I'm not telling you stop posting, but can't you see, like all topics, discussion
comes to an end, everyone said what they thought, now, to repeat it over, and over and over becomes
very monotonous and fruitless. We all know now what we "all" think on the topic. You can't expect
Sanctus to take a different approach than the one he believes, just as noone expects you to do that
either. If you can't let it go, you'll have to go to a "larger" place, like the Vatican to "post" your
complaints, noone here has any power to "do" anything about much of anything on this board.
I enjoy reading posts from Sanctus, and from time to time, I ask him questions. He is only one
"priest", who is obviously taking time out of his day to "post" here, and if we lose him, it will be
our loss, not his.
I have learned that he is happy to answer questions, but he doesn't deserve to be "attacked" as
though he is "Head" of the Vatican.
If you were a "loyal" servant of your company , and people were "badgering" and
"berating" you constantly about how the company was run, wouldn't you tell them to "take" it
upstairs, I know I would.