Wrong is wrong, and nothing will ever make what happened to the people of Japanese ancestry right.
By the standards that some of the "people" above espouse, all persons of an ancestry of any country that Canada was at war with should have bee relocated from any coastal area. Their property should have been confiscated, and treated exactly as the property of the people of Japanese ancestry were treated.
By those standards:
All Ukrainians should be blamed for the fact that entire Ukrainian armies came over to the German side during World War II, and fought on the Nazi side against the Soviets? All people of Ukrainian ancestry should have been locked up.
All persons of German ancestry should have had their property confiscated, all of them should have been put into concentration camps, they should have been forcibly repatriated to Germany after the war?
All persons of Italian ancestry should have has their property confiscated, sold at less than fair market value, etc., etc.
After all, we were at war with Germany and Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungry, etc. as well as with Japan. So every Canadian that had ancestry in any of those countries should have also been locked up, their property confiscated, and sold off, etc.
The ONLY reason why people of Japanese ancestry were relocated into concentration camps, their property confiscated, and all of the other things was because they looked very different from "white" people.
It was RACISM, pure and simply 100% R A C I S M.
That was, and unfortunately still is, true in both the USA and in Canada.
Yes, it is true that the Japanese were not killed. But, what happened to them was simply wrong. ESPECIALLY to those that had been born in Canada or the USA.
At least the US finally paid reparations to the Japanese ancestry American Citizens that were locked up. Isn't it about time that Canada did the same thing?