Can Ignatieff distance himself from his past?


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
Ah....the brown bags involved one man and $350,000

The Sponsorship Scandal included the Quebec caucus, and tens of millions of dollars........

Gimme a break

Yup Colpy, no Conservative has ever been rattled by filth.. Ohh wait it was... :roll:

But best yet, I give the rest of them to you as well.. No BS of just giving you Conservative one, Liberal as well.. I hide NOTHING..

6. All the other Mulroney ministers: Pity poor Brian Mulroney. The Progressive Conservative prime minister lost an average of one cabinet minister to allegations of wrongdoing during each year of his 1984-1993 reign.

First there was Robert Coates, who stepped down as defence minister in 1985 after it was revealed that he had visited a strip club in West Germany while in that country on official business. Communications Minister Marcel Masse left over an alleged violation of the Canada Elections Act (he was later exonerated), followed closely by John Fraser.

In 1986, Minister of Regional Industrial Expansion Sinclair Stevens stepped down because of conflict of interest allegations related to a $2.6-million loan to a Stevens family company. André Bissonnette, the minister of state for transport, resigned in 1987 while the RCMP investigated his alleged involvement in land speculation. Roch La Salle, who served Mulroney in the public works, and supply and services portfolios, left cabinet the same year after being charged with demanding a bribe and accepting money from businesses looking for government favours. The charges were later dropped.

Conflict of interest allegations involving a personal loan felled Supply and Services Minister Michel Coté in 1988. Bernard Valcourt stepped down in 1989 after pleading guilty to an impaired driving offence. In 1990, current Quebec Premier Jean Charest had to leave his two posts as minister for fitness and amateur sport, and minister for youth after trying to talk to a judge about an ongoing case.

And, finally, in 1991, Housing Minister Alan Redway offered his resignation after being charged over joking about having a gun while boarding a flight at the Ottawa airport. Not a cabinet minister but equally embarrassing to the Conservatives was Quebec MP Michel Gravel, who in 1986 was charged with 50 counts of fraud and influence peddling. He later pleaded guilty to 15 charges, paid a $50,000 fine and served four months in jail.
CBC News Indepth: Canadian Government


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
Tories prepare to unleash anti-Ignatieff ads | Canada | Tories prepare to unleash anti-Ignatieff ads

"Conservatives are misreading the mood of the country if they think that this is what matters to Canadians, the games-playing," said Gerard Kennedy, MP for Parkdale.

Good Day Socrates the Greek, if BC polictics are any indication of Canadian politics and a following of what we recently saw in the US,negative advertizing will have little to no effect on people if it is not relevant to todays issues.. People have reached the point that they realize these games of he said, she said have no effect of them unless it is relevant to a strategic issue in todays electorate focal point.

Hence if it is not a main topic of discussion and true, it will not impact the election results..


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Just a query about your avatar: what does banging your head on the flood and being a subjective poster have to do with each other? Just curious. (It is 5am and I'm a little punchy.)

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I wonder if it is just chance that you have the word conservative written on your avatar. I don't think Ignatieff has any hopes for your vote. I may be a liberal at heart but I once voted for Mulroney. (in his first term) I wouldn't vote conservative again. Even a masochist has to stop punishing himself occasionally.

Do you do realize that Trudeau was the start-point for Quebec separation, national discord and that we are still paying-off the debt that he assumed on behalf this nation... Even Trudeau admitted that his leadership was flawed (a disgraceful and epic failure is more apt).

... Soooo, how does that masochism principle work again?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I'm liking Iggy less and less....he is proving to have absolutely no principle that can not be changed by the slightest shift of the political wind....he should be wonderfully successful as Liberal leader.......(sigh)

I don't like the fact he claims such a deep abiding lover for Canada, patriotism unbridled......yet he spent 34 years out of the country.....What, he couldn't get a teaching post at a Canadian university????? I think the Conservatives are right on when they say Iggy is not here for Canada....he is here to slake the hunger of his ego by becoming PM....

As I've pointed out, he claims he has spent his life "searching for Canada"

I guess he thought it was lost.

In Massachusetts.

(rolled eyes)


Electoral Member
May 18, 2009
Between Ireland and Russia
Wow, a person who outright declares himself a Tory support hates the leader of the Liberal party. What a shocker.

I'll ask again, why does the CPC think that people like Mike Meyers and Wayne Gretzky are no longer dedicated Canadians?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Wow, a person who outright declares himself a Tory support hates the leader of the Liberal party. What a shocker.

I'll ask again, why does the CPC think that people like Mike Meyers and Wayne Gretzky are no longer dedicated Canadians?

Neither Meyers nor Gretsky claim to have spent their lives "searching for Canada".:roll:

Meyers and Gretsky are searching for one thing.....big dollars. And that is perfectly OK, that either would move to the USA in search of their dream life.

As it is perfectly OK for Iggy to do the same. But neither Meyers nor Gretsky has returned and announced from on high that they have descended from the Ivory Tower to save the unfortunate taking up the Royal Purple robes of leader of the Natural Arrogance Party and leading us to the Promised Land....

BTW, I wonder how come anyone would believe Iggy can lead us to the Promised Land, after he spent 34 years searching for Massachusetts?????

I'd say he has some directional problems, to be polite.:lol::lol::lol:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I'll ask again, why does the CPC think that people like Mike Meyers and Wayne Gretzky are no longer dedicated Canadians?
You can add Jim Carey to that list.

They're sellouts that pulled a Beverly Hillbillies and bailed on their Nation.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
I'm liking Iggy less and less....he is proving to have absolutely no principle that can not be changed by the slightest shift of the political wind....he should be wonderfully successful as Liberal leader.......(sigh)

I don't like the fact he claims such a deep abiding lover for Canada, patriotism unbridled......yet he spent 34 years out of the country.....What, he couldn't get a teaching post at a Canadian university????? I think the Conservatives are right on when they say Iggy is not here for Canada....he is here to slake the hunger of his ego by becoming PM....

As I've pointed out, he claims he has spent his life "searching for Canada"

I guess he thought it was lost.

In Massachusetts.

(rolled eyes)

Humm lets see a die heart Conservative that claims will never ever change his vote.. I think Ignatieff will spend a lot of time working on persuading you to do so.. NOT..

As for spending 34 years outside this country many have lived all their lives in this country and have no love for it.. Your telling me you can read his mind and tell us all how he thinks.. Wow such powers Colpy..


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Humm lets see a die heart Conservative that claims will never ever change his vote.. I think Ignatieff will spend a lot of time working on persuading you to do so.. NOT..

As for spending 34 years outside this country many have lived all their lives in this country and have no love for it.. Your telling me you can read his mind and tell us all how he thinks.. Wow such powers Colpy..
I can tell you how he thinks. He opens his mail and obeys the orders. Nobody gets a seat until thier players. Colpy can't say that though because he's bound to support the illusion of choice.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
I still don't understand those attack ads. Why do the Tories think that Wayne Gretzy and Neil Young are Canadians of convenience?

Wayne Gretzky is only a Canadians of convenience for the Conservatives until they need him to run Political Ads for his father a Conservative in Ontario..:lol::lol: Then he becomes an asset well paid ( which they will deny till blue in face )..


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Is that because he is the furthest of the Conservative centre leaning Liberal they have had or just because he is part of the Liberal Party YukonJack ?"

Partly, yes.
Partly, yes.

Both mostly for just a simple fact that he's got a face that only a mother could love and only a fool could trust.