Auschwitz survivors mark camp's liberation


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Anything intelligent to add?

I thought not, same old same old.

Little Bear is my youngest, and those names are capitalised. They're proper nouns. SCB is my wife and she's still here. Hell, her and Karrie were PM'ing each other the other night.

Sure sure keep telling yourself that chief.


Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Any sane man would have the hots for Karrie, that's hardly a criticism. :smile:

Bear ol' man, how you doing? Since we last spoke my eldest son has become a naval officer and joined your proud fraternity of those who serve and protect. Still having some trouble getting my head around the "my son the naval officer" idea, there's no tradition of military service in my family and I'm not comfortable with my son putting himself in harm's way, but it's what he wanted to do and I have to support his decision, it was made for the best of reasons. And damn, he looks good in a uniform. :smile:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I simply responded to you in kind. I presented sources which you obviously can't comprehend or didn't read. You presented nothing. Are your gloves off? Show me what you have to to support your notions?
First off asshat, you did not reply in kind, I called you no names and used no language that was derogatory to you in any way.

Your "proof" is nothing more then summation by people second guessing recorded history. This neither proves your ideology, nor disproves what I take to be fair enough fact.

Furthermore, everything I have said is easily verifiable with a cursory inquiry on the net or your local library. I didn't pull some theory out my ass and call it fact as the people you quote and adore.

I do not deny that the numbers do not add up. I do not wish for serious debate of the validity of the occurrences of that time, to be censored or dismissed.

But you require some maturity and tact if you wish to be taken for more then a sawed off runt of a Nazi apologist or fringe half baked Nazi. Grow up.
Last edited:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Sure sure keep telling yourself that chief.

I see some things never change. Grow Avro.
Any sane man would have the hots for Karrie, that's hardly a criticism. :smile:

Bear ol' man, how you doing? Since we last spoke my eldest son has become a naval officer and joined your proud fraternity of those who serve and protect. Still having some trouble getting my head around the "my son the naval officer" idea, there's no tradition of military service in my family and I'm not comfortable with my son putting himself in harm's way, but it's what he wanted to do and I have to support his decision, it was made for the best of reasons. And damn, he looks good in a uniform. :smile:
That's awesome Dex!!! If he's half as level headed and mature as you, he'll make a fine officer.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You have not provided a single scientific study on the GAS CHAMBERS

Why not? Shouldn't there be one to settle this all once and for all so if it were to happen again it would be blatantly obvious what was going on?

Or should more war be started over aluminum tubes. I certainly don't believe the aluminum tube lie. Do you believe the aluminum tube lie? If todays reasons for war are ridiculous then yesterdays' stand every possibility of there being exaggerations to create a political mindset and equally ridiculous.

If access to physical evidence is being denied which can put truth on the the table then both victims and accused losing something far more important. Truth and true freedom.

What's easier on the mind the mass murder, possibility of mass murder, or leadership that knows of, allows, then glorifies the mass murder to screw with the minds of billions to create a fear that if they did it once they will do it again.

I want to know how the mindset of mass murder can be so easily created within a society that aluminum tubes can be an excuse. If it is that easy to commit mass murder then skewing the hell out of what happened in another is equally probable.

The scary thing isn't post mass murder but the mind set we allow to be created pre-mass murder.

(My turn to yell in blue) PAY ATTENTION BEFORE IT HAPPENS TO YOU!!!


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
You have not provided a single scientific study on the GAS CHAMBERS

Why not? Shouldn't there be one to settle this all once and for all so if it were to happen again it would be blatantly obvious what was going on?

Or should more war be started over aluminum tubes. I certainly don't believe the aluminum tube lie. Do you believe the aluminum tube lie? If todays reasons for war are ridiculous then yesterdays' stand every possibility of there being exaggerations to create a political mindset and equally ridiculous.

If access to physical evidence is being denied which can put truth on the the table then both victims and accused losing something far more important. Truth and true freedom.

What's easier on the mind the mass murder, possibility of mass murder, or leadership that knows of, allows, then glorifies the mass murder to screw with the minds of billions to create a fear that if they did it once they will do it again.

I want to know how the mindset of mass murder can be so easily created within a society that aluminum tubes can be an excuse. If it is that easy to commit mass murder then skewing the hell out of what happened in another is equally probable.

The scary thing isn't post mass murder but the mind set we allow to be created pre-mass murder.

(My turn to yell in blue) PAY ATTENTION BEFORE IT HAPPENS TO YOU!!!

So, tell me is the holocaust a hoax?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I can't prove it happened the way we are told. Can you?

We don't have to prove it. Ours is the accepted historical truth, arrived at by credible investigators on the basis of the evidence they wish to revise that history, therefore the onus is on you to provide far all I've seen is garbage, not a shred of proof.....

I am patiently waiting to be convinced, howeve......:roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
You could start your quest for truth by answering these questions:

1. Where did all the Jews go? Why is there a huge discrepancy between population figures of Jews in Europe before the Nazis and in 1950?

2. Why do the Germans, if innocent of the Jewish Holocaust, admit their guilt, humiliate and debase themselves, and indulge in something that is little more than public self-flagellation? Why, if innocent, have the Germans pleaded Guilty???

