Casey Anthony trial


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
What would be your reasoning?

Do they have televised trials up there?

I have never heard of a televised trial in Canada. The laws state that no investigative information can be released about a case prior to trial, so murdertainment cannot happen. The closest Canada ever came to being sucked into murdertainment was in the case of Ryan Jenkins and Jasmine Fiore. He was the son of a respected Calgary architect and he got involved with a gold digger in California after appearing on Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire. The whirlwind relationship was filled with jealousy and insanity until he murdered her in a rage and fled to Canada. Nasty Grace was on TV every night creating a frenzy amongst viewers - even going to far as to contact a well known Calgary lawyer and having him comment during her show. Jenkins committed suicide in a dingy motel in BC and the case was closed.

One big difference I see between crime in Canada V the US is that when, for example, a murder occurs, there is some coverage about tracking a suspect. After an arrest, nothing more is said until trial. That gives everyone a chance to carry on with their lives and wait for a verdict. In the US, some murders are sensationalized by the talking heads who essentially track down everyone remotely connected with the case, and then decide on the guilt of the suspect. All investigative information and propaganda is discussed on TV, making jury selection next to impossible. The media frenzy sucks people into a type of mob mentality where logic and common sense are permanently suspended. By the time there is a trial, emotions are high and mobs gather outside the courthouse. In the case of Casey Anthony, I think she should fear for her life because everyone in the US has guns, emotions surrounding the case are very high and some crazy person may decide to deliver their own form of justice. I think she will have to hide for a very long time.

That's not necessarily what the jury thought. They simply didn't believe that there was enough evidence to believe without a reasonable doubt. Nowhere does it say that the jury believed any of what you say.

The jury had doubt about the evidence. That much we know. That doesn't mean the prosecution case was weak, or that the same evidence presented in any other situation would have resulted in a not guilty verdict. What it means is that when given the two theories to consider: drowning, duct tape, swamp or deliberate murder, they chose the drowning, duct tape, swamp theory even though there was no evidence to support the theory.

With no DNA on the duct tape, and no witnesses to the actual killing accidental or otherwise, as well as the allowance of all kinds of outrageous speculation on the part of the defense, right up to the final summation was bad enough. The prosecution on the other hand, had to stick to the facts , doesn't make the jury dumb.

The duct tape was attached to the hair and skull. After sitting in a swamp for 5 months, how much DNA would one expect to find on duct tape? In my opinion, none. However, the tape was attached to the hair, which does have DNA.

Any jury that believes that a former police officer is going to stage an accidental drowning to appear as a murder has watched too much fantasy TV.

I wonder who would make that decision based on cost. I understand it is only speculation.

But whatever the case... she walks on Thursday. I am sure of it.

I did not think of that but I wouldn't doubt that at all.

The state of Florida was paying for the dream team and witnesses for Anthony. Because of the media frenzy, Baez was able to make the argument that a fair trial was going to be difficult and therefore he needed unlimited funds to defend her. He flew in a low number count DNA expert from the Netherlands to testify that this particular type of DNA analysis is possible ... and implied that since it's possible, the state should have been able to find tiny bits of DNA on the duct tape. The fact is that there was no skin left on the skeletonized body, so why would anyone expect there to be LNC DNA on the swampy duct tape? A Canadian expert was also flown in to testify. The cost of the trial was in the hundreds of thousands of dollars excluding the cost for the judge and prosecution.

She definitely walks on Thursday and, if her defence team is smart, they'll whisk her out of the country until the dust settles. I wonder which countries would be happy to have a felon visit ... somewhere in South America, perhaps.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
I have never heard of a televised trial in Canada. The laws state that no investigative information can be released about a case prior to trial, so murdertainment cannot happen. The closest Canada ever came to being sucked into murdertainment was in the case of Ryan Jenkins and Jasmine Fiore. He was the son of a respected Calgary architect and he got involved with a gold digger in California after appearing on Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire. The whirlwind relationship was filled with jealousy and insanity until he murdered her in a rage and fled to Canada. Nasty Grace was on TV every night creating a frenzy amongst viewers - even going to far as to contact a well known Calgary lawyer and having him comment during her show. Jenkins committed suicide in a dingy motel in BC and the case was closed.

