Canada selling drugs to Americans.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Ironically, Canadians take pride in making special day trips to the USA to buy cheap gas, cheap smokes, cheap booze, cheap groceries, etc, etc and relish in the savings.... Apparently, this is a uniquely Canadian thing and absolutely verboten for any others to practice

Americans have come to Canada for all the same things.

Is it your belief that Americans don't cross border shop?

We are talking about them accessing something (drugs) that is tax payer supported to achieve lower prices


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The root of the problem here is that this circumstances (barely) touches on Canada's sacred cow - universal healthcare.

Now, in our present, highly confused little world of Canada, the politicians have worked tirelessly to convince Canadians that healthcare is 'free' and although medications are not included in this deluxe, gold plated healthcare program, well, that doesn't stop Canukistanians from belly aching about sharing in the program.

Ironically, Canadians take pride in making special day trips to the USA to buy cheap gas, cheap smokes, cheap booze, cheap groceries, etc, etc and relish in the savings.... Apparently, this is a uniquely Canadian thing and absolutely verboten for any others to practice

How much do you know about Canadian Healthcare and the back and forth between the US and Canada.

Cause fraud is a huge issue especially in close border communities, normally from people in the US coming to Canada to get their health care for free, or attempting it. It's a little better now with upgraded health/MSI/whatever provincial card you get, but some places are still easy to bypass the system.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
How much do you know about Canadian Healthcare and the back and forth between the US and Canada.
Cause fraud is a huge issue especially in close border communities, normally from people in the US coming to Canada to get their health care for free, or attempting it. It's a little better now with upgraded health/MSI/whatever provincial card you get, but some places are still easy to bypass the system.
In SK you can't see your GP of 25yrs without showing your health card.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Boy, the health insurance and drug lobby totally control the United States. I suppose that bureaucracies that are largly composed of doctors and lawyers would be fairly insurmountable.

All that free research done by Dr. Mengele didn't hurt, either.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The rich don't visit clinics, they visit doctors with their own office. Let me guess which group you belong to, lol.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Your two-tier system is "Provincial healthcare or crossing the border."
As I said, all healthcare is two tier. Might as well bite the bullet and admit it. Then a country can administer it rationally.
It is "single payer" but only about 2/3rds of it.

That 2/3rds of our health care is enough to keep most of us going, smoothly.

When my children were born, no invoice was issued to us. Not even by the Midwives that we had in attendance (who also looked in on my wife for a month afterwards). We brought home a baby, not a bill for thousands.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It is "single payer" but only about 2/3rds of it.
That 2/3rds of our health care is enough to keep most of us going, smoothly.
When my children were born, no invoice was issued to us. Not even by the Midwives that we had in attendance (who also looked in on my wife for a month afterwards). We brought home a baby, not a bill for thousands.
Yep. I have no beef with your system. I don't think it's the best, I think a hybrid of the French, Australian, and Japanese systems would work best for the U.S., preferably on a state-by-state basis. But we could copy yours word for word and be in a much better situation.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Yep. I have no beef with your system. I don't think it's the best, I think a hybrid of the French, Australian, and Japanese systems would work best for the U.S., preferably on a state-by-state basis. But we could copy yours word for word and be in a much better situation.
You will never, ever be allowed to have a different system from the one that you have. Those multi-trillion dollar lobbies are more powerful than any temporal authority in your country.

It will Never happen.