CDN Election 2019


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Calm down , no says you don’t deserve your pension . It is true that public sector unions are a drain and should be eliminated, that said public sector employees should receive fair compensation with yearly cost of living raises , as well as a generous pension plan .

Yeah, I blew up on the poor guy, who quite often writes good posts. Now MY point of view, I worked for 35 years at a job I was fairly good at and tried to do a good job. To earn the wage I got I had to win promotions, the wage scale wasn't set by me and the pension formula wasn't set by me, so naturally I get pissed off when judgment on me is passed by someone who knows nothing of my work history. I realize Putz is capable of that ignorance but I figured "Spilled the Beer" was smarter.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Yeah, I blew up on the poor guy, who quite often writes good posts. Now MY point of view, I worked for 35 years at a job I was fairly good at and tried to do a good job. To earn the wage I got I had to win promotions, the wage scale wasn't set by me and the pension formula wasn't set by me, so naturally I get pissed off when judgment on me is passed by someone who knows nothing of my work history. I realize Putz is capable of that ignorance but I figured "Spilled the Beer" was smarter.
Spillthebeer has one track , hog gravy . He makes some good points , but it all comes back to hog gravy .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Before you go yapping too f**king much, maybe check what the HOG rate was between the years of 1963 and 1975, when we were about 30% behind the private sector...……...asshole. Anyway I worked for 35 years before I drew any pension as opposed to 6 years for some members of Gov't. I never got to set my wage (Iike some in the private sector do) and I never got any say on the pension rate, so you better shut your f**king pie hole before making anymore stupid f**king statements you don't have a clue about. If you think my job was so f**king great, why didn't you apply for it, Asshole!

Cover your ears- its PIGGIE SQUEALING time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Joyless LIE-beral Monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL IS REVEALED AND EXPLAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO WONDER your set of personal values was so SCHIZOPHRENIC!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have spent a LIFE TIME demanding and defending civil service union HOG ENTITLEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now that you are retired - you are FIGHTING TOOTH AND NAIL TO ENSURE that FREE MARKET CAPITALISM is forced on ALL CDNS!!!!!!!!!!

Simply to ensure that your HOG PENSION stretches to cover ALL the entitlements you feel ENTITLED to enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have written before about this HOG schizophrenia that demands SOCIALISM FOR HOGS and wage and price reducing Capitalism for all others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now as the gravy runs out - you HOGS are turning on each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can a Joyless LIE-beral Monkey keep his property taxes LOW if teacher HOGS get BIG PAY RAISES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can a Joyless LIE-beral HOG keep his electrical bills low if Hydro HOGS get BIG PAY RAISES????????????????/

How much will it cost the Joyless Monkey to heat his home with natural gas or drive his car if Our idiot Boy follows through and manages to HUGELY HIKE the cost of all fossil fuels????????????????????

And how much Joyless Monkey income will be LOST to taxes if Our idiot Boy keeps on bringing in those hordes of unskilled and ill educated illegals who will REQUIRE LIFE LONG GOVT AID just to survive here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And how much MORE Joyless Income will be lost if NDPees get to pull a bunch of LIE-beral minority govt strings and create the kind of conditions that previously LED TO THE NOTORIOUS RAE DAYS here in Ontari-owe - where HOGS were sent home for FORCED UNPAID DAYS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And HOW UNPLEASANT FOR you to be watching FAILED LIE-beral policies driving so many Cdns into the arms of those Ford and Scheer and Kenney Conservatives and into the the Quebec CAQ as well!! How awkward that Cdns are growing FOND of govts that do NOT suck up to HOGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


EVEN MORE ALARMING - that three hundred billion dollar bill DOES NOT COVER THE OTHER THREE LEVELS OF GOVT - meaning provincial, municipal and the arms length Crown Corporations like Metrolinx and E-health and the colleges, hospitals and universities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES!!! LIE-berals made HUGE PROMISES TO PAY LATER - in exchange for HOG VOTES NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LIE-berals CANNOT PAY for TWO REASONS - first we are getting perilously close to the debt wall so borrowing is being curtailed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Secondly - LIE-beral ability to ROB PETER TO BRIBE PAUL with tax games has foundered on PETER`S GROWING RAGE AT BEING RIPPED OFF!!!!!