One big difference I see between crime in Canada V the US is that when, for example, a murder occurs, there is some coverage about tracking a suspect. After an arrest, nothing more is said until trial. That gives everyone a chance to carry on with their lives and wait for a verdict. In the US, some murders are sensationalized by the talking heads who essentially track down everyone remotely connected with the case, and then decide on the guilt of the suspect. All investigative information and propaganda is discussed on TV, making jury selection next to impossible. The media frenzy sucks people into a type of mob mentality where logic and common sense are permanently suspended. By the time there is a trial, emotions are high and mobs gather outside the courthouse. In the case of Casey Anthony, I think she should fear for her life because everyone in the US has guns, emotions surrounding the case are very high and some crazy person may decide to deliver their own form of justice. I think she will have to hide for a very long time.

The jury had doubt about the evidence. That much we know. That doesn't mean the prosecution case was weak, or that the same evidence presented in any other situation would have resulted in a not guilty verdict. What it means is that when given the two theories to consider: drowning, duct tape, swamp or deliberate murder, they chose the drowning, duct tape, swamp theory even though there was no evidence to support the theory.

The duct tape & swamp were facts, drowning was not. That was one of many theories set forth. Cause of death was not established,as far as I understand.

Why the duct tape if the child was already dead or died accidentally?? Duct tape indicates death was probably NOT accidental. Why the defense putting forth that silly coverup an accidental death,was allowed, without some proof of drowning. In the end, with no direct evidence connecting Casey or anyone else to the death, the jury was right in returning the verdict it did.
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
In the US, some murders are sensationalized by the talking heads who essentially track down everyone remotely connected with the case, and then decide on the guilt of the suspect. All investigative information and propaganda is discussed on TV, making jury selection next to impossible. The media frenzy sucks people into a type of mob mentality where logic and common sense are permanently suspended.

But don't you think you've been sucked in as well? I hear a lot of chatter about this media frenzy and how bad it is... yet you seem to know a heck of a lot more about the case than I do.

By the time there is a trial, emotions are high and mobs gather outside the courthouse.

Do you think there is a difference between a mob and a crowd?

In the case of Casey Anthony, I think she should fear for her life because everyone in the US has guns, emotions surrounding the case are very high and some crazy person may decide to deliver their own form of justice. I think she will have to hide for a very long time.

I don't have a gun. Nobody in my family has a gun. One friend of mine hunts.

Hide? Like OJ Simpson? He was out golfing the week after he was aquitted.

The jury had doubt about the evidence. That much we know. That doesn't mean the prosecution case was weak, or that the same evidence presented in any other situation would have resulted in a not guilty verdict. What it means is that when given the two theories to consider: drowning, duct tape, swamp or deliberate murder, they chose the drowning, duct tape, swamp theory even though there was no evidence to support the theory.

The duct tape was attached to the hair and skull. After sitting in a swamp for 5 months, how much DNA would one expect to find on duct tape? In my opinion, none. However, the tape was attached to the hair, which does have DNA.

Any jury that believes that a former police officer is going to stage an accidental drowning to appear as a murder has watched too much fantasy TV.

Above is a perfect example of how much you yourself was engrossed by this media frenzy. They do it because people will watch. If there was no interest in this case there would be no frenzy. People like you, and that is not meant to disparage you, made the media dig for every piece of info because people wanted it.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
The duct tape & swamp were facts, drowning was not. That was one of many theories set forth. Cause of death was not established,as far as I understand.

Why the duct tape if the child was already dead or died accidentally?? Duct tape indicates death was probably NOT accidental. Why the defense putting forth that silly coverup an accidental death,was allowed, without some proof of drowning. In the end, with no direct evidence connecting Casey or anyone else to the death, the jury was right in returning the verdict it did.

