Capitalism will save this world


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
I'd tell you to go live in Russia, Harpercon but I know your gay, so it would be disrespectful to ask you to move to a country you would get encarcerated for your sexual preference.


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
lol did you just call me gay as an insult?

you don't have to be angry that you're wrong all the time , just start studying and learning why you're wrong and why capitalism is bad. there information is everywhere. start with marx's capital. there are study guides if you need help.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
lol did you just call me gay as an insult?

you don't have to be angry that you're wrong all the time , just start studying and learning why you're wrong and why capitalism is bad. there information is everywhere. start with marx's capital. there are study guides if you need help.

Making fun of your hypocrisy, but that flew right over your head. :lol:

Like I've said before, I'm well aware of the negetive sides of Capitalsim as this is all you brain dead talk about when the topic is being discussed.

I'm also aware that there are more positive side effects then negetive side effects , and overall capitalism has brought more positives then negetive to humanity. If I look at all the bad things and ignore all the good parts then I would agree with you. But fortunately for me, I have a brain and am aware that there are good and bad in this world, and you need to consider if the positives outweigh the negetives, to truly evaluate our reality. Something i'd ike to point out, you have completely failed to do in your evaluation of the topic.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Soviet Union won the space war.

Petite bourgie business owners aren't working class. You have zero class consciousness.
Social and economic classes are Marxist constructs. In Canada there are citizens, not classes.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Social and economic classes are Marxist constructs. In Canada there are citizens, not classes.

He doesn't even know what that means

In Canada you have the freedom to accomplish anything. If your stupid and useless, You can have a welfare check


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
There have been studies done that show more selection leads to less happiness.

It makes sense when we consider how stupid people are. More selection makes it more difficult for the less intelligent to pick making it far more stressful.

Considering the majority of the population can't even do their own taxes it's not surprising more choices confuses them.

This is me doing my tax return.

It's great how I can capitalize on my intelligence, by doing people's taxes.

It's nice to have that freedom.

I mean, ya. If I was stupid it would suck to be forced to pay for others to do your taxes.

Considering all this, I think stupid people should really consider moving to a country where they are not given any choices, and have no freedom, it seems they could be happier.

Our model is not sustainable. We are protecting way to many retards from taking themselves out of the DNA pool. Our population is getting so dumb they soon won't be able to add 1+1


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
Social and economic classes are Marxist constructs. In Canada there are citizens, not classes.
this moron literally doesn't believe classes exist, and somehow a concept that existed well before Marx's birth is a "Marxist construct" hahaha.

How so? I enjoy our high level of life quality due to the amazing selection of products that are available.
you have to work 5 jobs yet quality of life is improving?

Quality of life isn't measured by the "selection of products available."
capitalism is great at producing useless garbage and feeding it to the masses, solely for the short term profits.

Our model is not sustainable.

fist time you're right about something.

I read Walter's comment wrong, I thought he was saying the idea of dividing humans into a hierarchy (classes) is Marxist construct, but incredibly he's saying something even dumber, that Social sciences and Economics classes are a Marxist product? lmao.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
this moron literally doesn't believe classes exist, and somehow a concept that existed well before Marx's birth is a "Marxist construct" hahaha.

you have to work 5 jobs yet quality of life is improving?
capitalism is great at producing useless garbage and feeding it to the masses, solely for the short term profits.
fist time you're right about something.

I have 5 jobs ready to go at all time because I don't give a **** about any of the companies I work for. They have never showed me any loyalty and so I feel no way obliged to return any back. :lol:

As for the sustainability. I'm looking at it from a genetic standpoint. At no point in history has any animal had such high rates of survivability. It's not sustainable to have all the stupid humans not dieing.

Working for a company that you have absolutely no care for is in many ways the jobs I have had most fun working on, because you can, so thoroughly not give a fu€k so much that you don't care if you get fired. You can spend your entire day dicking arround the supervisors Laughing at them :lol:

Pulling pranks on the butt lickers and a$$ lickers

I have no problems finding amusement in our capitalist system. My best advice is enjoy yourself being an absolute pain without them finding out :lol: and if they do..... Who cares, you have 5 other jobs in line ;)

I'm still 10 times faster then any of the hacks out there, so when I find a company that shows me respect, they will get some back in return.

I control the production, ;)