Retired HOGS like Joyless LIE-beral Monkey NEED for BOTH LIE-berals and currently working HOGS to make major contributions to their HOG pension plans - to STAVE OFF Pension PLAN BANKRUPTCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About 6 years ago the outgoing chairman of the OSSTF - Ontari-owe high school teachers pension fund management team - came on TVO/The Agenda and discussed some ALARMING NUMBERS - SUCH AS THE fifteen billion dollar debt that OSSTF had run up in the previous 5 years as pension payouts emptied HOG coffers faster than the money came in - thanks to those DEFERRED LIE-beral pay promises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The outgoing chairman- who was apparently something of a blabber mouth made it be known that within about 5 more years- which takes us up to June 2018 - OSSTF WOULD REQUIRE MAJOR NEW LIE-beral pension payments to stave off eventual OSSTF PENSION BANKRUPTCY since HOG entitlements were draining the allegedly “under funded” pension plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some simple extrapolation of the numbers supplied by the OSSTF pension chief indicate that the $15 billion dollars in debt that existed when he came on the show - would GROW to about $55 billion dollars in new debt and deferred interest payments - by June 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And in light of this OSSTF NEED - WE SEE WHY LIE-berals were so excited about using our electricity system as a GIANT LIE-beral slush fund!! Wynne-BAG had stood in front of teacher HOGS and told them that her govt “Would do whatever was necessary to win their trust”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course what was NECESSARY was to pay off the $55 billion dollars in accumulated pension DEBT to HOGS!! Problem is we DID NOT have the gravy when the promises were made and we are EVEN FURTHER in debt NOW!!!!!!!!!

And it ALSO EXPLAINS WHY Wynne-bag LIE-berals sold off a PART of the electricity system to THEIR PALS - and then slammed shut the books - citing FAKE PRIVACY CONCERNS - so we peasants could not see what was being done with the gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals did their BEST to win HOG “TRUST” - and WHERE IS Wynne-bag now?? HOG GREED is INSATIABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pension managers at other HOG unions are much more discreet and THEY AINT TALKING about whatever GRAND LIE-beral IOU`s they are holding!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And THAT IS the great HOG DILEMMA isnt it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHO TO VOTE FOR?? And WHO will HONOUR the HOG GREED for gravy??

LIE-berals have tipped their hand- between 2015 and 2019- HOGS GOT nice new pay raises -and also got two grand in NEW TAXES so they actually LOST MONEY with the LIE-beral Bait and Switch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is some good sense in choosing a Conservative who will keep HOG wage gains and taxes lower so the existing pension will stretch farther and this will please pensioners in th short term!!

Conservatives will definitely keep the economy more stable but they WILL NOT concern themselves with paying shameless vote buying PROMISES made by LIE-berals - meaning HOG pension plans will be ERODED and HOGS DO NOT wish to live like old GM workers and others - whose pension payouts have been REDUCED SEVERAL TIMES as GM falters and the gravy runs LOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or maybe a vote for one of the idiot cousins - meaning NDPees or Greenies - and thus snubbing LIE-beral promise breakers MIGHT BE FUN in the short term - but the idiot Cousins are even DUMBER and LESS RELIABLE than their LIE-beral relatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- LIE-beral IOU`s ARE NOT WORTH the paper they are printed on!! And LIE-beral assurances of their love of the middle class FOUNDERED in that rob Peter to pay Paul deal - with HOGS GETTING BOTH A PAY RAISE -and those carbon tax SCAMS that put UP the price of EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its BAD ENOUGH that HOGS are going short on gravy!! But it is even worse that the public KNOWS it is HOG GREED and LIE-beral vote buying that is driving virtually ALL our social and economic problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So WHAT IS A HOG TO DO?? Other than start to WHINE about how hard they had it in the good old days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many HOGS were GRATEFUL for that govt job back in 1921?? You recall that history - in that summer tens of thousands of UN-EMPLOYED EX CDN servicemen converged on Winnipeg to join the “Winnipeg General Strike” in a show of rage and frustration at being so poor - that they SHUT DOWN the entire city!! Yes - Winnipeg was three days away from STARVATION due to the city being so completely CLOSED BY POVERTY STRICKEN STRIKERS!!!!!!!!!!!

