Canada Had Internment Camps, Not Concentration Camps During WW2


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Degrees of blame are used by the guilty to assuage their guilt.

I have no guilt - I was not complicit - I was not born. But you protect the RCC yet they harbor child rapists. Figure out who is complicit now.

Yet you with all you hate, anger and BS raise children. Sad to say that you probably think that they do not inherit your manner and outlook. That is a fallacy. You cannot hide truth from children.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
You cannot hide truth from children.

That's also a fallacy, otherwise we would not have the death and destruction that you and your ilk support world wide.

and of course you have no guilt, psychopaths rarely do.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Degrees of blame are used by the guilty to assuage their guilt.

Oh Bull****.

What happened to second or third generation Japanese-Canadians was totally unacceptable. They were seriously abused, and the excuse of war-time necessity is belied by the continuation of their persecution long after the war, and by a lack of apology or reimbursement for seized goods until very recently.

But they LIVED, and were fed, and kept healthy. The death rate in American internment camps was the same as in the US population at large, and on their release, the Japanese were healthy.

Wanna compare that to anyone held in German or Japanese camps for civilians?????????

As for Japanese citizens, or new Japanese Canadians, their treatment during the war was little different from the treatment of any other "enemy" alien..........including refugees from Naziism sent to Canada from Britain as enemy aliens and kept in camps in NB.......most of the Jewish.

As for the deportations after the war, we are under NO OBLIGATION to keep any foreigner in this country. We can kick them out on any whim for any reason, or for NO reason at all, and that is ALWAYS perfectly legitimate........

Now, 2000 of the 4000 deportees were actually Japanese Canadians........and that is outrageous.......but they were given the choice of moving east.......

AND, not all Japanese-Canadians were innocents....

Kanao Inouye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW, I have no guilt, I wasn't there.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
That's also a fallacy, otherwise we would not have the death and destruction that you and your ilk support world wide.

and of course you have no guilt, psychopaths rarely do.

Oddly enough but the majority of wars happening are caused by religious ideologues.
This is why many of us want nothing to do with religion.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
That's also a fallacy, otherwise we would not have the death and destruction that you and your ilk support world wide.

and of course you have no guilt, psychopaths rarely do.

Now I am a psychopath. You come on telling everyone you wanted to be an arsehole when you grow up - You also slam people for making a comment that they may not be up to your so called standards of "being informed" - that anger and hate and lack of tolerance, well try and hide that from your kids. Ain't gonna happen. They see everything.

And that is the truth.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Oddly enough but the majority of wars happening are caused by religious ideologues.
This is why many of us want nothing to do with religion.


The only war I can think of in the last 200 years caused by religious ideologies was the Dervish campaign in North Africa and the current war in Afghanistan..........

And they attacked us in the latter.

Perhaps the Balkan Wars fit.......

But certainly not most.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Oddly enough but the majority of wars happening are caused by religious ideologues.
This is why many of us want nothing to do with religion.

Wrong - They are caused by freak that us religion, differences etc as the reason. And many blame it on religion - It is only one tool of many that these people use. And people blame it on religion.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Oddly enough but the majority of wars happening are caused by religious ideologues.
This is why many of us want nothing to do with religion.

Try again stupid..WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Falklands, Iraq, ..... none of those was because of religion.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
That's sounds good coming from the stupidest son a bitch on the whole forum!

your opinion, which isn't worth shyte to me.

You holier than thou fu cking morons constantly bleat about how "religion" is responsible for this and for that. Then when you are proven wrong you bob and weave and deflect and, especially you, come up with asinine comments like you just did.

You want to think I'm stupid, great, I love that. Carry on.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
your opinion, which isn't worth shyte to me.

You holier than thou fu cking morons constantly bleat about how "religion" is responsible for this and for that. Then when you are proven wrong you bob and weave and deflect and, especially you, come up with asinine comments like you just did.

You want to think I'm stupid, great, I love that. Carry on.

And when you're proven wrong you bob and weave and call the guy a moron! :lol:

The Old Medic

Council Member
May 16, 2010
The World
Wrong is wrong, and nothing will ever make what happened to the people of Japanese ancestry right.

By the standards that some of the "people" above espouse, all persons of an ancestry of any country that Canada was at war with should have bee relocated from any coastal area. Their property should have been confiscated, and treated exactly as the property of the people of Japanese ancestry were treated.

By those standards:

All Ukrainians should be blamed for the fact that entire Ukrainian armies came over to the German side during World War II, and fought on the Nazi side against the Soviets? All people of Ukrainian ancestry should have been locked up.

All persons of German ancestry should have had their property confiscated, all of them should have been put into concentration camps, they should have been forcibly repatriated to Germany after the war?

All persons of Italian ancestry should have has their property confiscated, sold at less than fair market value, etc., etc.

After all, we were at war with Germany and Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungry, etc. as well as with Japan. So every Canadian that had ancestry in any of those countries should have also been locked up, their property confiscated, and sold off, etc.

The ONLY reason why people of Japanese ancestry were relocated into concentration camps, their property confiscated, and all of the other things was because they looked very different from "white" people.

It was RACISM, pure and simply 100% R A C I S M.

That was, and unfortunately still is, true in both the USA and in Canada.

Yes, it is true that the Japanese were not killed. But, what happened to them was simply wrong. ESPECIALLY to those that had been born in Canada or the USA.

At least the US finally paid reparations to the Japanese ancestry American Citizens that were locked up. Isn't it about time that Canada did the same thing?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Yes, an excellent disclaimer for any post you comment on historical events in.

Wrong is wrong, and nothing will ever make what happened to the people of Japanese ancestry right.
No one has said it was right.
By the standards that some of the "people" above espouse, all persons of an ancestry of any country that Canada was at war with should have bee relocated from any coastal area. Their property should have been confiscated, and treated exactly as the property of the people of Japanese ancestry were treated.

By those standards:

All Ukrainians should be blamed for the fact that entire Ukrainian armies came over to the German side during World War II, and fought on the Nazi side against the Soviets? All people of Ukrainian ancestry should have been locked up.

All persons of German ancestry should have had their property confiscated, all of them should have been put into concentration camps, they should have been forcibly repatriated to Germany after the war?

All persons of Italian ancestry should have has their property confiscated, sold at less than fair market value, etc., etc.

After all, we were at war with Germany and Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungry, etc. as well as with Japan. So every Canadian that had ancestry in any of those countries should have also been locked up, their property confiscated, and sold off, etc.
In your haste to talk out your ass and make sweeping incorrect claims and erroneous assumptions, you may have missed this...

Not that I'm justifying the event, but I can empathize with officials, in regards to internment, given some of the known intel of the time.

I've never heard of Germany or Italy having a Kokugaku/Bakufu socio-political culture and ideology. With an Emperor that was considered a living God. You?

This is what happens when you try and revisit history, with a contemporary mindset. You make all manner of silly emotional appeals.
It was RACISM, pure and simply 100% R A C I S M.
I agree, that racism played a key role, it was most definitely based on race. Because the japanese people, a people that believe in racial purity. Had a vicious socio-political ideology. You can look them up, I named them in the quoted post above.

At least the US finally paid reparations to the Japanese ancestry American Citizens that were locked up. Isn't it about time that Canada did the same thing?
Thanks again for confirming your less than limited knowledge of Canadian history, even recent history.

Mulroney did just that on September 28th, 1988.