runner in that riding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And she went on to win a big majority!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If that aint a protest vote then I dont know what one is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Though you may be right that Mulcaire refusing to ban the burqa did not help his chances................but look at the new CAQ govt plans- they are very much Conservative minded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get Doug Ford to lose 60 pounds and teach him to speak French and HE could lead CAQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quebec was clearly ready for a Conservative minded govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mulcaire might have done better if he spoke of banning the burqa but there was no way he could repeat such a protest vote!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly, it seems the Andy Sheer type Conservative isnt quite spicy enough for Quebec!!!!!!!!

I think Quebecers are friendly to Scheer but he may be a bit too mild........

As proof I point to the CAQ and I point to Maxime Bernier as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suspect the Bernier version of Conservatism will go over better in Quebec than in Ontari-owe..............certianly Bernier is betting his political career on it.............but this is on place where I dont mind finding I am wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do hope that the Bernier version of Conservative does not mess things up- split the vote for more main stream - meaning acceptable in Ontari-owe - Scheer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Bernier/Scheer minority govt would probably do well enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They might even do better together than one alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Certainly we know that Scheer will have no other friends in parliament if he shuns Bernier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course it IS POSSIBLE that strongly principled and willing to call a spade a @#$%^&**(()_+ SHOVEL Bernier MIGHT be our SURPRISE next PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont laugh too hard at that possible prediction about Bernier now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A LOT of people LAUGHED when Ronald Reagan ran for president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And almost as many people laughed when Trump ran for president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the HARD REALITY of Cdn polities is that a VERY LARGE NUMBER of Cdns have decided that NONE OF THE FOLLOWING SPEAKS FOR THEM:::

NOT LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOT NDPers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CERTAINLY NOT Green Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ABSOLUTELY NOT Bloc Quebecois!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The mood of the country is ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The mood of the country WILL NOT IMPROVE IN 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And 40 percent of the country is DAILY watching Doug Ford struggle with the fantastic MESS he has been left by Wynne-bag LIE-berals!!!!!!!!

With Our idiot Boy working HARD to make an even bigger mess thanWynne-bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wynne-bag left us all A DIRTY TRICK when she signed those 4 year wage contracts with civil service union HOGS- right before she was thrown out of office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those LEGAL Hog contracts TIE FORDS HANDS and COMMIT him to raising the provincial budget by 2 percent per year in each of the next 4 years regardless of common sense or logic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many Cdns want A REALLY STRONG AND FRUGAL HAND to take charge in Ottawa next October???????????????????????

We shall see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE ONLY THING we can be sure of is that neither Our idiot Boy nor Jagmeet Singh can form a majority govt next fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not unless the Russians and Chinese are RIGGING our elections a lot more completely than we realized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Uh OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As I have said- LIE-berals are kept up at night- unable to sleep- as they try to guess just how many members of the silent majority- that 55 plus percent of the Cdn population that does not normally vote- might just be pissed off enough this time around at Our idiot Boy to come out for this election and destroy him and his vile party of hypocrites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suspect the best Our idiot Boy can hope for in October 2019 election is a short lived minority govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Anti-SOGI advocate to run for Maxime Bernier’s new party in Burnaby South

Controversial anti-SOGI advocate Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson has been named as the People's Party of Canada candidate in Burnaby South.
Tyler Thompson is expected to be the first candidate to stand for election as part of Maxime Bernier's new national political party.
"It is time for a new kind of politics. Maxime Bernier is the most courageous Canadian politician in decades," Tyler Thompson said in a statement.
"We don’t need power-hungry politicians who court special interest groups, but rather impassioned defenders of our country who will put the concerns of the people first. The People’s Party of Canada has begun a movement that will restore integrity to our government."
SOGI stands for sexual orientation and gender identity and is part of British Columbia's education curriculum. Tyler Thompson has spoken out against SOGI education, saying it teaches “gender-fluid ideology to all children in British Columbia.”

Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson

Dear Friends...I know we have had some interesting discussions in the last few weeks. I have an announcement and I hope you will support me and understand that something monumental has shifted my course....

