CDN Election 2019


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Conservatives quickly pull attack ad featuring photos Chinese detainees in chains.

A typically classy move.

As opposed to LIE-berals telling us FOR A DECADE................................................

that Harper had a "Secret Agenda"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That NEVER APPEARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How is it that LIE-berals could demonize Harper..............

for "MUZZLING SCIENTISTS".............................

who were attacking his govt...................................

but it was okay for Our idiot Boy.............................

to FIRE those scientists.............................

because he has CLOSED HIS MIND to new facts................

and does not need any more?????????????????

Or should we talk about our "booming economy"...................................

that is heading rapidly for economic difficulties..........................................

thanks to RECORD LIE-beral debt????????????????????????????????

Do LIE-berals UNDERSTAND that colloquial expression "booming"?????????????????????

Apparently NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or have LIE-berals just told so many lies...............................................

they have FORGOTTEN THE POINT???????????????????????????????????????

Speaking of LIES.......................................

HOW MANY LIES would be exposed.................................

if we got a FULL INVESTIGATION into Lavalin???????????????????????????????????

LIE-berals have an UNHAPPY tendency to get MORE MUD on themselves.............................

than on others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they have run put of gravy.............................................

so cannot clean themselves up any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
says the guy blaming Trudeau.


THAT IS a valid question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOW will Our idiot Boy BLAME HARPER.................................................

THIS TIME????????????????????????????????????

Although I note that LIE-beral Wynne-bag went down swinging...................................

and BLAMING Harris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals HAVE NO SHAME .....................................................

And a VERY LIMITED sense of LOGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since Our idiot Boy is so very fond of apologies.................

can we count on him to APOLOGIZE TO ALL CDNS.............

for the DISGUSTING MESS he has made.........................

in the last 4 years???????????????????????????

Or will he repeat the Wynne-bag INSULT..........................

"sorry, NOT SORRY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Has it calmed down?
Every decision TrustFund-eau has made since Butts left has gotten him in hot water. He can't think on his own and knows it

As it happens...................................

Our idiot Boy Justin makes all kinds of choices................................................

all on his own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like a grown up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But he NEEDS BUTTS to concoct the FAKE NEWS.........................................

that will camouflage the UNPOPULAR BIGOTED AND GREEDY.................................

LIE-beral choices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such as Our idiot Boy promising the build the Kinder Morgan pipeline......................................

because its what the Cdn public KNOWS is necessary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Our idiot Boy and his LIE-beral supporters WANT THE Alberta oil patch DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So the idiot Boy needs Butts to properly explain away his HYPOCRISY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

GOOD GOD CLIFFYI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do you work so hard to spew LIES that malevalant others feed you??????????????????????????????

YOU CLAIM Hamish Campbell was one of the founders of "The Rebel".............................................

which may well be true..........................................................

but YOU THEN CLAIM The Rebel published an "ANTI SEMITIC RANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you TOTALLY INSANE????????????????????????????????????

Chief editor at The Rebel is EZRA LEVANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy is JEWISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy is so staunchly Jewish that he sometimes lets his mouth run away with him....................................................

CONDEMNING LIE-berals and RADICAL MUSLIMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And in his disgust at Holocaust Deniers.........................................

and his anger at LIE-berals pushing Islamophobia on us...........................

he said some rash things about a Muslim who harassed him .......................................

and it got him sued by that MUSLIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Levant would no more allow an anti Semitic rant.........................................

in the publication he edits..................................

than I would offer support.........................................

for the anti white BIGOTS at Black Lives Matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU ARE TOTALLY CLUELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only people who fall for your stupidity......................................

are people who are TOO DUMB to find a polling booth..................................................

and are thus IRRELEVANT to the political process!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You need to post this in my Andrew sheer swimming with the natty's thread.

And Cliffy CLAIMS Georgiann Burke "founded an anti Islam group"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Since TWO THIRDS OF CDNS dont like LIE-beral immigration policy....................................

it looks like MOST OF US are part of that group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which means that both Cliffy and hemerHOID are the WEIRDOS.................................................

