British Columbia Election May 12


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I wasn't going to bother voting but - I want the single transferable vote to pass this time for one thing. For another - the Green Party wants to oust the RCMP from this province as a part of their platform so I have to be sure mine is one vote they don't get any credit for.

Are they voting on proportional representation again? I didn't know.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Yes, Sir Joe - they are. It will probably pass this time. It only missed by a very slim margin last time.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Expect the Dippers to get around thirty percent of the popular vote. They basiclly represent government union workers and freeloaders. Most unions are still backing the Dippers simply because they are all refighting the battles from the 1940s and 50s, at least in their minds. What the unions can't seem to grasp is that what is good for big business is also good for big unions since they have symbiotic relationship.
JLM: Last I heard on the news was that the Dippers had backed down from their stand on banning raw log exports although when I checked their website it was still on the policy. The simple fact is that there would be even fewer union loggers working if log exports were banned.
Carol James insisting she will remove the carbon tax will loose more votes than it will gain.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Is the NDP platform simply Liberal spook ads? Does the NDP stand for anything aside from complaining about everyone else?


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Expect the Dippers to get around thirty percent of the popular vote. They basiclly represent government union workers and freeloaders. Most unions are still backing the Dippers simply because they are all refighting the battles from the 1940s and 50s, at least in their minds. What the unions can't seem to grasp is that what is good for big business is also good for big unions since they have symbiotic relationship.
JLM: Last I heard on the news was that the Dippers had backed down from their stand on banning raw log exports although when I checked their website it was still on the policy. The simple fact is that there would be even fewer union loggers working if log exports were banned.
Carol James insisting she will remove the carbon tax will loose more votes than it will gain.
Teachers vote NDP. I sure don't know why. I think it's become a habit. The carbon tax is something we have become used to and it's really no big deal. NDP is just grasping at straws for something to run on. The Libs will get back in. That's a given. I really hate that they are selling our hydro out though. I think we should have more than a little say in that.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
If there wasn't already a carbon tax the NDP would likely run on implementing one. Their policy is to see what the opposition party does then argue the opposite position, no matter what it is.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I will be voting liberal as i support independant private power initiatives,
The ndp and the unions are running against these green power projects.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Expect the Dippers to get around thirty percent of the popular vote. They basiclly represent government union workers and freeloaders. Most unions are still backing the Dippers simply because they are all refighting the battles from the 1940s and 50s, at least in their minds. What the unions can't seem to grasp is that what is good for big business is also good for big unions since they have symbiotic relationship.
JLM: Last I heard on the news was that the Dippers had backed down from their stand on banning raw log exports although when I checked their website it was still on the policy. The simple fact is that there would be even fewer union loggers working if log exports were banned.
Carol James insisting she will remove the carbon tax will loose more votes than it will gain.

Well, of course taxslave, but Union hierarchy aren't the brightest candles on the cake. Generally speaking (unless management is absolutely insane) if you can earn more money for your boss he is willing to share some of it with you, but you don't ram the idea down his throat. The N.D.P. will lose this election and possibly a few seats sole due to Carole James' incessant chirping- that voice just drives me nuts. Now if old Corky was at the helm, Big Gord would be a tremblin' in his boots.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"I'll probably be voting NDP just because I don't want to see BC Hydro privatized."- I'm not sure that Hydro being in the private domain would be a bad thing. It's been in the public domain for years but we never see any dividends, and if it were in the private domain don't you think it could be run a little more efficiently? I don't know the answers, just asking questions. Is B.C. Hydro an asset if it's not paying us dividends? How is our price for power compared to other provinces. If we are getting it cheaper then I'd say by all means keep it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Teachers vote NDP. I sure don't know why. I think it's become a habit. The carbon tax is something we have become used to and it's really no big deal. NDP is just grasping at straws for something to run on. The Libs will get back in. That's a given. I really hate that they are selling our hydro out though. I think we should have more than a little say in that.

I.P. Teachers in Grand Forks are very good and my grand daughters are thriving, and I don't want to rock any boats, BUT on the big scale, teachers are idealists, dreamers, intelligent in theory but not very practical and that might come from having the type of job where you can take a salary for granted or vise versa. Teachers are very good at what they do - TEACHING and are a very necessary aspect of society, but if everyone thought like them, we'd have 1929 all over again on a permanent basis.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
I agree with you. Libs are selling off the province a little at a time. Won't be long til hydro is gone and it's one of our most valuable assets. I cannot bring myself to vote NDP though and the Greens hardly exist and by reading all of their "ambitions" I somehow doubt they will get very far. People may vote Green simply because the other two parties make a person feel like they are damned if they do and damned if they don't vote. Voting Green says you at least voted even if it's for a "nothing" party.

The Liberals want to give away BC Hydro, and both parties want to give considerable control of BC land to aboriginals in the Recognition Act. This new law which would affect a lot of people living outside cities, seems a little overreaching and undemocratic.