12:08 AM - Jan 8, 2019
Tyler Thompson has also been quoted as saying that schools teaching SOGI would be “letting all children know they can choose their gender” and that they’ll have gender boards “where they want to tell every little boy they can be a girl if they feel like they’re a girl.”
The date of the Burnaby South byelection has yet to be announced. NDP leader Jagmeet Singh is running in the riding, along with Liberal Karen Wang and Conservative candidate Jay Shin. The seat opened when Kennedy Stewart resigned as the MP to run in the Vancouver mayoral election.
Tyler Thompson ran for a position on the Burnaby school board last fall and finished 11th with 15,622 votes. Seven people won seats on the school board.
The People's Party of Canada also announced Jennifer Clarke as the party's candidate in Nanaimo-Ladysmith. The riding opened up when MP Sheila Malcolmson resigned to run in the upcoming provincial byelection in Nanaimo.
“I am glad that we have two such principled and committed candidates in British Columbia. Laura-Lynn and Jennifer represent a growing number of Canadians tired of the Liberals’ big-government policies and the Conservatives’ unprincipled leadership," said Bernier.
"The PPC is the best alternative to the established parties that have failed to address the issues that concern people. I invite all British Columbians to join our movement to send a clear message to Ottawa: we had enough of the LibCons.”


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Another Lib. leaving the Fed. party

Federal cabinet shuffle coming today

OTTAWA - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to shuffle his cabinet today to account for the sudden resignation of Nova Scotia MP Scott Brison from his post as Treasury Board president.
The shuffle is expected to be a small one, affecting as few cabinet ministers as possible just months ahead of the fall federal election.
Insiders confirm that Indigenous Services Minister Jane Philpott will take over for Brison, and Veterans Affairs Minister Seamus O'Regan is also on the move.
He has cancelled an event that was set to take place today in his home province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
The prime minister also must elevate a legislator from Nova Scotia to cabinet to make up for the void Brison leaves.
Political observers have speculated that person will likely be either Sean Fraser or Bernadette Jordan — possibly taking over for O'Regan at Veterans Affairs.

In an election year, Canadians are suddenly very worried about the economy

Throughout the article Maclean's writer trying to soften the results of the poll


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Another Lib. leaving the Fed. party

Federal cabinet shuffle coming today

In an election year, Canadians are suddenly very worried about the economy

Throughout the article Maclean's writer trying to soften the results of the poll

OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are TONE DEAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They cannot tell when our economy is booming with success.................................

Or booming as it collapses into debt ridden RUBBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At this time Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals are facing MAJOR CHALLENGES as they struggle to craft an election winning strategy for this coming October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem LIE-berals face is they have already TOLD US ALL THE FAKE NEWS THEY CAN THINK OF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot LIE-beral overlords have been EXPOSED as shallow thinkers, selfish and greedy, and quite harmful to the economic health of Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Worst of all- LIE-berals lack the imagination to counter these SAD TRUTHS about LIE-beral failings that are showing up across the board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals cheerfully trumpet the news of NEW JOBS BEING CREATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then they whisper that the New Jobs are ALL PART TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals barely admit the death of so many full time jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nor do LIE-berals have much to say about their INFLATION LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Retail business owners in virtually ALL our major cities are facing huge property tax hikes WAY BEYOND the 2 percent target that LIE-berals CLAIM to be aiming for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have just received news that next year, my water bill will be resuming its relentless march UP at rates of 6-9 percent per year!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those of us living in Ontari-owe at least have the virtue of being SAVED from more savage electricity hikes- by the election of Doug Ford!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People in other provinces ARE NOT SO LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alberta NDPers and their federal counterparts under Jagmeet Singh are faced with an existentialist philosophical question:

"What to do about Alberta oil"??????????????????????????????????????