Dilleen Hempel was driving home from work where she was a waitress. It appears that when she turned off the highway, she was stopped and attacked. Her car was found at the turnoff. Months later, her body was found in a shallow grave near the intersection but on a large piece of privately owned land. Someone was arrested and convicted for this murder even though there was no obvious time of death, evidence on the remains, or motive. To suggest that because the remains were skeletonized and a cause of death could not be identified, the prosecution theory was weak ... it doesn't add up for me.

The defence doesn't have to prove the drowning theory, they only have to present an alternate theory to the jury. For some reason, the jury decided that the duct taped child in a swamp was an accidental drowning. To do this, they had to ignore everything from the decomp in the car to the lying, partying suspect.

But don't you think you've been sucked in as well? I hear a lot of chatter about this media frenzy and how bad it is... yet you seem to know a heck of a lot more about the case than I do.

Do you think there is a difference between a mob and a crowd?

I don't have a gun. Nobody in my family has a gun. One friend of mine hunts.

Hide? Like OJ Simpson? He was out golfing the week after he was aquitted.

Above is a perfect example of how much you yourself was engrossed by this media frenzy. They do it because people will watch. If there was no interest in this case there would be no frenzy. People like you, and that is not meant to disparage you, made the media dig for every piece of info because people wanted it.

I'm a crime junky ... ever since a prosecutor became part of my family. I watch murdertainment from afar, often somewhat stunned at the mob mentality that is whipped up by the talking heads and spread like a virus across the internet. The mob has one single, emotionally driven interpretation of the facts, whereas a crowd doesn't seem to have the high emotions.

I doubt that people in foreign countries (not the US) such as the UK, Australia, Canada and various European countries contribute to the US frenzy. We are as curious about the way that people in the US conduct themselves as we are about unsolved crime. The US is an interesting country to watch because it still practices barbaric "eye for an eye" murder, like the Middle East, and because they turn tragedy into entertainment. Furthermore, the US is punitive whereas most other westernized countries address criminals from a rehabilitative position. It is quite shocking to see spousal homicide criminals, which is clearly an emotionally driven crime, sentenced to life in prison. Most countries give a sentence of 10 - 25 years. In Canada, matricide is viewed as a psychological breakdown and life in prison or death penalty are not sentences that would ever be considered. Since it is possible to get away with murdering children in the US, without even a psychiatric sentence, providing the defence counsel is outrageous enough, some of us are wondering what next.

As for being aware of the trial, it's rather difficult not to be aware of it. Any time I turned on CNN in the last 8 weeks all I could watch on the two available channels was discussion about Casey Anthony. I thought that CNN should rename itself to the Casey Anthony channel.


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
Not sure but i think the law in our state is !Everyone Must have a fence around there pool and if a child gets in without a fence , then the people who have the pool can both be charged! And go to prison . The mother of the child can then also be charged! but with different charges! Makes sense that her Dad might get her to lie! And He may well have gotten rid of the body to save Him and his wife! and even the daughter!
There were No honest people on either side! Everyone lied! The only one who might have been honest , was the DADS girl friend ? Even she Did not tell the truth at the beginning !Until she got $4000.00 for her story! I prayed about the case, Said to the LORD if she was innocent of killing her child? That the LORD would cause the jury to find her innocent! I cannot say it was because of my prayers! But can say most everyone thought she Must have killed her child! but there was nothing that showed she did! Only a lot of guesses!The guy who found her said He poked the head with a stick ! No telling how much He did ? Took two months to get the body found by police after the guy found it ! He refused to walk back in the woods to show the police!I thought they would have forced Him?
Her lawyer made a mistake .She could be free now ,had the lawyer ask the judge to let her go on time served.
Not sure how they could even charge her 4 times with lying to police?
The whole case was guess work. Think this might have happen or that might have happen ?


