Canadian Malcontent???


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
what if all our butts are malformed and we just don't know it. Is there any scientific quantification that points out the precise shape it's gotta be to be formed properly? The form should speak to function. We could all be deluding ourselves this whole time. Like the matrix...
lol Sounds like a weird disease .... I got matrixbutt!

crack spackle it's called I believe but it might not be malformed. we havent' established that yet.
He/she must have a photocopier at the office somewhere. hhmmm An orofice office photocopier.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Canadian Malcontent

What the fukk is this?
As Gh points out, past members that got the heave hoe after a failed coup.

Looks alright but not much of a membership yet.
Yet? It's owned and operated by people like you. Anyone that disagree with their mantra is a "conbot" and summarily executed.

You'd fit right in.

Pretty civil discourse too, but I'm sure that will be ruined soon enough. :lol:
What discourse?

Like I said, you'd fit right in.

It does not appear they have many active members as I am looking at the forum replies.

A forum of four.
But they get along civilly, lol.

Why? You planning on joining? :lol:
Oddly enough, he should. They'd love him. He'd fit right in with their brand of extremism.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
LOL. I just logged on to and see this:

Let Blame Game Begin .... Liberals ...

Tyrannical Beast ... UN ...

If Liberals Bail Out ...

Liberals Want You to Register Your Fireplace ...

Liberals Advocate Sewage Dump ...

Let's Pick On Hillary ....

Just about every thread is a BLAME LIBERALS thread.

Talk about BROKEN RECORD - a blame game that never ends here in CC.

Let's change the name of this site to canadianmalcontent.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Just about every thread is a BLAME LIBERALS thread.

Talk about BROKEN RECORD - a blame game that never ends here in CC.

Let's change the name of this site to canadianmalcontent.
Ya, the Boomster is on a rampage and Wally, well he is just being himself. Funny how Loc and Bear always pick on Mentalfloss and ignore the Boomster and Wally for spamming the site with their anti liberal crap.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
I remember making a suggestion a long while ago on this forum that, instead of all these repeat anti-liberal threads, can the forum's conservatives try, just try to offer meaningful solutions to the problems that they see?

All these endless attacks, without offering so much as one meaningful solution, is a total FAIL.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I remember making a suggestion a long while ago on this forum that, instead of all these repeat anti-liberal threads, can the forum's conservatives try, just try to offer meaningful solutions to the problems that they see?

All these endless attacks, without offering so much as one meaningful solution, is a total FAIL.

There has been 4 years of Harper threads as well.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I remember making a suggestion a long while ago on this forum that, instead of all these repeat anti-liberal threads, can the forum's conservatives try, just try to offer meaningful solutions to the problems that they see?

All these endless attacks, without offering so much as one meaningful solution, is a total FAIL.

and I can remember the conservatives here complaining about the liberals on this board always bashing them. Saying that CC is a liberal bastion. Strange how now liberals are whining about the same thing.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Funny how Loc and Bear always pick on Mentalfloss and ignore the Boomster and Wally for spamming the site with their anti liberal crap.
I hate Liberals. So I agree with their anti Liberal agenda. Loc, Walter, BOOMer, don't pretend to be anything but what they are. I can respect that.

Flossy is an embarrassment to the left. He pretends to be something he isn't. I can't respect that. Therefore I don't get along with him, or anyone like him.

Most people capable of critical thought, deductive reasoning and commonsense have already figured that out. Oddly enough, I get along with them great. Despite being polar political opposites with many.

Go figure, I dig integrity and honesty.

All these endless attacks, without offering so much as one meaningful solution, is a total FAIL.
I agree, your endless attacks, are a total fail.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Yep It's payback time....For the last few years Flossy et al have been spamming the board with anti Harper threads and global warming threads, and the hypocrites (who know who they are) have been cheering them on and bumping their threads....
Now they are indingnant at the rest of us who pick on Trudeau.....? Gimme a break!

Time to bump one of mine and not be a hypocrite about it....


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I remember making a suggestion a long while ago on this forum that, instead of all these repeat anti-liberal threads, can the forum's conservatives try, just try to offer meaningful solutions to the problems that they see?

All these endless attacks, without offering so much as one meaningful solution, is a total FAIL.

It was a great forum for you when you got here in 2005 when I did. Conservatives were banned for even trying to debate. I left the forum for awhile just to keep from getting banned. I have a slew of saved emails telling me to keep my mouth shut or I'll get banned and certain liberals do have more leeway than I do.

Homey please.

Just a sample...

"If you fu*k up another thread like you did to the Axworthy thread, I will have ****** ban you. Got it?"

And all I did was challenge him and they libs couldn't stand it.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
It was a great forum for you when you got here in 2005 when I did. Conservatives were banned for even trying to debate. I left the forum for awhile just to keep from getting banned. I have a slew of saved emails telling me to keep my mouth shut or I'll get banned and certain liberals do have more leeway than I do.

Homey please.

Just a sample...

"If you fu*k up another thread like you did to the Axworthy thread, I will have ****** ban you. Got it?"

And all I did was challenge him and they libs couldn't stand it.

Yup, rev blair did not like being challenged.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Even more liberal posters have been banned.

As for right wingers, I got a death threat from one before he got banned for his threat.

In all honesty, I blame the admin more than anyone else for fostering such a hostile atmosphere rather than promoting good communication and meaningful solutions to society's problems. But it's his forum and if that is what he wants, so be it.