"Bartin" Alternate Theories Rants...just keeping them together....


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Re: Does CANADA make a difference with U.S. custody decisions.

Philosphy students are failed losers who spam web sites with incoprehesable garbage. Want proof? Read everything Bartin has written.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Re: Does CANADA make a difference with U.S. custody decisions.

And if the words escaping from your mouth are BS, does it leave a bad taste in your mouth?


New Member
May 21, 2010
Re: Does CANADA make a difference with U.S. custody decisions.

History is something you make ; its not a hand out; find out wht you made; with your own moth

and keep it as a soveneer to believe in ourself ;

becasue nobody wnts somebody elses left overs

Yuor tryiing to borrow time to help your phene ; but your the only help it has to go on; because it does not take two people to be yourslef; so get a grip on your own sponsoring and dont take more than the worth of wahtever the hell you think you talking about

You talk about a classroom that has more ears than mouth ; and that why you think tat sex is smarter than the body.

Then you complain about the population that only you supply.

It doesnt look like you will ever neeed my mouth to know whta its about anyway

so why convince yourself that you could use me to help you talk if commonality always belongs to everybody else but yourslf

could you find your belongins in somehting that needs your mouth instead of mine.

Its not a problem to remember the words that best suit your needs especially if you can get it from your own mouth.

Your right the other person never makes sense to you because someboyd has to make it faster than break it

but destruction is only a map to the credit of your own makings to see if yur not the one falling apart

Your a condition of negkectl that only promises you and indulgence not me.

You keep the companinon of deceit to quaulify your own expectations;

your a phscho path with a plan of sabbotage that only keeps you worried about why nobydy else can be like you.

The fastest thing to do is to listen to yourslf because then every body else can remember the last time you added anythihg to a motion.

Your will to make the other person a slave to your ego only talks about who has to be lazy more than you.

You fell apart in anything that works ; because labor does not come from the other person if its yours .

You have to learn how to think just to see if you talked at all


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Re: Does CANADA make a difference with U.S. custody decisions.

What in the f___ is this guy talking about?


New Member
May 21, 2010
re: "Bartin" Alternate Theories Rants...just keeping them together....

Yuor only the credit of improvement for anything that can see beyond your expectiations to fool others ; if any body likes you better than me then they deserve it; but id dont .

Competence is not a challenge or a a championship it just calls for its own ingreidtns.

Dont feel bad because you cant miss something you never had


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
re: "Bartin" Alternate Theories Rants...just keeping them together....

How is DNA Blood linked to CANADA

So explain to me just what DNA blood is, please. I've heard of all kinds of blood but not DNA blood. Like witch's blood, human blood, even sap as being a tree's blood. I didn't know DNA had blood. I wonder what a DNA's circulatory system looks like. Does it have a pump?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
re: "Bartin" Alternate Theories Rants...just keeping them together....



New Member
May 21, 2010
Re: The mentality of CANADA.


You work at a fortune cookie company maybe?

I do have to take issue with one of the marvelous statements you have parsed out for us..... you're kidding right?

Gender is not obligated to sexuality, because the body never relied on reproduction to exist

C'mere son and let me explain the facts of life to you - you "are" because of sexuality. It's simple really - honest.


New Member
May 21, 2010
Re: The mentality of CANADA.

You make travel with no distance; the facts are to clear to mistake ; what makes you think that sex got here bdfore the body ; because the orignal body is still here ; but you cant see something that your not made of ; and anything smarter than you will always keep you in your place because you wont no how to overcome something smarter than you; death can not stay longer than life can live ; and destination will never overthrow origin. Reproduction is a destination and not an rogin of the body ; but because you dont acknowledge the fact by the word is speaks you will forfeit material composure by any nativity of solar cadence that has more potency than your miserable existacne.

No gratitude offers the truth to be a begging but even a liar promises loyaty to consequences

so whaterve you think life is yoo deserve your worth and then anything that has to endure you can hmble them self to your options of fabric

life is such a big place you could be a tree but never a man

because man is not a conroversy to himself and the flsh bone and blood of man is unified by his body and not the phene of sexuality.

The only thing thats wrong with sex is you because you like sex mor than the body and that not how it works.

You have to have a body to make sex; but you dont have to have sex to have a body.

And you act like it has no meanig but that how you evolve to whatever need you other than a mans body because you dont possess the distinction to be the vitality of his material composrue.