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
Not sure but i think the law in our state is !Everyone Must have a fence around there pool and if a child gets in without a fence , then the people who have the pool can both be charged! And go to prison . The mother of the child can then also be charged! but with different charges! Makes sense that her Dad might get her to lie! And He may well have gotten rid of the body to save Him and his wife! and even the daughter!
There were No honest people on either side! Everyone lied! The only one who might have been honest , was the DADS girl friend ? Even she Did not tell the truth at the beginning !Until she got $4000.00 for her story! I prayed about the case, Said to the LORD if she was innocent of killing her child? That the LORD would cause the jury to find her innocent! I cannot say it was because of my prayers! But can say most everyone thought she Must have killed her child! but there was nothing that showed she did! Only a lot of guesses!The guy who found her said He poked the head with a stick ! No telling how much He did ? Took two months to get the body found by police after the guy found it ! He refused to walk back in the woods to show the police!I thought they would have forced Him?
Her lawyer made a mistake .She could be free now ,had the lawyer ask the judge to let her go on time served.
Not sure how they could even charge her 4 times with lying to police?
The whole case was guess work. Think this might have happen or that might have happen ?

Here, there must be a fenced yard around an inground pool, and most likely also for an above ground pool. I've never heard that an above ground pool has to have a fence around the pool ... and I've certainly never seen an above ground pool with a big fence around it.

How can you be unsure of the conviction for lying to police? That is all she did between the time that the grandmother reported the child missing until the time that child's mother was arrested.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I only caught glimpses of this case, but did watch most of the summations and closing arguments. I knew there was a poblem with the Prosecution's case when the lead attorney spent virtually his entire argument on MOTIVE. You do not have to prove Motive to prove guilt, but on the other hand the existence of motive does not prove Guilt. It's a fall back position for Prosecutions when there are severe problems with the material evidence.

In this case that problem was a lack of chain of custody of the evidence... of the body of Caylee to prove Murder, and of the Computer to prove Premeditation. A body in the woods, that has been ravaged by decay, animal activity and perhaps human interference is not strong evidence. A family computer to which everyone has access does not provide a clear trail of search patterns that proves intent.

Motive could be used as proof, but only if the EXCLUSIVE method and opportunity existed on the part of the accused. Which is why Jose Baez was throwing every possible other interpretation of the data to cast doubt on that. I actually think Baez did a lousy job, throwing allegations into the Opening Statement for which he provided no evidence. He could have easily appeared so desperate and imcompetent as to undermine his client's case.

I frankly expected some compromise verdict, such as Manslaughter would be the likely outcome, because the alternative explanations were so unlikely, and the inferrence of Casey's guilt was so strong. But that's not how the jury read the instructions. It was going to be all or none with them.

As for Casey now, she's going to be released without a friend in the world. She threw her own family under a bus to protect herself, accusing father and brother of child molestation, which is viciously stigmatizing in the our modern world.. with the same casual indifference that she disposed of her daughter for infringing on her party girl lifestyle, and to spite her mother.. or stole checks left with her in trust by her roommate.

Everyone knows she got off because, likely by pure happenstance, her child's body wasn't found until it was 'dry bones'. It's going to be a lonely life for a long time for her, even if, as i suspect, she'll try to cash in on her infamy while it still has value.
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New Member
Feb 4, 2008
Listen the grandfather bought a gun and wrote a note saying HE was sorry1 what did He do ?why did He think He had to kill Himself!
i think He gave her bad advice and feared going to prison , In our prisons they go hard on ex cops! He knew He was in serious trouble and was going to take what He thought was the easy way out!
But was a coward!
Which i would tell anyone who is bound for Hell? Live as long as you can here!Because Hell is worse than any life we live here !