Anybody with an ounce of sense KNOWS it is not possible to prevent Cdns from driving their cars to work or for holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our public transit is already worn out and over crowded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With no new options coming on line any time soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anybody with an ounce of sense knows we are welded to oil use for the for a considerable time into the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not selling and not exporting Alberta oil means that province is economically DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The scale of debts run up in Alberta in recent years- mainly thanks to NDP WASTE- DEMANDS MORE OIL REVENUE and failure to provide that revenue means BANKRUPTCY FOR THE PROVINCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An Alberta oil patch killed off by LIE-beral fiat means crippling new costs for Canada as a whole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Restoration of fiscal sanity to the western half of Canada means a COMPLETE REPUDIATION OF VALUES of LIE-berals, NDPers and Green party air heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But there IS some good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad NONE of it is from LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our auto insurance bills have just been reduced by the Ford govt as they reduced the LIE-beral mandated HST on auto insurance from 15 percent down to 13 percent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes- that 13 percent IS THE NORMAL CHARGE for most goods in Ontari-owe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals ABANDONED their HOPELESS STRETCH GOAL of "saving us 15 percent on our auto insurance right after people began directing SCORNFUL LAUGHTER at Queens Park for "saving us money" BY CUTTING ACCIDENT BENEFITS BY FIFTY PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Ford govt is now reviewing the rules for our auto insurance companies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We may hope for good news on the insurance front as LIE-berals often told us we in Ontari-owe pay the HIGHEST INSURANCE COSTS OF ANY CDN PROVINCE BECAUSE OF ALL THE INSURANCE FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- according to LIE-berals- Ontari-owe pays the highest insurance prices in Canada- in spite of having the BEST DRIVING RECORD- because of CRIMINAL FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet LIE-berals INSIST that crime rates ARE DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE may hope that Ford govt takes some action on insurance fraud- assuming that our cops are not TOO BUSY rounding up the drug dealing, murderous gang bangers that LIE-beral jusdges have been forgiving and forgetting for so many years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the plus side- even if cops do not get around to dealing with insurance fraud - WE CAN LOOK FORWARD TO REDUCED MEDICAL BILLS IF LESS PEOPLE GET SHOT in fed up, crime ridden Toronto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tone deaf LIE-berals cannot tell the difference between cheers of joy and moans of pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are huge numbers of people living on fixed incomes- whose financial position grows ever more ugly every time LIE-beral price gouging compels price jumps WELL BEYOND THEIR 2 Percent inflation target!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 3 years in power it is only now that LIE-berals are registering on the SAD reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That their Fake News is being drowned out by the reality of empty bank accounts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I thought the new party would be better in Quebec I guess I was wrong