These words revoke all of the spirts from your physical example to habitate to a body of nature that cooperates to the meaning of it and leaves you empty of mans holy spirit

the spirit of man is amongst men and holiness will always seperate eahc thing to its own kind

you are under the infulence of mans nature but you will answer to the boss of it and sex is not the boss of man

sex is a form of idol worship to you but you can only get as much out of it that you put into it and that does not give you permission to use the other person body.

It takes two to have sex but only one to have a bdoy and that why the body does not rely on reproduticion but you do

because you dont know how the body got here before reproduciton

and that becuse you dont have to know something thte did not include you to be done in the first place

so you can deny it all and still be in your own nativity but you can not keep something that your not.

And you are definityly not the body of man because your a sex phene.

You cant hide form yourself and any nature faster than you already saw thourgh you.

That does not make you a lesser creature but it does not call you the body of man wither.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Re: The mentality of CANADA.

Are you using a translator, or do I need one?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Re: The mentality of CANADA.

What we have here is a kid or a poorly educated adult. You just need to look at his gramar and punctuation.

Someone that is trying, unsucessfully, to make himself look smarter than he is.


New Member
May 21, 2010
re: "Bartin" Alternate Theories Rants...just keeping them together....

The only bunk is the way you breathe.

You dont breathe like body ; you breathe like a sex phene and that why words and wisdom a only dvisible to higher material composure.

You think you have it all wrap up but the package is damaged by the wrckage of you ignorance .

You dont have the skll to gvie attention an all encompassing picture because you manin occupation of thought is motivated by sex more thand the priorities of the body.

Youinduldge in the needs of partnership more than the needs of individuality and that what rips your thinker off your off the wall

your 'waht is god' attitude is a shame.

And your sexual ambition forces you to think that the only way to have sex is to get pregnat to grow a new pertner

thats a substandard approach to cansider you self as a reliable comprehension even in uour own contageous trick to claim someone has to like you better than you can lke yourself

where do you get off trying to interpret a logiic that does not invite your mental labor anyhow.

You can comment on the power of your own attainment but never walk away with someone elses degree because you might have to remember everything that your not to beleive it.

You wish you could find fault with someone elses word but the only blame is that you dont have to have ears to talk because words come from the mouth and not the ears.

If you heard anything more than an idiot then theres something out there.

Dont be afraid of expessing yourself because the word you speak is the word you keeep too ; you cant keep my word youll run out of mouth

flesh is power of talking ; bones are the power of listening; but blood is the power of thinking.

To purify the blodo is to be consumed by higher flesh i.

If you know the difference between something better and something worst ; then the answer is to evolve in the better instead of the worst.

I dont see where yo can clean me ; do you..............

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
re: "Bartin" Alternate Theories Rants...just keeping them together....

Man, who're you talking to or replying to? You're kind'a coming across like the
Teacher in the Peanuts cartoon at this point. :-?


New Member
May 21, 2010
re: "Bartin" Alternate Theories Rants...just keeping them together....

Dna blood is the mass of darkness contained in each item of nature.

But darkness has no form untill the first sign of light.

Each object is motionless and dormant utill it becomes dilated by its mathcing rate of light for the coccupancey of solar mediation ; relay; or alteranitng current to become activated to a ciruculatory reciprocation of distance that defines an object to its own size of entity separate form all of the other.

Light is the universal distance of flesh and darkness is the universal distance of blood ; but size, and circulation is the universal distance of bones.

Light is to fast to ke darkness and darkness is to slow to keep light; but the bones can keep both the flesh and the blood according to its common denomination of bio photon trait.

Bio photon trait is the center most light denominator contained in the blodd of the specie implicated.

Dan is the meaure of mass solving each item of nature at large to its dividned of center distance between any scale of light and darkness.

Dan bllood refers to the distance of neutral by alternating current.

Each item of nature is contained to its rank of alternating rurrent otherwise known as solar mediation capacity or tolerance rate of cente motion for defining intersections of a common center by its matcing patterns of consistency to input and output.

Flesh and words are a form of input ; but blood an thoughts are a form of output; then bones and hearing are aform of solar mediation or alternating current.

This is how equilibrum is balenced to its solar chain of bio photon trait ; so that dna blood is speicified to its nativity of size related to the minimumum and maximumum capacity of specie kind.

Specie kind qualifies dna to its matching limits of alteranting current by solar frequency burinig off excess darkness of bllodd fabic to the distance of mass untill the dividble chain of bio photon trait is activated from domancy ; then the pattern of goelogial volume start to break dna down to single occupancy of distance per item of nature.

