Er...I thought it was 'The Wider Population' that elected trump.
No. We punted Harper. Much like the US election people voted against rather than for. Trump has the strong support of maybe 15% of the population... Trudeau...20%...I agree. We're much more enlightened here in Canada. We elected a part-time drama teacher to be our leader because he is 'dreamy' looking.
It's cute when you try to appeal to an authority you don't even believe in.What would Jesus think of your views on things, I wonder?
Er...I thought it was 'The Wider Population' that elected trump.
I agree. We're much more enlightened here in Canada. We elected a part-time drama teacher to be our leader because he is 'dreamy' looking.
No, Trudeau is more like you:
An effeminate know nothing globalist who is about as relevant as a chihuahua, and hates nation states like the Canada we love
do nothing?
ah, and that coming from the slave who will have to work till he drops because nothing is paid for
wait till you see interest rates in a year or two
bye bye mortgage dude
never gonna get out of moms basement
lucky me
I have dome my time and now I just like to idley bash people who like to crap on any one who hates nazis
so you and I will never get along, nor should we
because me friend, you are that far out in left field
Too idiotic to get hired by anyone, eh?
Do you still twiddle your knob for $300 bucks an hour?your hallucinations are A$$tounding dude
be more careful when handling glue eh?
U.S. Press Secretary Sean Spicer refers to Canadian Prime Minister 'Joe' Trudeau
you shiny potato heads are very insignificant aren't you?
off to the salt mines with ya sad sack
heh heh:
I already did my time, but because I used it wisely, I don't have to be the slave you are.
enjoy the burn
True, that but he isn't a rogue mad man like Trump is.
What would Jesus think of your views on things, I wonder? You are sounding more and more like KKK. Did your horse kick you in the head?
The thing about Trump that most people don't seem to have the mentality to understand is he is a sheep in wolves' clothing!
Wrong animal. He's a weasel dressed like a Republican.
I never really envisioned a "weasel" diligently involved for the good of the country, but you're welcome to your thoughts. (There's no crime in being wrong)![]()
JT can be in power a lot longer than Trump just based on the differences in their ages, The style is already more similar that it is different. JT and Putin would also get along quite well.