Legault lays out pre-election shopping list

SHERBROOKE, Que. - Quebec Premier Francois Legault laid out a shopping list of demands Thursday that he expects party leaders to address as they woo voters in his province during the coming federal election campaign.
"I won't support any federal party," Legault said after a private meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the sidelines of a federal cabinet retreat.
"But I will be clear with our demands and I hope that most of these demands will be accepted by as many parties as possible."
Quebec promises to be a crucial battleground in the run-up to the Oct. 21 vote. Trudeau's Liberals hope to make gains in the province to make up for expected losses elsewhere. They see potential in rural ridings where the NDP managed to hang on in 2015 as the so-called orange wave that swept Quebec in 2011 dissipated.
The Conservatives have similar hopes, cashing in on the dwindling fortunes of the once-mighty Bloc Quebecois. They've also been building links to Legault's Coalition Avenir Quebec, a right-leaning party with a nationalist bent.
In laying out his laundry list of demands, Legault is evidently hoping to trigger a bidding war for Quebecers' votes.
He wants the federal government to:
— Give Quebec $300 million to compensate for the costs incurred dealing with the influx of thousands of asylum seekers crossing into Quebec from the United States at unofficial border crossings.
— Fund public transit projects in Montreal and Quebec City.
— Agree to a single federal and provincial income tax return, managed by the Quebec government.
— Give Quebec more power over the selection of immigrants to the province. That includes Legault's plan to reduce the province's annual intake by some 20 per cent and to impose a "values test" on applicants.
— Compensation for dairy farmers, who will be hurt by a new North American free trade agreement that gives American producers slightly more access to Canada's supply managed market.
Legault presented that list to Trudeau on Thursday but said there will likely be more demands to come. He'll also have a list of things he doesn't want any federal party to advocate, including the prospect of an oil pipeline from Alberta to eastern Canada. Legault reiterated Thursday that in his view, there is no social acceptance for such a project in Quebec.
On that score, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer is already offside in his support of reviving the defunct Energy East pipeline proposal. However, Legault noted Thursday that Scheer is onside with the idea of a single tax return.
In the days before the cabinet retreat, Trudeau's ministers were scattered all over Quebec, making announcements and making the federal Liberals' presence felt.
Since Legault's government was elected in October, Trudeau has gone out of his way to find areas of common ground and to play down differences, some of which are huge. Thursday was no different, with Legault saying Trudeau did not shut the door on any of his demands.
However, Trudeau has in the past questioned the need for a single tax return and has rejected the idea of a values test for immigrants.
On Thursday, Infrastructure Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne argued that allowing Quebec to administer a single tax return would throw some 5,000 public servants out of work at federal tax data centres — one of the largest of which is in Shawinigan, in Champagne's riding.
The Trudeau government is also evidently hoping to dissuade Legault from his determination to reduce immigration levels by stressing the province's acute labour shortages.
Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc said he and other federal ministers will be meeting with their Quebec counterparts in two weeks to discuss Legault's plan to reduce immigration. But he said that discussion will have to be "in the context of a broader discussion around labour shortages and ... around asylum seekers and the appropriate compensation that the government of Quebec requires."
In Drummondville earlier this week, LeBlanc said he met with businesspeople who told him "they're literally refusing contracts and not accepting sales because they do not have enough employees to properly complete the contract.
"So you can imagine the multiplier effect of that over time on the economic growth in Quebec, which frankly is something that is very important for the whole country," LeBlanc said.
Later Thursday, at the end of the second day of the retreat, the government announced the creation of an advisory panel that will recommend more things the government can do to reduce Canada's carbon emissions while helping companies cash in on the transition to clean energy.
The panel is co-chaired by Quebec environmentalist Steven Guilbeault and Tamara Vrooman, a former deputy finance minister in British Columbia who now heads Vancity, which bills itself as the country's largest community credit union. It has not yet been decided whether the panel's recommendations, which are due in May, will be made public.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I thought the new party would be better in Quebec I guess I was wrong

Legault lays out pre-election shopping list

Oh really cannot blame Legault for that cynical sales job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE ALL want the best deal we can get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the plus side I do think CAQ will be vastly easier to work with than LIE-berals or Bloc heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Is this a Lib. strategy reignite a controversy from the Harper era?

Lawyer questions Jason Kenney's Alberta residency while claiming living expenses in Ottawa


Harper was the most lied about politician in Cdn history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an old article to remind us of the LIES told about Harper- and we can expect desperate LIE-berals to repeat smears against Andrew Sheer in 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH my! LIE-beral Sunny Ways are growing very DARK INDEED! So in desperation, Civil service union Hogs have resorted to LIES about Harper....such as those set out below- and we can be sure such lies will be repeated as we get nearer to the 2019 federal election!

The Hogs claim Harper destroyed a 13 billion dollar federal surplus even before the 2008 mortgage meltdown.

They claim he spent huge sums of money on partisan and self serving spending and on lawyers to argue various legal positions.

They claim he promised not to appoint any new senators and then ended up appointing 59 of them.

They claim he reduced the corporate tax rate, closed Veterans Affairs offices, made cuts to health care, killed the Kyoto Accord, labeled `environmentalists` as terrorist threats, refused an inquiry into missing Aboriginal women and `declawed` the chief electoral officer. And it sounds like a bad record.....TILL YOU LOOK AT THE TRUTH!!!!!

Desperate Hogs frantically trying to save their grossly rich solid gold pensions in the midst of world wide economic upheaval will tell ANY LIE and misrepresent any situation for more gravy!

In 2006 Ottawa enjoyed a 13 billion dollar surplus-and TWELVE BILLION of the surplus was from taxes on OIL! Anybody looked at the price of oil recently? Or done any calculations as to how much income tax money is NO LONGER being paid by suddenly unemployed oil workers? Is anybody having a hard time now figuring out WHY Ottawa no longer has a surplus? And what magic wand will Justin Trudope wave to reverse this trend?