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I'm a crime junky ... ever since a prosecutor became part of my family. I watch murdertainment from afar,

Not any further than anyone else unless you live in Orlando in this case. And that is perfectly fine.

often somewhat stunned at the mob mentality that is whipped up by the talking heads and spread like a virus across the internet. The mob has one single, emotionally driven interpretation of the facts, whereas a crowd doesn't seem to have the high emotions.

We're getting into a gray area when comparing a mob and a crowd. I think there were two camps just as there are in this forum with regards to Casey's innocence or guilt. Meaning people either agree or disagree with the verdict here. Crowds certainly can have high emotions.

I doubt that people in foreign countries (not the US) such as the UK, Australia, Canada and various European countries contribute to the US frenzy.

No more or less than we here in Massachusetts contributed.

We are as curious about the way that people in the US conduct themselves as we are about unsolved crime.

I think that is a cop out.

The US is an interesting country to watch because it still practices barbaric "eye for an eye" murder, like the Middle East, and because they turn tragedy into entertainment. Furthermore, the US is punitive whereas most other westernized countries address criminals from a rehabilitative position. It is quite shocking to see spousal homicide criminals, which is clearly an emotionally driven crime, sentenced to life in prison. Most countries give a sentence of 10 - 25 years.

Some states do, but not all.

And giving out a 10-25 year sentence is admirable as long as it is a spouse? That's despicable if you ask me. Premeditated murder should carry a life sentence.

PS I am opposed to Capital Punishment.

In Canada, matricide is viewed as a psychological breakdown and life in prison or death penalty are not sentences that would ever be considered. Since it is possible to get away with murdering children in the US, without even a psychiatric sentence, providing the defence counsel is outrageous enough, some of us are wondering what next.

So Canada has never had an outrageous case and verdict in their history? Justice has been given out equally in all cases?

As for being aware of the trial, it's rather difficult not to be aware of it. Any time I turned on CNN in the last 8 weeks all I could watch on the two available channels was discussion about Casey Anthony. I thought that CNN should rename itself to the Casey Anthony channel.

Yet you watched it. You watched it enough to make a judgement on their content.


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
I try to never fully judge anything by the news or our government! I do not trust either very much! Most everyone on cnn saw this girl as a very evil being! I never did! I saw her as just a young dumb girl! I feel very sorry for our young people! So much evil and junk all around them always! most everything they see and hear! My daughter who is 13 years old! saw some miracles , which most never see! she was so happy and told other kids! they all made fun of her ! now she will not tell of these miracles! It sad to me! Now she has kind of turned against the LORD! I hate it . But cannot so anything about it! Me i am not ashamed of the miracles God has done in my life time! I tell anyone who will listen. I get cursed and mocked lots! I do not mind! I understand , they do not know1 why should i hate a person because they do not know or understand! People want to judge quickly in life! Not knowing all the facts! Lots about this case , none of us know ! God is LONG Suffering , He puts up with lots we do in life! But i have seen in my years here! No one ever gets away with everything. sooner or later they pay one way or the others!O J suffered lots after being found not guilty , then he wind up in prison and His future after He leaves His body ,Looks even Worse!
I judge things first in the spiritual then in the flesh ! No one on this planet is Perfect or lives a perfect life! We all make mistakes from time too time! Little things we do or say ? can lead to big problems for all of us! And many of us , Do not seem to learn from our mistakes? Listen I Do not blame anyone on earth for my mistakes! I know i caused about every one of them ! Hopefully as i live ? I will make less ?


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
I still cannot see how Casey Anthony could have been convicted of murder one, manslaughter or anything except lying to the police based upon what was presented in court. All the prosecution could come up were just stories that could not be connected to her with hard facts. I am not aware of any information about the trial being released before the trial started other than the charges. All these fantastic stories came out during the trial, and since trials are open to the public, TV was allowed. (could have held the trial in the Super Dome instead of a courtroom and it would have been legal.) I personally am against televising and having news media at a trial unless there stories are released after the trial is over.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
I still cannot see how Casey Anthony could have been convicted of murder one, manslaughter or anything except lying to the police based upon what was presented in court. All the prosecution could come up were just stories that could not be connected to her with hard facts. I am not aware of any information about the trial being released before the trial started other than the charges. All these fantastic stories came out during the trial, and since trials are open to the public, TV was allowed. (could have held the trial in the Super Dome instead of a courtroom and it would have been legal.) I personally am against televising and having news media at a trial unless there stories are released after the trial is over.

