CDN-Economy & Related Factors


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
SO fish without one. Just say you are an aborigional. Or better yet tell the clam cop that the salmon self identify as steaks so no license required.

Oh yeah - play that Aboriginal Card! BUT BETTER HAVE PROOF of Aboriginal Status on you!

Some years back a bunch of Nova Scotia natives got into an argument with Conservation officers about hunting and fishing rights

and the officers ended up getting disarmed and TIED UP AT GUN POINT by natives!

Naturally it went to court and the LIE-beral judge excused the natives!

So my point is this - if you CLAIM you is a native and you aint - DONT LET THEM TRACE where you live!

Or your next identity will be as a CONVICT facing prison for assault charges!

Double standards ARE THE LIE-beral order of the day!

NO MATTER what it says in Treaties about govt RIGHT to enact Conservation Laws!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
How is that liberal? The liberals brought this legislation in under their first term with a majority. This was not a secret. I'm commenting on the fact that so many dont know what was done. Ive seen more comments here and on facebook bitching about this sittings MPs voting themselves a raise when this sittings mp's did nothing of the sort. They have all automatically recieved a raise, both the house and the Senate, every year for the past 5 years because the majority liberal government in 2015 passed legislation giving automatic raises every year. This was not a surprise. This should not have been a surprise.

Oh gerryh! You play SILLY WORD GAMES!

A good many of the MP`s SITTING NOW - WHERE ALSO SITTING in 2016 when LIE-berals voted that nice set of pay raises!


Certainly there are a FEW new faces - but most are the same old RETREADS and RETARDS!!


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Poor fool! Taxme has NO understanding of the need for social distancing since he has been so crazy for so long
that people have been VOLUNTARILY offering HIM social distancing for many years!
Everybody avoids the crazy guy - taxme probably has not even caught a cold in years thanks to public avoidance of the loon!
Taxme is so insane that he has not realized the significance of the latest medical announcement that air conditioning can spread
Wuhan Virus - meaning that getting into large buildings with many other people and traveling in air planes are things

I will have you know Chief Spreading Bull that I never have social engineered myself at all from anyone. I do have plenty of people that I can socialize with but not right now, thanks to all of this plandemic bull shit going on.

But with you, I will make that exception easy enough. There is nothing worse than being next to a lunatic like you who believes that the Wah-hoo virus bug is all for real. And I will bet that any sane person that does come into contact with you, will want to practice social distancing pretty quickly with you, beer spiller. A hundred foot poll would not be far enough away for them. You truly do need to be avoided. You are the insane one here. Just saying.

Hey, Chief Spreading Bull, I have gone just about everywhere to try and get this Wah-hoo virus, and I am still waiting for it to enter my manly body. Funny thing is that everyone that I know and talk to never got the bug nor any of their friends or family either. So, just who is getting this bug, beer spiller?

Oh, I suppose now that you are going to try and spread some bull shit now and try to tell us all here that you had it already, eh? Liar. Anyway, I will try to find an air conditioning unit somewhere, and when I find one, I will take a nice big deep breath and breath in all that nice cool air that I can, and I will be thinking of you when I do it. LOL.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Quebec has seen Canada's worst COVID-19 outbreak, but plans to reopen faster than anywhere else

Quebec has seen the most COVID-19 cases and deaths than any other province, but it also plans to reopen businesses and schools faster than anywhere else.
The province’s schedule stands in sharp contrast to Ontario and other provinces who are moving more slowly — even provinces where new cases have effectively disappeared. New Brunswick has reported zero new cases for ten days in a row, but is still taking more gradual steps than Quebec, which reported 775 new cases and 83 new deaths on Tuesday alone.
On Tuesday, Quebec Premier François Legault announced that most retail stores will be able to reopen on May 4, except in Montreal, which will be a week later. The construction and the manufacturing sectors will be allowed to start reopening May 11. This follows Monday’s announcement that elementary schools and daycares will start reopening on May 11.

“Our challenge is to gradually re-start the economy without re-starting the pandemic,” Legault said, adding that announcements for more sectors to reopen will come over the next few weeks.
“The idea is to gradually add workers and analyze the effect on the contagion. But one thing is clear: If we want our plan to work, we need to continue our efforts of physical distancing, and we need to continue to protect the most vulnerable.”
Horacio Arruda, Quebec’s public health director, said the virus will continue to circulate and needs to be carefully managed, but said it’s also important to balance other health objectives such as mental health that are affected by shuttering the economy. ……..More