Dan blood is a big place untill distinction measure the balance of bllodd to its matching rank of darkness by divisible rate of light oerrwise known as bio photon incubation tables

cures are mad of light
tolerences are made of alternating current or bio photon trat
virus and disease are made of dormant dna wating for divisible solar rate.

Thee is mor but books will never be faster than mouth

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
re: "Bartin" Alternate Theories Rants...just keeping them together....

So you're not actually here to interact with anyone in discussion or debate then?
Just to preach your....whatever it is that you're posting then? Have you thought of
just starting a Blog?


New Member
May 21, 2010
re: "Bartin" Alternate Theories Rants...just keeping them together....

Nomenclatrue of the body migrates to higher authrity of sola cadence and the labels change to suti the piriorities of rank.

Elements are labeled by the allegiance of commonality for the authentication of solar rank to declare soveriengnty and then delegation augments the matching royalty to satisfy the consortium of reliable cooperation.

Any oterh generationnal society of substandard proposed services taht tries to sabotage the mission statement of rank will be dsbanded and will forfet the ability to govern a logic they are not coherent of in the duty of human rights.

The medical society can not disqulify the credentials of the body there is only one way to the logic of healing and cure and it deefaults to divisible govern.

So medical terminology is only a continuity of unified systems to afford collective comprehnsion to its union; but teminology is subject to dsband by divisible priorities of potency.

Potency governs the duration of generational governs in order to supercede logic by vital interest to the provocatio of cure ; then consistency filters terminology to accomodate brevity; because shools and books did not build the words; it is the words that built the shcools and books.

Crdentials are qulified by the govern of divisible logic superceding origin and never destination.

Nobody here talks about red cells and white cells or even t cells considering the jungle that they entertain.

Is faster to make your own labes and then merit will augment the conditions of unification to intoduce analogy to basic terminology without haveing to rely on schools more than the body of intelligence it takes to make it.

Information is exchanged to introduce commonality noit date rape.

You post a few words and then people shop for the interest of something that might offer a few leads or intersections to cross connect to ; but nobody stays for confusion.

Inteligent people are always open for innovatin to form consortiums and support networks that sometimes come as a 'pot luck' or drop box to entertain new arenas of thought that eventually fit peices to many different puzzles to complete a concept by its journey of so many people who contribute to the flow of traffic .

To pertain invites the instication of commonality

So you're not actually here to interact with anyone in discussion or debate then?
Just to preach your....whatever it is that you're posting then? Have you thought of
just starting a Blog?

Information is exchanged to introduce commonality noit date rape.

You post a few words and then people shop for the interest of something that might offer a few leads or intersections to cross connect to ; but nobody stays for confusion.

Inteligent people are always open for innovatin to form consortiums and support networks that sometimes come as a 'pot luck' or drop box to entertain new arenas of thought that eventually fit peices to many different puzzles to complete a concept by its journey of so many people who contribute to the flow of traffic .

To pertain invites the instication of commonality

All I can say is if you take the D.N.A. of a Canadian and look at the red cell value of the structure and divided by the white cell count which will be half the total value of the answer which absolutly proves the link to Canada.

Nomenclatrue of the body migrates to higher authrity of sola cadence and the labels change to suti the piriorities of rank.

Elements are labeled by the allegiance of commonality for the authentication of solar rank to declare soveriengnty and then delegation augments the matching royalty to satisfy the consortium of reliable cooperation.

Any oterh generationnal society of substandard proposed services taht tries to sabotage the mission statement of rank will be dsbanded and will forfet the ability to govern a logic they are not coherent of in the duty of human rights.

The medical society can not disqulify the credentials of the body there is only one way to the logic of healing and cure and it deefaults to divisible govern.

So medical terminology is only a continuity of unified systems to afford collective comprehnsion to its union; but teminology is subject to dsband by divisible priorities of potency.

Potency governs the duration of generational governs in order to supercede logic by vital interest to the provocatio of cure ; then consistency filters terminology to accomodate brevity; because shools and books did not build the words; it is the words that built the shcools and books.

Crdentials are qulified by the govern of divisible logic superceding origin and never destination.

Nobody here talks about red cells and white cells or even t cells considering the jungle that they entertain.

Is faster to make your own labes and then merit will augment the conditions of unification to intoduce analogy to basic terminology without haveing to rely on schools more than the body of intelligence it takes to make it.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
re: "Bartin" Alternate Theories Rants...just keeping them together....

I'm sorry Bartin, I feel like I'm on acid when trying to read your posts. Maybe I need new glasses.