COMPLETELY OUT OF STEP with public opinion and standard accepted values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a pair of STRANGE MAROONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Citing religious worries, Court orders Elections Canada to review moving voting day
Canadian Press
July 23, 2019
July 23, 2019 8:19 PM EDT
A woman marks her ballot behind a privacy barrier in the riding of Vaudreuil-Soulanges, west of Montreal, on October 19, 2015. A Federal Court judge is ordering the chief electoral officer to take a second look at whether voting day this October needs to be moved because it falls on a Jewish holiday.Graham Hughes / THE CANADIAN PRESS
OTTAWA — Canada’s chief electoral officer is taking a second look at whether voting day this October needs to be moved because it falls on a Jewish holiday after being ordered by a Federal Court judge to come up with a decision in a matter of days.
Election day can be no later than Oct. 21 under federal law, which this year falls on the Jewish holiday known as Shemini Atzeret. Observant Orthodox Jews are not permitted to work, vote or campaign on that day.
Elections Canada has been lobbied to move the date, but decided against it this close to the start of the election campaign.
At a court hearing last week, complainants argued chief electoral officer Stephane Perrault’s decision was unreasonable.
Justice Ann Marie McDonald’s decision on Tuesday said there was a “lack of evidence” that Perrault balanced the infringement on the charter rights of affected voters against the objectives of the election law.
McDonald ordered Perrault to review his decision and strike that balance, and do so by Aug. 1.
Under federal law, the chief electoral officer can only make a recommendation to cabinet. He doesn’t have the unilateral ability to move the election date.
“Elections Canada will act in a timely manner in accordance with the directions provided by the Court. I will make public my final decision as soon as possible,” Perrault said in a statement.
“Elections Canada remains committed to fostering meaningful opportunities for all Canadians to participate in the federal election.”
In early June, Conservative candidate Chani Aryeh-Bain, who is running in the Toronto riding of Eglinton-Lawrence, and Ira Walfish, a voter in nearby York Centre, asked the Federal Court to intervene, on the grounds Elections Canada failed to take their concerns seriously.
LILLEY: Elections Canada and the social media mess up
Elections Canada scraps ’influencers’ plan to encourage youth vote
Ex-Tory MP Dean Del Mastro accuses Elections Canada of ‘personal vendetta’
They also argued that scheduled advance polling days are problematic. Three out of four advance voting days — which are held on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday the week before election day — fall on dates when observant Jews wouldn’t be able to vote.
The confluence of dates “dramatically restricts” the ability of observant Jews across the country to vote and “fully participate in our democracy,” Liberal MP Michael Levitt wrote in a letter to Perrault in mid-April.
Levitt, who represents York Centre, asked Perrault at the time to reconsider the date of the vote because it conflicted with a religious observance, which the chief electoral officer is allowed to do under the election law.
“Very pleased to see decision by Federal Court recognizing implications of the fixed election date/advance polls falling on Jewish holidays and the impact on religiously observant Jewish Canadians,” Levitt wrote on Twitter in response to the decision.
Elections Canada had said that rather than recommend moving election day, it instead had instructed returning officers in ridings with large Jewish populations to conduct outreach and promote extended voting hours — from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. — at advance polls.
Simon Koffler Fogel, president and CEO of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, said Elections Canada has taken significant measures to ensure every Jewish voter can cast a ballot.
“We will respect the Chief Electoral Officer’s decision and will continue working closely with Elections Canada to support its efforts to maximize voter participation and inclusion of the Jewish community — which is a cornerstone of democracy,” he said in a statement.
Aryeh-Bain, who observes the holiday, said Tuesday that she hopes Perrault would move the election date to allow her “to compete in this election on an equal footing.”
In a statement, B’nai Brith Canada noted that the scheduling conflict had attracted bipartisan concern, including from Liberal MPs Marco Mendicino, whom Aryeh-Bain is trying to unseat in Toronto, and Anthony Housefather of Montreal. Chief executive Michael Mostyn called the decision a “massive victory for the Canadian Jewish community.”
“The right to vote and run for office is one of the most fundamental rights in Canadian society, and the court was right to find that Elections Canada must give them proper consideration,” Mostyn said.
“We urge the chief electoral officer to act quickly and make the right decision.”


