Scotland's top civil court declined to rule that parliament had the right to call an independence referendum without London's permission.
I don't understand the ruling Scottish National Party (SNP). They call themselves nationalists, the successors of William Wallace, yet they want Scotland to be part of the EU. Now Scotland is out of the EU they want Scotland to leave the UK and rejoin the EU. What kind of nationalism is that, where you want to swap rule from London for rule from Brussels? Despite their name, they aren't Scottish nationalists at all. They don't want a free, sovereign, independent Scotland running its own affairs.
And then the SNP have the problem that Scotland would have to join the euro if they rejoined the EU, and most Scots want to keep the pound. Britain, Denmark and Sweden, three member states who kept their own currencies, were given exceptions by the EU so that they never have to join the euro. But every new member state that joins must adopt the euro at some point. Even the SNP want to keep the pound, so it seems as though they don't understand EU rules. And London won't even allow them to keep the pound anyway. And if the Scots think they can leave the UK and then rejoin the EU and receive even larger largesse from the EU than they are accustomed to in the UK - with English taxpayers paying for things like free hospital parking, free care for the elderly, no university tuition fees, which are paid for by the English taxpayer but all denied to the English - then they've got another thing coming. After the likes of Greece, the EU wouldn't want to fund another subsidy junky. The EU will either tell Scotland it's not wanted as a member or it will have to be a net contributor to the EU budget. Not only that, but Scotland's debt level is way too high for entry qualification into the EU. In order to be allowed to join the EU, an independent Scotland would have to take some pretty serious medicine first. So if there is another referendum campaign, the UK Government would have to explain all these things to the Scots.