SPOT ON . Well said.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I still cannot see how Casey Anthony could have been convicted of murder one, manslaughter or anything except lying to the police based upon what was presented in court.

Exactly, and this trial actually confirms that our justice system works. There was not enough evidence presented to show that she was guilty, and the jury found her not guilty.

Exactly as it should be.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Listen the grandfather bought a gun and wrote a note saying HE was sorry1 what did He do ?why did He think He had to kill Himself!
i think He gave her bad advice and feared going to prison , In our prisons they go hard on ex cops! He knew He was in serious trouble and was going to take what He thought was the easy way out!
But was a coward!
Which i would tell anyone who is bound for Hell? Live as long as you can here!Because Hell is worse than any life we live here !

let's leave "hell " out of it and deal with the FACTS and HARD EVIDENCE. We have a justice system. It might not work all the time......but this time it worked. There was NOT ENOUGH EVIDENCE (PROOF) to warrant it to be a deagh penalty case which is where the prosecutor over reached completely. He made assumptions, without having the facts and evidence to support them.

The only theory that "rings true" is that some horrible accident happened. Caylee died , Someone panicked and did not know what to do ......and went into cover up mode instead of doing the responsible thing and reporting it to the authorities.. Then it spiraled out of control because the media ...........particularly types like Nancy Grace who pass judgment and inflame before all the evidence is even in ........or even when it is in.

the problem is that too often one is PRESUMED GUILTY until proved not guilty. This was the case here.

We don' t know for a FACT what she is guilty of besides being a pathological and immature liar. Neither of those are crimes that warrant the death penalty . But the lynch mob mentality that evolved with the inflammatory media ....was ready for blood and then some.

Anthony trial: Lack of evidence or good defense?

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Prosecutors proved Casey Anthony was a liar, but convinced the jury of little else.
The government failed to establish how 2-year-old Caylee Anthony died and they couldn't find her mother's DNA on the duct tape they said was used to suffocate her. There was conflicting testimony on whether the putrid smell inside the family's car was a decomposing body or simply trash, and it was never quite clear why chloroform was so important.
The lack of evidence and the doubt raised by the defense — that Caylee accidentally drowned in the family's pool — was enough to win an acquittal. After a trial of a month and a half, the jury took less than 11 hours to find Anthony not guilty of first-degree murder, aggravated manslaughter and aggravated child abuse.

Anthony trial: Lack of evidence or good defense? - Yahoo! News

......IMHO........Lack of evidence. The defense wasn't all that sharp or clever.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
One juror is talking to ABC news ... same organization that paid Casey Anthony $200,000, while she was in prison, for photos of her dead daughter. ABC has paid for Disney trips for her, her family, her siblings children, her siblings ... and who knows who else. Another juror is willing to entertain a five figure payment in exchange for information.

What an absolutely entertaining legal system ... everyone wins ... never mind about the victim, dead people don't need Disney trips.

Almost forgot ... Casey Anthony was offered big bucks to star in a porn movie, but the offer might be off the table because it seems that even porn lovers don't, at this time, want to see another one of her performances. Her lawyer is in NY being wined and dined.

Only in the US could the above occur ... no other civilized/westernized country permits such blatent exploitation of crime and victims.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Anthony trial: Lack of evidence or good defense?

