No selection taken to the extreme.
.. Any thoughts on this quality of life?
That little girl is very happy, unless she has a brain, then she is likely planing to immigrate to a North American city.
A other great example to prove that stupid people should move to a country where they have no choices and no freedom, like a dog they will be, just happy accepting that it gets beaten everyday.
To many choices is bad. :lol:
It all makes perfect sense.
Here is the million dollar question. Between, to few choices and to little freedom,
and to many choices and to many freedoms.
I'll choose the later rather then the early, every time.
For all the rest of you, I suggest moving to a country where you have no freedom and have absolutely no choices but to do what your told :lol:
And we all know none of you will, so don't be surprised when you see us arguing your just stupid.