I'll think I'll vote for STV.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
Anyone else notice how most Party signs have a bulk of "Conservative" blue on them of the main two parties?

Liberal = 90% top Blue with bottom white and red..
NDP = 90% bottom Blue with Orange top..

I have yet to see most other parties yet..


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
I.P. Teachers in Grand Forks are very good and my grand daughters are thriving, and I don't want to rock any boats, BUT on the big scale, teachers are idealists, dreamers, intelligent in theory but not very practical and that might come from having the type of job where you can take a salary for granted or vise versa. Teachers are very good at what they do - TEACHING and are a very necessary aspect of society, but if everyone thought like them, we'd have 1929 all over again on a permanent basis.
Teachers are very necessary and some of them are very good. There are a few in my own family. These days, teachers think of themselves a lot more than the do the students. I'm sure that's going to upset some people and I apologize now but - at the same time, what I say is true. How many professional days do your kids have every year for one thing? When we were growing up, they had a teacher's convention about once a year. Now there are several Pro D day's and they are always always on a Friday and on extremely rare occassions, on a Monday. Never ever mid week. Teachers are supposed to attend but - many of them do not. Teachers love "snow" days (I know - people who live where it really snows don't get snow days and that's the way it should be everywhere). Gives the teachers a chance to go skiing for the day. All teachers do is whine. They need smaller classrooms, more books, more pay, they work too hard, they don't have enough help. There is no end to their complaints. I am so glad our teachers were really there to teach.
No wonder they vote NDP now.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
The Liberals want to give away BC Hydro, and both parties want to give considerable control of BC land to aboriginals in the Recognition Act. This new law which would affect a lot of people living outside cities, seems a little overreaching and undemocratic.

I'll think I'll vote for STV.
I've actually considered going to vote only for the STV.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
I looked at them a couple of days ago when I was searching for the Rhino party. I didn't even know any of these other parties existed. Most of them must be one or two people parties. It seems the Rhino party has been gone for some time now but it also appears it is trying to get a new start.:roll: Ahhhh - where to begin:roll:!


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
I miss the good old days when we really had an alternative Liberal BC Party..

I will vote out of no choice BC Liberal only because again in BC we have A Liberal Conservative Party.. These Socreds in Liberal Clothing are probably the only alternative that will not drive business away..

The NDP have proven that they can not only Fudgit a Budget, but build Ferries that got given away..

The reality is that this bunch of NDP'r is still not changed enough to make me believe they can balance the budget like the NDP did in Saskachewan.

I voted NDP Before but not again and can ill afford to lose my job just as the market is finally showing signs of turning around.. :angryfire::angryfire:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Teachers are very necessary and some of them are very good. There are a few in my own family. These days, teachers think of themselves a lot more than the do the students. I'm sure that's going to upset some people and I apologize now but - at the same time, what I say is true. How many professional days do your kids have every year for one thing? When we were growing up, they had a teacher's convention about once a year. Now there are several Pro D day's and they are always always on a Friday and on extremely rare occassions, on a Monday. Never ever mid week. Teachers are supposed to attend but - many of them do not. Teachers love "snow" days (I know - people who live where it really snows don't get snow days and that's the way it should be everywhere). Gives the teachers a chance to go skiing for the day. All teachers do is whine. They need smaller classrooms, more books, more pay, they work too hard, they don't have enough help. There is no end to their complaints. I am so glad our teachers were really there to teach.
No wonder they vote NDP now.

Good for you I.P. you have the sagacity and gumption to say things I didn't dare, but you are RIGHT maybe not about all teachers but about many. When we lived in Courtenay many years ago our son had a teacher who quite frankly I thought was a disgrace to the profession (a young mother came to the school while this guy was picketing concerned about her child's whereabouts and he gave her a lot of "static" about daring to cross a picket line) I was also on strike with B.C.G.E.U. at the time and was told to go up to Arden School to support the teachers. My support suddenly vanished I felt like punching the guy in the teeth. I believe I heard years later after we'd left the area that he ran as the N.D.P. candidate. After I heard that I haven't thought much of voting N.D.P. again and probably never will.


Electoral Member
My concern during this election is that the urban / rural divide on authority and power may erode further. In the North, our efforts provide 2/3rds of all the capital costs incurred in the urban areas from resource and tax revenue.

SVT will make the situation worse for Northerners, effectively further diluting our say.

Northerners are getting tired of experiencing the tyranny of of mal-informed consensus in the region. BC Hydro privatization? Haven't you sufferred enough from the BC Rail debacle? Think of it, we have a rail system which is supposed to be used be used to link our small communities together so they can develop through the certainty of logistics and the trains don't even stop. Privatize BC Hydro and what's next? rolling brown outs on the auspicec that we have to pay debt, brought to us by the friendly folks at ex Enron?

Old WAC Bennett must be turning over in his grave.

Its not the election you're going to have to worry about, its the aftermath.

Northerners have been shafted for years and have taken it with a sense of humour, but not much longer, the urban view is screwing with our kid's future.