And oil prices have DROPPED MUCH FURTHER since this article was written!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet Our idiot Boy Justin chose to go on a SPENDING SPREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The idiot Boy has run up $72 billion dollars in new debt in THREE SHORT YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How much will we owe in new debt by the time of the October 2019 election??????????????

Will we owe $90 billion for 4 years of idiot Boy govt????????????????????

Or $1 hundre billion in new debt????????????????????????????????

Or maybe even $120 billion in new debt since we are now caught up in a trade war with the DESPOTS in China????????????

A lot of people are questioning WHY we would allow Huawei into Canada after they have demonstrated they are an arm of RED CHINESE Peoples Liberation Army and ARE NOT WORKING TO OUR BENEFIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If we agree to go ahead with Huawei- we give in to bullies and SPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If we oppose Huawei we open ourselves to economic "CONSEQUENCES" that the Red China ambassador has THREATENED US WITH!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals have ALREADY bankrupted us with new debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy has told us he wants to KILL the Cdn oil patch and he is working hard to do so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How sad that our last best hope of avoiding total national bankruptcy is to EXPORT OIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Harper spent money on partisan advertising? This is NEWS????? Apparently Hogs don’t watch tv and have not seen Ontari-owe Lie-berals trying to sell their job killing new pension plan or their carbon crap and trade tax that only cleans cash from wallets and leaves th dirt in the air; along with the much reviled LIE-beral sex education program! LIE-berals would rather teach our kids about anal sex than bother with reading, writing and MATH!!!!

ALL governments spend on partisan ads-to say otherwise is a LIE!!!! But Hog hypocrites want to paint Harper as an exception....for their own profit! And dare we ask how much money that Ontari-owe Lie-berals have spent on E-health, Ornge, gas plant and Sudnury bribery scandals? This is not just partisan money it is tax money being USED TO HIDE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY!!! But hypocrite Hogs wont speak of THAT as they want spendthrift Lie-berals to keep that rich gravy train running for the privileged few!!

Along the way, we should mention that Wynne-bag LIE-berals FORCED our electrical companies to send out LIE-beral propaganda along with our Hydro bills in the months prior to the June 2018 election! With the COST of handing out that LIE-beral propaganda BOURNE by your local electric corporation in defiance of election RULES!

As for senators....Harper is on record as wanting to do away with the senate ENTIRELY; just too bad that the provinces (mostly led by Lie-berals or NDP) would not let him-all ten provinces MUST agree to any senate changes- and good luck getting that!

Further, several provinces enjoy the benefit of `extra` federal ridings-in Nunivit, 60,000 people have TWO federal MP’s while people in Toronto number close to 200,000 in a single riding with ONE MP! Its almost as bad as that in Prince Edward Island-4 federal seats in a district that ought to have only TWO MP`s!!!

Many special interest groups- meaning PALS of LIE-berals- desire to retain the senate and also retain those extra MP seats for their own selfish reasons! The Lie-beral dominated senate was holding up Conservative legislation out of spite so Harper redressed the balance and appointed Conservative senators to balance the power!

Harper had no choice-Lie-berals would not let him eliminate the senate and Lie-berals dominated the senate and blocked all Conservative legislation, so no choice but to work with a senate that had a bunch of NEW conservative senators!

And if Working Family Coalition was so generally worried about senate behaviour then WHY have they been so silent regarding the theft of tax money by Lie-beral senator Macdonald Harb? That money- takne by aa apparently shameless LIE-beral- has NOT been paid back! NOR DO we know if the NDP will pay back the millions they took illegally for their local offices!

Apparently HONEST behaviour is only expected of CONSERVATIVES who wont screw over ordinary tax payers and give the Hogs huge raises in pay!!!!

And reducing corporate taxes? How is this news? In 2008 and in subsequent years, Lie-berals and NDP screamed that Harper was being TOO CHEAP and should spend MORE MONEY to save jobs and `stimulate the economy`.....and they insisted he should even run LARGE deficits.....but that was then and this is now....for LIE-beral HYPOCRITES!