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

OH CLIFFY.........................................

why dont you go back to wasting your day...........................................

having EROTIC THOUGHTS.........................................

about being "DOMINATED" BY BITCHY LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think JLM is right about your "hobbies"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
The same people that hated Ford prior to Ontario’s election still do . Go figure .
I was very Tory before that election. It was clearly time to fire the Liberals( it was during the previous election and the Tory leader blew a sure thing with his stupid "million jobs" idiocy). First there was a frame-up and assassination of Patrick Brown ... off-putting but not fatal. The Conservatives had two top notch excellent and eminently qualified (but women) candidates. The brest and vagina thing is too high a mountain for the hillbilly end of the party to climb and a Trumpian bullying liar, repeatedly rejected by City of Toronto voters did an inside job and hijacked the convention. A lot of us (I did work for the local Tories up to that point) were horrified that this criminal "thing" elbowed his way to the top.

The second big achievement of Doug Ford after "a buck a beer" (Give me a break!) that no one can profitably brew, therefore no one did was to impose himself as the de-facto mayor of Toronto and to settle some old scores, there.

The voters of Ontario voted for none of that nor for Ford's hanger's on ultra right agenda. They voted for a change to fiscal responsibility not against "prooooogs".

Ford has failed at the fiscal responsibility point. High profile budget cuts to things like Autism care make them look like monsters, yet they are now spending several billions more on a subway plan that Toronto doesn't want (they have a less expensive and simpler system planned and started) and why?

Because that"s what Doug and the ghost of his brother want. The Prooooogs in Toronto want to spend billions less. The Provincial budget is already 5 billion higher than Wynne's but the families of Autistic children are on their own (those filthy progs).

Ford is like Trump ... a deficit spending demagogue and Ontario has not bought it. Ford is the least popular Premier in the Province"s history and nothing and nobody will turn that around. unfortunately, Ontario is now guarenteed to get another Liberal government next time provincially and quite possibly, nationally, as well.

Had the hillbilly contingent of the Conservative party not muscled their very own Trump in, the PCs would still be in the running.

The message doesn't seem to be getting through federally, either although Andrew Scheer is probably deeply aware of what the Yahoo dynamic might go to him. Harper sure was and he kept the hillbilly contingent nicely under control.

I'll bet that this is all way too complicated for you, pigs.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I was very Tory before that election. It was clearly time to fire the Liberals( it was during the previous election and the Tory leader blew a sure thing with his stupid "million jobs" idiocy). First there was a frame-up and assassination of Patrick Brown ... off-putting but not fatal. The Conservatives had two top notch excellent and eminently qualified (but women) candidates. The brest and vagina thing is too high a mountain for the hillbilly end of the party to climb and a Trumpian bullying liar, repeatedly rejected by City of Toronto voters did an inside job and hijacked the convention. A lot of us (I did work for the local Tories up to that point) were horrified that this criminal "thing" elbowed his way to the top.

The second big achievement of Doug Ford after "a buck a beer" (Give me a break!) that no one can profitably brew, therefore no one did was to impose himself as the de-facto mayor of Toronto and to settle some old scores, there.

The voters of Ontario voted for none of that nor for Ford's hanger's on ultra right agenda. They voted for a change to fiscal responsibility not against "prooooogs".

Ford has failed at the fiscal responsibility point. High profile budget cuts to things like Autism care make them look like monsters, yet they are now spending several billions more on a subway plan that Toronto doesn't want (they have a less expensive and simpler system planned and started) and why?

Because that"s what Doug and the ghost of his brother want. The Prooooogs in Toronto want to spend billions less. The Provincial budget is already 5 billion higher than Wynne's but the families of Autistic children are on their own (those filthy progs).