So the govt rounded up a bunch of ELDERLY RCMP officers- meaning ones TOO OLD to have been on the WW1 front lines and thus less likely to have friends and relatives among the strikers- the RCMP got machine guns and turned them on the strikers - 3 dead and 100 wounded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think the HOGS were grateful to have their govt jobs ON THAT DAY - compared to the UNEMPLOYED THOUSANDS OF STRIKERS??????????????

Or did the HOGS shrug and simply get BACK TO WORK - grabbing gravy!!!!!!!!

So things got better for HOGS between 1921 and 1929- and then oh dear- THE GREAT CRASH AND THE DIRTY THIRTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And HOW MANY HOGS gave thanks for their NICE STEADY GOVT JOBS that kept them out of the soup kitchens and bread lines between 1929 - 1939?????????

And then WW2 came along and everybody suffered!! But oh happy day- the good guys won and the Good Life returned and HOG DEMANDS ESCALATED WILDLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Was it not in 1967 that Daryl Bean - the head of the Cdn Letter carriers came on the radio - after another BRUTAL POSTIE STRIKE - to openly BOAST: “That Cdn posties are now the BEST PAID CIVIL SERVANTS ON THE PLANET”!!!!!

Yes- 3 generations of HOGS riding the gravy train and the richest country on the planet IS NOW BANKRUPT and facing the Debt Wall!! We now have debts SO SEVERE that it will TAKE CENTURIES to get paid off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aint that NICE to know HOGS have been so well tended to for so long?? But it AINT GOOD ENOUGH FOR the Joyless LIE-beral Monkey - or his PIGGIE PALS!!!!!!!!!!!!

and there is the BIG ISSUE of our day - that LIE-BERALS CANNOT BE TRUSTED to spend wisely- and HOG GREED IS INSATIABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All our political issues come back to those two statements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Cover your ears- its PIGGIE SQUEALING time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Joyless LIE-beral Monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL IS REVEALED AND EXPLAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO WONDER your set of personal values was so SCHIZOPHRENIC!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have spent a LIFE TIME demanding and defending civil service union HOG ENTITLEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now that you are retired - you are FIGHTING TOOTH AND NAIL TO ENSURE that FREE MARKET CAPITALISM is forced on ALL CDNS!!!!!!!!!!

Simply to ensure that your HOG PENSION stretches to cover ALL the entitlements you feel ENTITLED to enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have written before about this HOG schizophrenia that demands SOCIALISM FOR HOGS and wage and price reducing Capitalism for all others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice screed but it's poorly thought out. There's about 3 classifications of Gov't HOGS as you call them and the difference between them is like night and day. There's one classification that is just like the private sector, swing an axe, push a broom, plow snow, operate a jack hammer. There's another classification...…….politicians and their support staff, some are OK, except their pensions are a little steep. Then there's your paper pushers in a non political role a few of those are good workers doing a necessary job, but sadly there's situations where about 3 people are doing a job that can be handled by one. So your usual habit of jumping on everyone's throat isn't necessarily accurate or fair. Do a little research and quit the verbal diarrhea because you are not doing a service to anyone. One more hint reduce the length of your screeds to a paragraph or two at the very most and eliminate about 95% of your upper case letters. Most of us aren't f**king deaf. In other words smarten up! :)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Cover your ears- its PIGGIE SQUEALING time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Joyless LIE-beral Monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL IS REVEALED AND EXPLAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO WONDER your set of personal values was so SCHIZOPHRENIC!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have spent a LIFE TIME demanding and defending civil service union HOG ENTITLEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now that you are retired - you are FIGHTING TOOTH AND NAIL TO ENSURE that FREE MARKET CAPITALISM is forced on ALL CDNS!!!!!!!!!!