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Prosecutors proved Casey Anthony was a liar, but convinced the jury of little else.
The government failed to establish how 2-year-old Caylee Anthony died and they couldn't find her mother's DNA on the duct tape they said was used to suffocate her. There was conflicting testimony on whether the putrid smell inside the family's car was a decomposing body or simply trash, and it was never quite clear why chloroform was so important.
The lack of evidence and the doubt raised by the defense — that Caylee accidentally drowned in the family's pool — was enough to win an acquittal. After a trial of a month and a half, the jury took less than 11 hours to find Anthony not guilty of first-degree murder, aggravated manslaughter and aggravated child abuse.

Anthony trial: Lack of evidence or good defense? - Yahoo! News

There is a law with new construction, don't know when the law went into effect since some older homes are grandfathered in and do not have to enclose a pool built before a certain date.

"In an effort to secure the perimeter of pools and stop young children from accidentally drowning, the state of Florida enacted a law regarding barrier requirements for residential pools. According to stature 515.29, a barrier must be at least four feet high on the outside, must be placed around the perimeter of the pool and sufficiently far enough away from the edge of the pool's water. A barrier cannot have any gaps, openings or anything that may allow a child to climb or crawl through the fence. The barrier should not be placed in a position where any other structure or object will allow climbing access over the barrier. The wall of a house may be used for part of the barrier as long as it does not have a door or window which allows access to the pool."

I think she is not guilty.............................................. to the same degree that O.J. was not guilty. :smile:


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
Not any further than anyone else unless you live in Orlando in this case. And that is perfectly fine.

We're getting into a gray area when comparing a mob and a crowd. I think there were two camps just as there are in this forum with regards to Casey's innocence or guilt. Meaning people either agree or disagree with the verdict here. Crowds certainly can have high emotions.

No more or less than we here in Massachusetts contributed.

I think that is a cop out.

Some states do, but not all.

And giving out a 10-25 year sentence is admirable as long as it is a spouse? That's despicable if you ask me. Premeditated murder should carry a life sentence.

PS I am opposed to Capital Punishment.

So Canada has never had an outrageous case and verdict in their history? Justice has been given out equally in all cases?

Yet you watched it. You watched it enough to make a judgement on their content.

I mentioned spousal homicide in order to stay within the discussion of people that kill family members. 25 years is the max for anyone convicted of first degree murder.

I read about the Anthony case when it first happened 3 years ago. I recently watched parts of the trial. I am convinced that she murdered her daughter but I'm okay with the verdict ... so long as she doesn't try to enter Canada. I read about the Amanda Knox case in 2007. In 2009 I read about the trial. I am now reading about the appeal. I am more interested in cases that are difficult to solve. I also followed the Brad Cooper case in NC simply because he and his wife were Canadian. I was surprsed at the verdict, but I guess he's guilty.

I think she is not guilty.............................................. to the same degree that O.J. was not guilty. :smile:

Juror #3 has come forward and said that she doesn't think Anthony is innocent, but that they couldn't decide on a punishment without understanding how she died. What an odd remark ... particularly since it was not the task of the jury to determine punishment. It sounds to me like the jury was confused by the judge's instructions and motivated by money.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
One juror is talking to ABC news ... same organization that paid Casey Anthony $200,000, while she was in prison, for photos of her dead daughter. ABC has paid for Disney trips for her, her family, her siblings children, her siblings ... and who knows who else. Another juror is willing to entertain a five figure payment in exchange for information.

What an absolutely entertaining legal system ... everyone wins ... never mind about the victim, dead people don't need Disney trips.

Almost forgot ... Casey Anthony was offered big bucks to star in a porn movie, but the offer might be off the table because it seems that even porn lovers don't, at this time, want to see another one of her performances. Her lawyer is in NY being wined and dined.

Only in the US could the above occur ... no other civilized/westernized country permits such blatent exploitation of crime and victims.

Look at you! You're eating it up and absorbing every last morsel of this.

You Ariadne are the reason the media does it! People like you drive the media to do all this. Yet you mock it as well. You immerse yourself in all of this media hype then critisize it to make yourself seem morally superior.

Exploitation of crime and victims? Casey has been found not guilty and will make as much money as she can.