Ford is like Trump ... a deficit spending demagogue and Ontario has not bought it. Ford is the least popular Premier in the Province"s history and nothing and nobody will turn that around. unfortunately, Ontario is now guarenteed to get another Liberal government next time provincially and quite possibly, nationally, as well.

Had the hillbilly contingent of the Conservative party not muscled their very own Trump in, the PCs would still be in the running.

The message doesn't seem to be getting through federally, either although Andrew Scheer is probably deeply aware of what the Yahoo dynamic might go to him. Harper sure was and he kept the hillbilly contingent nicely under control.

I'll bet that this is all way too complicated for you, pigs.
No it just reiterated what I said . Those who hated Ford still do , you included .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I was very Tory before that election. It was clearly time to fire the Liberals( it was during the previous election and the Tory leader blew a sure thing with his stupid "million jobs" idiocy). First there was a frame-up and assassination of Patrick Brown ... off-putting but not fatal. The Conservatives had two top notch excellent and eminently qualified (but women) candidates. The brest and vagina thing is too high a mountain for the hillbilly end of the party to climb and a Trumpian bullying liar, repeatedly rejected by City of Toronto voters did an inside job and hijacked the convention. A lot of us (I did work for the local Tories up to that point) were horrified that this criminal "thing" elbowed his way to the top.

The second big achievement of Doug Ford after "a buck a beer" (Give me a break!) that no one can profitably brew, therefore no one did was to impose himself as the de-facto mayor of Toronto and to settle some old scores, there.

The voters of Ontario voted for none of that nor for Ford's hanger's on ultra right agenda. They voted for a change to fiscal responsibility not against "prooooogs".

Ford has failed at the fiscal responsibility point. High profile budget cuts to things like Autism care make them look like monsters, yet they are now spending several billions more on a subway plan that Toronto doesn't want (they have a less expensive and simpler system planned and started) and why?

Because that"s what Doug and the ghost of his brother want. The Prooooogs in Toronto want to spend billions less. The Provincial budget is already 5 billion higher than Wynne's but the families of Autistic children are on their own (those filthy progs).

Ford is like Trump ... a deficit spending demagogue and Ontario has not bought it. Ford is the least popular Premier in the Province"s history and nothing and nobody will turn that around. unfortunately, Ontario is now guarenteed to get another Liberal government next time provincially and quite possibly, nationally, as well.

Had the hillbilly contingent of the Conservative party not muscled their very own Trump in, the PCs would still be in the running.

The message doesn't seem to be getting through federally, either although Andrew Scheer is probably deeply aware of what the Yahoo dynamic might go to him. Harper sure was and he kept the hillbilly contingent nicely under control.

I'll bet that this is all way too complicated for you, pigs.

"Toronto has a simpler and less expensive system planned and started" SAYS THE LIE-beral LITE LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jackass John Tory has been on a rampage lately PRETENDING ....................................

that the Ford Transit plan is trashing Toronto work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As the goofs at Metrolinx have PROVED.........................................

any IMBECILE can draw lines on a map.........................................................

and call it a transit plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE ONLY REASON Jackass John Tory and his Silly Hall colleagues have started whining NOW ..........................

is because they are AFRAID Ford will show them up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And make Silly Hall HOGS LOOK JUST AS BAD as they really are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ford GOT ELECTED in part because............................................

even if only ONE QUARTER of the Ford plan gets built in the next ten years.................................

IT WILL STILL BE DOUBLE WHAT Jackass John and the Silly Hall HOGS could have done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toronto HAS HAD FORTY YEARS TO DO SOMETHING................................

or anything about building MORE TRANSIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toronto Silly Hall has FAILED UTTERLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All Toronto has to show for the MULTI MILLIONS spent at Metrolinx......................................

is a BUNCH OF PRETTY MAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

With energy and the environment playing an important role in the fall election, Canadians face starkly different policy positions from political parties, together with a bewildering array of information and disinformation. Here is my rather eclectic list of little-known facts, head-scratching paradoxes and utter hypocrisy.

On June 17, the House of Commons passed a motion declaring a National Climate Emergency.

