Book: “Why does the world exist?” page 61. By JimHolt.
“ Andwhat about Nothingness?
Canit be assigned an entropy?
Thecomputation is not hard.
If asystem – anything from a cup of coffee to a possible world – can
existin N different states, its maximum entropy equals log(N).
TheNull World, being perfectly simple, has only a single state.
So its maximum entropy is log(1) = 0 – whichalso happens to equal
its minimum entropy!
SoNothingness, in addition to being the simplest, the least arbitrary,
andthe most symmetrical of all possible realities, also has the nicest
entropy profile. Its maximum entropy equalsits minimum entropy
equalszero. No wonder Leonardo da Vinci was moved to exclaim,
perhaps somewhat paradoxically: “Among thegreat things which
are found among us, the existence of Nothingis the greatest.”
How is possible to understand:
“Itsmaximum entropy equals its minimum entropy equals zero.”?