A look at how provinces plan to emerge from COVID-19 shutdown

Provinces have begun to release plans for easing restrictions that were put in place to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Here is what some of the provinces have announced so far:
Prince Edward Island
The Renew P.E.I. Together plan calls for the restart of priority non-urgent health-care services on May 1, including certain elective surgeries and select health-service providers, including physiotherapists, optometrists and chiropractors. Also to begin May 1 are outdoor gatherings and non-contact outdoor recreational activities of no more than five individuals from different households. Screening is to continue at points of entry and all people coming into P.E.I. will be required to isolate for 14 days.
New Brunswick
Premier Blaine Higgs put the first phase of his four-phase reopening plan into action April 24. It allows limited play on golf courses as well as fishing and hunting. Two families are allowed to interact as part of a so-called "two-family bubble." Post-secondary students can return if it's deemed safe by the school, and outdoor church services can be held, if people remain in their vehicles and are two metres apart. The second phase, which could begin within two to four weeks would see resumption of elective surgeries, and reopening of daycares, offices, restaurants, ATV trails and seasonal campgrounds. The third phase would allow regular church services, dentistry work and reopened fitness centres. The final phase, which would probably come only after a vaccine is available, would include large gatherings.
Premier Francois Legault has set May 11 as reopening day for schools and daycares outside greater Montreal. The city is to follow suit on May 19. Legault says attendance won't be mandatory. High schools, junior colleges and universities are to remain closed until September. Quebec aims to open retail stores outside Montreal by May 4 while those in the greater Montreal region are to reopen May 11. The construction industry is to completely start up May 11, while manufacturing companies are to resume operations the same day with initial limits on the total number of employees who can work per shift.
Premier Doug Ford released a three-step plan on April 27, but did not include a timeline. Stage 1 could include opening select workplaces that could modify operations such as providing curbside pickup or delivery, opening parks, allowing for more people at certain events such as funerals, and having hospitals resume some non-urgent surgeries. Stage 2 could include opening more businesses, opening more outdoor spaces, and allowing some larger public gatherings. Stage 3 would include having all workplaces open and further relaxing rules on public gatherings — though large ones such as sporting events and concerts would still be restricted.
The Saskatchewan government released on April 23 a five-phase plan to reopen parts of its economy. Lifting of some measures could start May 4, with dentists, optometrists and other health professionals allowed to resume services. Phase 1 also includes reopened golf courses and campgrounds. Phase 2 would give the green light to retail businesses and salons. Restaurants and gyms could open in Phase 3 but with limited capacity. Phase 4 could see arenas, swimming pools and playgrounds opening. In Phase 5, the province would consider lifting restrictions on the size of public gatherings.
The Manitoba government says it will release its plan to loosen restrictions soon. Chief public health officer, Dr. Brent Roussin, says some non-essential businesses might be allowed to reopen and a 10-person limit on public gatherings might be raised in the near future. Churches and dine-in restaurants might be able to restart at some point.
Premier Jason Kenney outlined preliminary details of the province's relaunch strategy on April 7. It includes doing as many as 20,000 COVID-19 tests a day, more precise tracing of close contacts of those who are infected, stronger quarantining of international arrivals, using smartphone apps to enforce quarantine orders and wearing masks. He said Tuesday that details will be announced later this week about the province's plan to relaunch the economy. He said if things go well, some restrictions may be lifted in May.

I guess we will find out if a more aggressive timeline by Quebec will be the better option for the next lockdown.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I will have you know Chief Spreading Bull that I never have social engineered myself at all from anyone. I do have plenty of people that I can socialize with but not right now, thanks to all of this plandemic bull shit going on.

But with you, I will make that exception easy enough. There is nothing worse than being next to a lunatic like you who believes that the Wah-hoo virus bug is all for real. And I will bet that any sane person that does come into contact with you, will want to practice social distancing pretty quickly with you, beer spiller. A hundred foot poll would not be far enough away for them. You truly do need to be avoided. You are the insane one here. Just saying.

Hey, Chief Spreading Bull, I have gone just about everywhere to try and get this Wah-hoo virus, and I am still waiting for it to enter my manly body. Funny thing is that everyone that I know and talk to never got the bug nor any of their friends or family either. So, just who is getting this bug, beer spiller?

Oh, I suppose now that you are going to try and spread some bull shit now and try to tell us all here that you had it already, eh? Liar. Anyway, I will try to find an air conditioning unit somewhere, and when I find one, I will take a nice big deep breath and breath in all that nice cool air that I can, and I will be thinking of you when I do it. LOL.

First point - which eluded you as so many do - YOU DONT HAVE to personally take action to "social distance" yourself!

Other Cdns take ONE LOOK AT YOU - and DO IT FOR YOU! Meaning other Cdns FLEE your insane presence!