After all, Justin Trudope has told us repeatedly that if he is elected he will run a deficit of TEN BILLION DOLLARS a year for at least 3 years! He speaks this way so casually about borrowed money while the indebted Greek economy crashes and burns in the background-what a MAROON!

And NDPers speak grandly of shifting tax burdens around like playing cards at a poker table-with Working Family Hogs getting a BIG payoff while the private sector workers starve!

And closing Veterans Affairs offices is sensible since the army is not now fighting and sending home a stream of newly injured people needing treatment-the only people REALLY OUTRAGED about the closed offices are union HOGS who resent losing their now redundant jobs-no need for UNION HOG paper pushers if there isn’t any paper to push!

And so called `environmentalists` using blackmail tactics to extort money from government SHOULD be considered trouble makers. Some of these `charity` groups get their operating funds from Yankee `super-pac` political groups and THEY want things set up in THIS country to suit THEIR needs!

The same people who brought you the sub prime mortgage fiasco now want to masquerade as `environmentalists` in Canada for fun and profit! Closing the Cdn oil patch would benefit foreign oil companies while also killing Cdn economy and reducing competition for American workers!

If LIE-berals were so concerned about tar sands production then why have they not spoken about the La Brea tar sands in California or in Venezuela? And some of the `environmentalist are local native groups who simply refuse to miss ANY chance to hurt white govt or extort ever more money from us!

And what of the Hogs sneering at Harper for rrvoking the charitable status of various Muslim groups? Our idiot Boy Justin has told us he WILL NOT deport convicted Muslim terrorists of Toronto 18 group! And Our idiot Boy has just announced that HE has pulled the charitable status of a Muslim group for its links to terrorists!

And since Our idiot Boy HAS RESTORED Cdn foreign aid shipments to terror group Hamas- maybe we should ask JUST HOW SCARY that Muslim charity was to have a terror link so BAD that Our idiot Boy cannot tolerate them operating in Canada? Suddenly the Harper judgement looks more solid than LIE-berals want to admit!!!!!!!!

Natives in Kashetchewan reserve used OUR TAX money to send a kids hockey team- with LOTS of adult chaperones- to California and spent much on hotels and food and sizeable chunks in a casino and then came home to find their sewage treatment plant and drinking water plants had broken down.....and they had no money to make repairs as they had already WASTED the municipal repair budget in California!

But the SHAMELESS natives didnt mind trying to shame Harper into giving them more cash to waste! And the band leaders in Atiwapiskat are learning from experience-they got ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS for housing.....and spent EVERY PENNY....without building a single house and without being able to show a single receipt to indicate what happened to that money!

This is blatant theft of tax money by natives and it deserves to be called criminal! Harper responded with a requirement that ALL band council expenses MUST be posted online so govt auditors can quickly see what is happening with OUR cash! And Our idiot Boy did CANCELLED any need for govt oversight intended to limit native corruption!

And it is a sad but true fact that being a drug addled hooker is a BAD life style choice- so surely its no mystery as to why so many Aboriginal women are missing-bad life choices result in ugly troubles! Some philosopher once observed that “the quickest way to destroy a man is to pay him to do nothing”.....and what is it that natives on reserves -kept like badly neglected pets on reserves- actually do for THEIR money? LIE-berals are destroying natives by refusal to set any standard ofr behaviour!

As for the chief electoral officer being `declawed`.....if you CHEAT and get caught as Elections Canada employees did- and ALL were good Working Family Hogs-you WILL suffer consequences! Working Family Coalition was engaged in a GROSS conflict of interest by presenting massive advertising campaigns during elections!

If the CEO of a corporation had attempted to influence a series of elections as the Hogs did-such a CEO would be looking at jail time! And Hogs also set up a neat little `vouching` system that allowed total strangers with NO ID of any sort to vote in critical ridings - just so long as they were `vouched for` by a UNION HOG who wanted Harper defeated so that free spending Lie-berals would give more gravy to Hogs!

Such spectacular HYPOCRISY on the part of Hogs and elected officials as they TRAMPLED ON OUR RIGHTS and deliberately tried to RIG our elections and OUR democracy DESERVES CRIMINAL CHARGES!!