Firstly, there is no such thing as a “national” climate emergency. Climate change is global, not national, and Canada’s contribution to global CO2 emissions is a minuscule 1.6 per cent. Here are the answers to some questions that will help you assess whether there’s really a “climate emergency.”

Apocalyptic projections of rapid sea level rises are driving municipal and provincial governments on both our east and west coasts to implement “sea level rise plans” that include sterilizing waterfront from development, building sea barriers and even buying out and destroying homes that are deemed vulnerable. So just how fast are sea levels rising? Here again the NOAA provides the answer. Despite all the calamitous rhetoric, the NOAA states that sea levels “continue to rise at the rate of about one-eighth of an inch (3.2 mm) per year.” At that rate, a house built 10 feet above sea level today would still be 9 feet 7 inches above sea level 40 years from now.

South Africa, India, the Philippines, South Korea, Japan and China, all signatories to the Paris climate accord, are building a combined 1,800 new coal-fired power plants. Coal plants emit twice as much CO2 as natural gas plants. Meanwhile, international environmental groups campaign against sending Canadian LNG to those countries. And here at home, the Trudeau Liberals have just introduced a tax specifically designed to discourage the building of new cleaner-burning gas-fired power plants as they continue to pursue the fantasy that wind and solar will keep the lights on. Good luck with that. After hundreds of billions of dollars invested, wind and solar contribute just two per cent of global energy supply. And that’s only when the wind is blowing, and the sun is shining.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) would have us believe that fossil fuel emissions are the sole reason for climate change. But what about urbanization and deforestation? A study by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs states that the urban population rose from 750 million in 1950 to 4.2 billion in 2018. We don’t need the IPCC’s hugely complex computer models to know that cities are hotter. All we have to do is walk from a paved sun-heated street lined with concrete buildings to a grassy park. Rather than reflecting the sun’s rays back to outer space, all that concrete and pavement absorbs the sun rays, creating a giant heat sink. Likewise, deforestation is turning vast tracts of cool African and South American jungles into heat-absorbing barrens. The U.S. EPA summarizes the combined effect, “Processes such as deforestation and urbanization … contribute to changes in climate.” Trying to deal with any problem without considering all possible causes is both a foolish and dangerous strategy.

The Liberal government’s proposed “national clean fuel standard” requires increased biofuel content in motor fuels. Government mandated biofuel content requirements in North America and the EU have driven the burning of critically important jungle habitat to make way for palm oil plantations. On the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, over 50,000 Orangutans have died because of palm oil deforestation.

Several municipal Councils, including Toronto and Victoria, are looking to sue fossil-fuel producers for causing climate change, but 70 per cent of emissions come from their own constituents. And imagine their outcry if fuel producers failed to deliver!

B.C. Premier Horgan, a champion of carbon taxes, called an enquiry to investigate high gasoline prices, but prohibited the enquiry panel from considering the price impact of provincial taxes. He also wants Alberta to build a new refinery to supply his province, but he’s against the pipeline that’s needed to carry it.

The Trudeau government implemented a tanker ban prohibiting movement of Canadian oil on the northern B.C. coast. Meanwhile, hundreds of tankers churn through the delicate and much more enclosed St. Lawrence estuaries carrying oil from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Russia, Iraq, Nigeria, Angola and Algeria. And while ship/whale collisions are virtually unheard-of on BC’s northern coast, those foreign oil tankers move through waters where a critically endangered Northern Right Whale was killed in a ship collision just last month.

Gerald Butts, former personal secretary to the prime minister, is back to help the Liberals win re-election. Before joining the Prime Minster’s Office (PMO), Butts was CEO of World Wildlife Canada (WWF), an organization dedicated to “landlocking” the oilsands by stopping new pipelines. In his role as head honcho of the PMO, he was the mastermind behind policies that could cripple our country’s oil industry. Gerald Butts has admitted via his Twitter account to receiving $361,642 from WWF during his first two years at the PMO. He claims it was severance, but how many Canadians have ever received severance for quitting their job?