Canada selling drugs to Americans.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Looks like President National Disaster is going to try to get some legislation through to allow Americans to purchase cheap Canadian drugs online.

Of course there is almost zero chance he will get it done, as getting things done is not his forte; but say that he did.

Why would we not charge the same price that Americans charge themselves?

Are we under some moral obligation to not charge what the market will bear?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Looks like President National Disaster is going to try to get some legislation through to allow Americans to purchase cheap Canadian drugs online.
Of course there is almost zero chance he will get it done, as getting things done is not his forte; but say that he did.
Why would we not charge the same price that Americans charge themselves?
Are we under some moral obligation to not charge what the market will bear?
Split the difference. Good deal for us, plenty of profit to y'all.

But to answer your question directly, no, you have every right, and according to some, an absolute duty to firk every leaden centavo you can out of us.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Split the difference. Good deal for us, plenty of profit to y'all.

But to answer your question directly, no, you have every right, and according to some, an absolute duty to firk every leaden centavo you can out of us.

According to the reports tonight it is a done deal. The news came as a surprise considering the fact that not a single member of our Federal government has uttered a word about the possibly profound effect this decision may have on the future prices and availability of drugs for Canadians. Considering their much lauded Pharmacare Plan, one might think the Minister of Health at the very least might have a couple of comments on this development.

That said, I completely understand why someone would want to purchase a life-saving drug such as Insulin in Canada where they pay around 10% of what it would cost in the US.

"Since the mid-1990s, insulin costs for Americans have increased well over 1,000 percent. According to STAT, while 15 years ago a vial of insulin might have cost $175, today that same vial costs nearly $1,500. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-M.D.) recently ordered the release of a report that stated millions of U.S. citizens who needed insulin were paying up to 92 percent more than patients in other countries. The way a lot of people with diabetes — or a conscience — see it, we’re in a drug price crisis. And that’s what inspired the #CaravanToCanada."



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
My feeling - they can spend billions on every asshat military gadget going, let them make their own drugs.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
My feeling - they can spend billions on every asshat military gadget going, let them make their own drugs.
They do make their own drugs, Hoid. The pharmaceutical companies down there are allowed to get away with charging whatever the hell they feel like and those needing live-saving drugs be damned.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Canada is a national security risk.

they should not be relying on us.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
According to the reports tonight it is a done deal. The news came as a surprise considering the fact that not a single member of our Federal government has uttered a word about the possibly profound effect this decision may have on the future prices and availability of drugs for Canadians. Considering their much lauded Pharmacare Plan, one might think the Minister of Health at the very least might have a couple of comments on this development.
That said, I completely understand why someone would want to purchase a life-saving drug such as Insulin in Canada where they pay around 10% of what it would cost in the US.
"Since the mid-1990s, insulin costs for Americans have increased well over 1,000 percent. According to STAT, while 15 years ago a vial of insulin might have cost $175, today that same vial costs nearly $1,500. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-M.D.) recently ordered the release of a report that stated millions of U.S. citizens who needed insulin were paying up to 92 percent more than patients in other countries. The way a lot of people with diabetes — or a conscience — see it, we’re in a drug price crisis. And that’s what inspired the #CaravanToCanada."
Yes, You Can Get Cheap Insulin!
● Anyone in the U.S. can get Humalog, Novolog and other insulins for $0 to $30. Several options have no income limits or applications, so everyone qualifies.


340B Drug Pricing Program
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Watch this page
The 340B Drug Discount Program is a US federal government program created in 1992 that requires drug manufacturers to provide outpatient drugs to eligible health care organizations and covered entities at significantly reduced prices. The intent of the program is to allow covered entities to "tretch scarce federal resources as far as possible, reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive services."[1][2][3] Maintaining services and lowering medication costs for patients is consistent with the purpose of the program, which is named for the section authorizing it in the Public Health Service Act (PHSA)[4][5][6] It was enacted by Congress as part of a larger bill signed into law by President George H. W. Bush.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I have a friend who has type 1.

To be honest I am worried about the Canadian supply if suddenly it's open 'bigly' to the US.

It also just doesn't make sense to me - why make special allowances to have it okay for American's to buy CANADIAN drugs, when they could do something about their OWN drug prices to make it easier to be US MADE drugs?

Just... WTF.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Looks like President National Disaster is going to try to get some legislation through to allow Americans to purchase cheap Canadian drugs online.
Of course there is almost zero chance he will get it done, as getting things done is not his forte; but say that he did.
Why would we not charge the same price that Americans charge themselves?
Are we under some moral obligation to not charge what the market will bear?
Hoid hates a leader tat looks after his people.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Very same drugs so the US does not hold any patents so the prices are meant to rob the people.

