Kim Campbell was the sacrificial lamb, put into power by the outgoing Mulroney-ites, in the hope that her being a woman would be enough to overcome the overall disgust the country was feeling at the time for the PC party.
There is no way anyone can use her as an example of whether or not a female PM is a good thing - she wasn't in power long enough to be able to prove anything.
If you want to consider a female PM, try Thatcher; even if you're not a hard line right winger, you have to admit she was there for a long time, and she was pretty effective.
All these anti-women-in-power comments are the products of stunted minds. Women can do anything they want to, the ability is a personal thing, not determined by sex. And these assinine comments about holding meetings in WalMart - just how juvenile and inexperienced are you, anyway?