Simply to ensure that your HOG PENSION stretches to cover ALL the entitlements you feel ENTITLED to enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have written before about this HOG schizophrenia that demands SOCIALISM FOR HOGS and wage and price reducing Capitalism for all others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice screed but it's poorly thought out. There's about 3 classifications of Gov't HOGS as you call them and the difference between them is like night and day. There's one classification that is just like the private sector, swing an axe, push a broom, plow snow, operate a jack hammer. There's another classification...…….politicians and their support staff, some are OK, except their pensions are a little steep. Then there's your paper pushers in a non political role a few of those are good workers doing a necessary job, but sadly there's situations where about 3 people are doing a job that can be handled by one. So your usual habit of jumping on everyone's throat isn't necessarily accurate or fair. Do a little research and quit the verbal diarrhea because you are not doing a service to anyone. One more hint reduce the length of your screeds to a paragraph or two at the very most and eliminate about 95% of your upper case letters. Most of us aren't f**king deaf. In other words smarten up! :)


PIGGIE IS BACK TO squealing about caps and punctuation.........................................

because HE HAS NO VALID ARGUMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why dont we mention "JOBS FOR LIFE" for Toronto garbage men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

at GOOD WAGES - INCLUDING A NICE PENSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And before some garbageman WHINES about that PALTRY PENSION...............................

lets ask HOW MANY ORDINARY CDNS get ANY pension from their boss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why dont we ask some Sears employee HOW MUCH THEY ARE CURRENTLY GETTING from their pension plan?????????????

Or we could ask former Zellers employees what will happen to their pension savings............................

if parent corporation and former owner of Zellers - meaning Hudson`s Bay Corp-

GOES UNDER???????????????????????????


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

PIGGIE IS BACK TO squealing about caps and punctuation.........................................

because HE HAS NO VALID ARGUMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why dont we mention "JOBS FOR LIFE" for Toronto garbage men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is likely the last response you will get from me. I just explained the situation to you in a more or less civil manner with is easy to understand. WHAT is wrong with the poor garbage man hoping for a job for life, followed by a pension for his retirement? My son was a garbage man in Calgary for close to 10 years. Let me assure you it's a tough miserable job complete with abuse from the residents, not to mention downright dangerous to health at times. He had to be rushed to emergency once after inhaling chemicals. So maybe before you start denigrating an entire demographic, you might just follow one around for a week, so you know what the f**k you are talking about. If you don't like their wages or pensions benefits go talk to their employer, don't beat on the working man like an ignorant asshole!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I certainly thought so at the time, but it was only shortly after I found she was reluctant about doing anything to buck Justin.
Yes she buckled by backing Pinocchio but that doesn't take anything away from her efforts to get a new NAFTA deal done, JLM.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yes she buckled by backing Pinocchio but that doesn't take anything away from her efforts to get a new NAFTA deal done, JLM.

Yep, she could be overworked too! I wouldn't put it past the Little potato to take advantage of the agreeable ones who try to please.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
This is likely the last response you will get from me. I just explained the situation to you in a more or less civil manner with is easy to understand. WHAT is wrong with the poor garbage man hoping for a job for life, followed by a pension for his retirement? My son was a garbage man in Calgary for close to 10 years. Let me assure you it's a tough miserable job complete with abuse from the residents, not to mention downright dangerous to health at times. He had to be rushed to emergency once after inhaling chemicals. So maybe before you start denigrating an entire demographic, you might just follow one around for a week, so you know what the f**k you are talking about. If you don't like their wages or pensions benefits go talk to their employer, don't beat on the working man like an ignorant asshole!

OH DEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You will "stop responding to me"???????????????

So..............NO MORE WHINING ABOUT PUNCTUATION AND CAPS????????????????????????