Second point - CLEARLY YOU HAVE caught Wuhan Virus and it is making you BABBLE relentlessly in your fevered delirium!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
C.D. Howe's Business Cycle Council says country has entered a recession

C.D. Howe says because of the pandemic, but statistics Canada says it started before the pandemic

Statistics Canada reported Thursday that economic growth had stalled going into the crisis, with real gross domestic product essentially unchanged in February due to teacher strikes in Ontario and rail blockades across many parts of the country.

I guess we can put this squarely into Tator tot's hands for not handling the blockades from the onset.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Deficit Tops WW2 Spending

Parliament in seven weeks has spent more than it did to fight the Second World War, new data show. The Parliamentary Budget Office yesterday blamed multi-billion dollar cost overruns on pandemic relief programs: “We cannot afford not to.”

....but it doesn't matter, the budget will balance itself.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
C.D. Howe's Business Cycle Council says country has entered a recession

C.D. Howe says because of the pandemic, but statistics Canada says it started before the pandemic

I guess we can put this squarely into Tator tot's hands for not handling the blockades from the onset.


Our idiot Boy has made a ROYAL MESS of everything related to native issues!


Some months back after a series of very public road and rail blockades - LIE-berals announced that they had reached a deal with Wet`suwet`en hereditary chief radical dictators and we were told the details would be made public in time - AFTER all interested natives got briefed! Yet in the latest news - LIE-berals are making plans with native radicals to SIGN the deal WITHOUT EVER letting the public know anything about the deal!

Why are our Soviet Socialist LIE-beral overlords so carefully HIDING the details of their plan with native radical troublemakers? Just HOW BIG a give away have LIE-berals arranged that they fear to tell us about it?

In related news - as of May1, 2020, the ELECTED LEADERS of Wet`suwet`en are DEMANDING the deal be WITHDRAWN and the self proclaimed authority of UN-ELECTED hereditary chiefs to speak to govt on behalf of their people BE REVOKED!

The HARD TRUTH IS that ther majority of natives DO NOT approve of the DIRTY BACK ROOM DEAL cooked up by the LIE-beral minority govt and a small cabal of native Fascists who are trying to dictate terms to the LARGE NATIVE GROUP that opposes them!

By giving support and preference to native “hereditary” chiefs - who DO NOT HAVE any real public support for their position against pipelines within either their local native communities or within the larger Cdn community - LIE-berals are YET AGAIN SHOWING THEIR CONTEMPT for legitimate democracy and the principle of one person and one vote!

No Wonder that LIE-berals are trying their best to SHUT DOWN AND PARALYZE our Parliament until December 2021! LIE-berals are engaged in the same sort of POWER GRAB that enabled the ELECTED Chancellor Adolf Hitler to be come the DICTATOR Adolf Hitler!

The public display of LIE-beral corruption during the Lavalin Scandal would have been enough to bring down the LIE-beral party - except for the $100 BILLION DOLLARS in new debts / BRIBE MONEY that LIE-berals scattered around the country to civil service union HOGS and other special interest groups!

And LIE-beral corruption is so vile that even $100 billion dollars ONLY BUYS a SHORT LIVED MINORITY GOVT!

And now we have this FARCE of a deal with a cabal of RADICALS within the native community and in the LIE-beral party Masquerading as representatives of a democracy in action!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Air Canada reports a billion dollar loss for the first quarter.

And they have not even addressed their liability as the carriers and enablers of the pandemic.

My feelings about the Canadian airline industry are this: you are profiteers who have consistanly screwed the Canadian public for decades.

It will pain me when we bail your worthless asses out with public funds.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Gosh, if only there was some kind of magical income source that the Canadian gvt could rely on for cash.


LIE-berals are PLANNING TO WRITE IT ALL OFF at some point in the future as "un-collectible debt"!

LIE-berals have been planning THAT WRITE OFF for several decades!

LIE-berals plan to deal with creditors in the same way that Greek LIE-berals did!

Cdn LIE-berals THINK they can talk their way out of their NASTY PREDICAMENT as one of the most indebted countries


Delusional LIE-berals HAVE FORGOTTEN that Canada has oil and a lot of other resources that the woerld will BUY

When we get desperate enough to OFFER BARGAIN PRICES!

And there is the terrible TRUTH! YOU CAN SELL ANYTHING - if your prices are LOW ENOUGH!

LIE-berals are on track to sink us to the BOTTOM of everything!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
What's wrong with cutting down trees, hunting moose, making syrup, and sending tens of thousands of comics and actors south?

Worked for y'all so far.

As opposed to putting poverty stricken Yankees into the army so they will have clothes to wear and something to EAT?

And those who dont want to be soldiers can go to jail to get worse food and less stylish clothing!

Or if they are clever - they can join Congress! The WAITING ROOM FOR JAIL!

It was Mark Twain who observed: "Congress is the natural criminal class of the United States"!

And HOW IS THAT working out for you?

No wonder so few Yankees approve of gun control!