Working Family Hogs have engaged in massive deceptions and slandered the name of the prime minister and have done so in grossly greedy pursuit of MORE GRAVY in defiance of their glib bullshit that ALLEGES that `FairnessCounts`!

Clearly FAIRNESS ONLY COUNTS FOR HOGS and they are quite willing to DROWN the rest of us in THEIR DEBTS!!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Singh unveils affordable housing proposals

OTTAWA - Jagmeet Singh is proposing three measures he says will help build 500,000 new affordable housing units across Canada over the next 10 years.
The NDP leader says the federal government should stop applying GST to the cost of building new affordable units.
It should also provide a subsidy to renters who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing.
And Singh says it should double the first-time home buyers' tax credit to $1,500 from $750.
For now, details of the three measures are scant. Singh says they're part of a broader NDP housing plan which will be released later.
Singh is running in a Feb. 25 byelection in the British Columbia riding of Burnaby South, where he said the top issue is affordable housing.
But his housing announcement is aimed more broadly at trying to win back progressive voters from the governing Liberals in urban centres across the country.
"When it comes to dealing with this housing crisis, we need to use every tool in our toolbox to solve this problem and ensure people have access to a place to call home," Singh told a news conference in Burnaby.
"We need to get serious about this crisis," he said, accusing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of delaying the roll out of the bulk of promised housing funding until after the Oct. 21 federal election.
"Mr. Trudeau is not serious about this crisis. He likes to talk about it but his actions don't back this up."
Toronto Liberal MP Adam Vaughan, the government's point man on housing, said the Liberal government has spent close to $5.7 billion on housing.
"I don't think there's a government in the history of this country that's been invested in housing the way we have," Vaughan said outside a Liberal caucus retreat in the nation's capital.
"The NDP can talk about housing," he said. "We're busy building it."
He added that the experts say investments in housing and its subsequent maintenance and repair should be done gradually over time, not all up front as the NDP proposes.
"Their front-end loading plan is a recipe to bankrupt housing providers right across the country," he said of the NDP's plan.
Vaughan said the government considered lifting the GST on building costs but Finance officials worried there'd be no way to ensure an affordable housing project didn't evolve into a more upscale project, with the government effectively subsidizing it.

Not thought out very well


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Maxime Bernier tells Halifax he wants to ‘make Canada great again’

People's Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier "wants to make Canada great again," he says, and says he plans to do it through sweeping cuts that would return money to the pockets of taxpayers.
Calling them cost-saving, the measures include cuts to the CBC, Canada Post and foreign aid to Africa, Bernier told a Halifax audience on Friday evening.
"These countries are poor because they have socialist systems, they don't have more free market systems," he said at the rally, which drew a crowd of nearly 300 people from across the province.
"The best way to do it, like I said, is not to give them a fish, but to teach them how to fish."
If elected prime minister in the fall, he clarified, a government under his leadership would still provide crises assistance and humanitarian aid, but it would end investments in climate change resilience and infrastructure in developing countries.
At home, he said he would eliminate trade barriers between provinces, cut back on equalization, and vigorously pursue free-trade deals, which would help Halifax "more than anything" because of its small market.
"What I will do to help Nova Scotians and to help your province — we need to have a real economic union in this country. And it is a shame that after 152 years, we don't have an economic union in Canada," he said.
A government under his leadership, he added, would also use constitutional powers to overcome opposition and build a pipeline like TransCanada's Energy East project.
After outlining his proposals, Bernier took questions from the crowd on climate change, the fight against extremism in Canada, the national debt and relationships with China, before posing for selfies with supporters.
Bernier ran for the leadership of the federal Conservative Party in 2016 but lost to the current leader, Andrew Scheer. Last summer, the renowned libertarian — once a cabinet minister in the Harper administration — quit the party to start his own.
The new People's Party of Canada, he says, now has 34,000 members across Canada and is running on a platform of small government, free markets, reduced immigration, reducing equalization payments and scrapping the federal carbon tax.
Describing the Conservative Party as "intellectually corrupt," Bernier said his will "[fight] for ideas that we know are the best for this country and we won’t try to please everybody."