And no more twisted civil service union HOG PROPAGANDA EITHER thrown my way either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As for your son being a garbage man....................................

IS IT NOT ODD HOW OFTEN entire families end up working for govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To become a HOG is rather like becoming Royalty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You ask "why didnt I apply for your HOG job"????????????????????????

Hiring freezes............................meaning NO job applications accepted...................................

Residency requirements.................................meaning you cannot apply to work in Markham if you live in Scarborough and etc...........

The need for recommendations from OTHER HOGS....................translation- family and close pals get FIRST OPTION.............

strangers and anonymous members of the public - who may hold values and views NOT ACCEPTABLE to the union - need not apply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seniority issues.................meaning IF there is EVER a need for layoffs among HOGS- the senior people "BUMP" the junior

ones............... onto the UNEMPLOYMENT LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One MUST BE BORN TO HOG STATUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like ROYALTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no doubt that being a garbage man USED TO BE DIFFICULT than it is now.......................................

BACK IN THE OLD DAYS BEFORE all that costly new hydraulic equipment and standardized bins were bought........................

and put into use by govt to save the backs of HOGS with Jobs for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In related news- older workers who can no longer produce are ROUTINELY Dealt with in the private sector......................

so why should HOGS not get that same deal???????????????????

Oh right....................we are back to that HOG ROYALTY thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a family friend who worked for a while as a garbage man in Calgary......................................

and have some idea of how the system works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT is HOG HYPOCRISY to talk - in the same sentence - of "fair wages" AND JOBS FOR LIFE - meaning the HOG CANNOT BE

FIRED.......................or otherwise declared redundant and laid off..........................................

unless he shoots his supervisor in the head or something of that sort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One has only to look at drunken BOOB STAN KABEL................................

the alcoholic swine at the heart of the Walkerton Water Tragedy that killed seven people and crippled 100 more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drunkard Kabel did his JOB SO BADLY that people DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And when the dust cleared and the bodies were BURIED....................................

Kabel went on to a SECOND CAREER as a HOG traffic light installer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bet that DRUNKEN PIG did not even miss a pay check!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now we are back to the same old HOG DEAL THAT YOU are deliberately IGNORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I STATE with absolute belief - AND IRON CLAD PROOF................................

that the HOG GRAVY TRAIN IS TOO RICH FOR US TO PAY FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I point AGAIN to the fact that Canada IS NOW BANKRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ontari-owe is now the most INDEBTED PROVINCE ON THE PLANET...........................

and yet our TEACHER HOGS are getting ready to STRIKE YET AGAIN................................

because Ford is not feeding new gravy fast enough to the HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I point again to the fact that Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals are GENERATING CRIPPLING DEBT ..............................

that it will take MULTIPLE generations of Cdns to pay off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot BOY is planning - AND HE TOLD US SO during the election - to BORROW about $20 billion dollars per year.................................

for the NEXT 4 YEARS - assuming his minority govt serves out a full term...........................................

which seems HIGHLY UNLIKELY - given the assorted stresses on the idiot Boy......................................

and WHAT will this money be used for???????????????

To win a war against a deadly enemy dictatorship???????????????????

To built a bunch of environment friendly public transit???????????????????

To fight crime and drug trafficking????????????????????

Too install multiple new sewage treatment plants so that we cease treating our rivers and oceans.............................

as ALWAYS flushing toilets???????????????????????????

NOPE - NONE OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy is going to BORROW $20 billion dollars per year................................

UNTIL HE IS THROWN OUT OF OFFICE...........................................

in HIS LUNATIC EFFORT to BUY enough votes that his party of HOGS can cling to power at any price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the LIE-beral PIGGY BRIBERY EFFORT STARTS with HOGS like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I just got to wondering if there is anything "carved in stone" that says a minority leader can't select some of his cabinet from the opposition parties. It just might make him a little more popular and at the same time fill a void on the prairies. He might even come across some capable people and draw some of the attention away from his arrogance!