2017 Prescription Drug Cost Savings

Average percentage saved outside the U.S. for select prescriptions.










Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Looks like President National Disaster is going to try to get some legislation through to allow Americans to purchase cheap Canadian drugs online.
Of course there is almost zero chance he will get it done, as getting things done is not his forte; but say that he did.
Why would we not charge the same price that Americans charge themselves?
Are we under some moral obligation to not charge what the market will bear?
Were the Americans under some moral obligation to accept OHIP payments for those in southwestern Ontario who needed chronic heart care because the Bob Rae govt couldn't provide that care to them in Ontario? For the record, OHIP was billed less for Canadians getting chronic heart care in Detroit than an American getting billed for the same care.

So it's cool when we need to depend on the Americans for stuff our politicians can't or won't deliver but when Trump's America does it (not like Americans haven't been coming here for cheap drugs for a couple of decades now anyway) they're just a bunch of mooches.
I bet you're the kind of loser who mooches off his neighbours but gets all pissed off when one of them asks you for a favour.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
LOL, asking for the tools he borrowed last year to be brought back this year is a "favor"?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I have a friend who has type 1.
To be honest I am worried about the Canadian supply if suddenly it's open 'bigly' to the US.
It also just doesn't make sense to me - why make special allowances to have it okay for American's to buy CANADIAN drugs, when they could do something about their OWN drug prices to make it easier to be US MADE drugs?
Just... WTF.
Trump did NOT make the regulations re negotiation with the health care suppliers...

This Is Why Your Drug Prescriptions Cost So Damn Much

The federal government was barred from negotiating cheaper prices for those medicines. Instead, the job of holding down costs was outsourced to the insurance companies delivering the subsidized new coverage, known as Medicare Part D.

The ban on government price bargaining, justified by supporters on free-market grounds, has been derided by critics as a giant gift to the drug industry. Democratic lawmakers began introducing bills to free the government to use its vast purchasing power to negotiate better deals even before former President George W. Bush signed the Part D law, known as the Medicare Modernization Act.

All those measures over the last 13 years have failed, almost always without ever even getting a hearing, much less being brought up for a vote.
(Oooops gee, we too dumb, to get nothin' done!!!!)

Maybe you should look 'em up so can see hoe dumb that statement really was. Current trumhaters deserve your gratitude for their past american people hate.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Is this any different than saying we need border security so Mexico will pay for wall?
This is just saying we can't impose price controls so we will get drugs from a country that can.
The funniest part of all this?
Canada doesn't even make most drugs. We buy them from other countries. Like America.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Canada doesn't even make most drugs. We buy them from other countries. Like America.

Sharp intake of breath . . .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
President Muffin Top is helping the people once again by putting more tariffs on China and kicking those oil prices in the crotch. The crafty devil.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Were the Americans under some moral obligation to accept OHIP payments for those in southwestern Ontario who needed chronic heart care because the Bob Rae govt couldn't provide that care to them in Ontario? For the record, OHIP was billed less for Canadians getting chronic heart care in Detroit than an American getting billed for the same care.
So it's cool when we need to depend on the Americans for stuff our politicians can't or won't deliver but when Trump's America does it (not like Americans haven't been coming here for cheap drugs for a couple of decades now anyway) they're just a bunch of mooches.
I bet you're the kind of loser who mooches off his neighbours but gets all pissed off when one of them asks you for a favour.

We're shocked at the immorality of your drug companies. Don't they know that corporate directors have a fiduciary duty to maximize shareholder value, and can be sued if they fail to charge every nickel they can get?

Leastways, that's how it is in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Split the difference. Good deal for us, plenty of profit to y'all.

But to answer your question directly, no, you have every right, and according to some, an absolute duty to firk every leaden centavo you can out of us.

The root of the problem here is that this circumstances (barely) touches on Canada's sacred cow - universal healthcare.

Now, in our present, highly confused little world of Canada, the politicians have worked tirelessly to convince Canadians that healthcare is 'free' and although medications are not included in this deluxe, gold plated healthcare program, well, that doesn't stop Canukistanians from belly aching about sharing in the program.

Ironically, Canadians take pride in making special day trips to the USA to buy cheap gas, cheap smokes, cheap booze, cheap groceries, etc, etc and relish in the savings.... Apparently, this is a uniquely Canadian thing and absolutely verboten for any others to practice