3.Why do no (that's NONE ZILTCH NADA ZERO) credible historians bring forth evidence of this great conspiracy and fraud on the people of the world? It would make them famous! It would be an academic coup! It is what historians live for, a chance to topple conventional wisdom, to literally write history other words, what is the point of this great conspiracy, that has required the co-operation of hundreds of thousands of people to bring it off...........WHY?????

Just for starters.......

I await your answers.

I won't hold by breath.

I don't look good blue.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Define "credible" when it comes to war history. Stalin was credible? Eisenhauer was a saint? Was Truman a saint and credible? Don't forget this guy "tested" nuclear weapons on a people he felt were socially and physically inferior. Is this not true? The military writes war history. It is military who wrote the aluminum tube line. Why should I trust them?

There wouldn't be Zundels Coles Leuchters or continued hate (which by the way is extremly profitable for both sides) if the truth were laid out once and for all would there. BUT the whole premise and reason todays bloodshed in the middle east also hinges all on this one piece of military written history. It pays to keep the truth hidden and yet it could cost the human species everything.

I want to know the truth if my future is decided by this piece of history that ONLY the military knows what really happened. I don't like my future being decided by the military or by religion of any kind.

How much money is to be made by not settling this and how many will die in future wars by not settling this? I'd rather not have military continue writing history. Would you?


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
The Final Solution was Germany's greatest downfall and the world will never let them forget the six million deaths.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Define "credible" when it comes to war history. Stalin was credible? Eisenhauer was a saint? Was Truman a saint and credible? Don't forget this guy "tested" nuclear weapons on a people he felt were socially and physically inferior. Is this not true? The military writes war history. It is military who wrote the aluminum tube line. Why should I trust them?

There wouldn't be Zundels Coles Leuchters or continued hate (which by the way is extremly profitable for both sides) if the truth were laid out once and for all would there. BUT the whole premise and reason todays bloodshed in the middle east also hinges all on this one piece of military written history. It pays to keep the truth hidden and yet it could cost the human species everything.

I want to know the truth if my future is decided by this piece of history that ONLY the military knows what really happened. I don't like my future being decided by the military or by religion of any kind.

How much money is to be made by not settling this and how many will die in future wars by not settling this? I'd rather not have military continue writing history. Would you?

Ahhh What are you talking about?

First of all, Truman did not "test" nukes on humans, he used a weapon to end a bloody say nothing of saving the million casualties expected in an invasion of Japan.......

Secondly, history is not written by the military, it is written by academics.

Third, what the hell does this have to do with the debate???????

"Credible" means with credentials, an education in the field of history, recognition for the accuracy and depth of research, being published in reputable historical journals that have high standards..........


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

Does he or does he not lie in that statement?

What more can I say? There are all kinds of direct quotes just like that. To lie like that tells me he and those in power like him who decided our history will lie about anything.

Colpy neither you or that other guy have paid no resepect to those lost in those sick and twisted years, 64 Million others who deserve the truth be told more than the handful who gain from it the most today.

We'll never know the truth because too much is at stake and that is of no benefit to mankind. The story has been evolving and changing for 60+ years and it will continue to evolve and change because this chapeter of WWII never closed and the death toll is probably upto 100 million by now and will only continue to grow for the next millenium.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
You understand, of course, that the man who adorns every post you make, Pierre Trudeau, was a fascist sympathizer............ :)

No, it is not my imagination. Young Trudeau's flirt with fascism

deal with it.

..and I suppose you picked a political ideology way back when and have never thought about or changed anything since. The world isn't black and white and neither are people. People experiment. They look into different perspectives. Life is a game of exploration. And, historians lie. History is his story. Most of it wouldn't fertilize a blade of grass.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

Does he or does he not lie in that statement?

What more can I say? There are all kinds of direct quotes just like that. To lie like that tells me he and those in power like him who decided our history will lie about anything.

Colpy neither you or that other guy have paid no resepect to those lost in those sick and twisted years, 64 Million others who deserve the truth be told more than the handful who gain from it the most today.

We'll never know the truth because too much is at stake and that is of no benefit to mankind. The story has been evolving and changing for 60+ years and it will continue to evolve and change because this chapeter of WWII never closed and the death toll is probably upto 100 million by now and will only continue to grow for the next millenium.

No, he was NOT lying.

Hiroshima was a port, a centre of heavy industry, and a training centre. There were about 43,000 Japanese soldiers there...........


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Another thing they don't tell you is that Japan had surrendered but would not give up their Emperor who they considered a living god, to the Yanks, so they bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the Japanese surrendered just to get their way.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
No, he was NOT lying.

Hiroshima was a port, a centre of heavy industry, and a training centre. There were about 43,000 Japanese soldiers there...........

...and how many innocents were nuked?
Just like killing 1.2 million Iraqis to get one man. And you seem to support these thugs and murderers.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No, he was NOT lying.

Hiroshima was a port, a centre of heavy industry, and a training centre. There were about 43,000 Japanese soldiers there...........

And a half million civilians mostly women and kids at this "military base"?

With your kind of logic I could say the camps resecued hundreds of thousands of Jews from fire bombings in 1944 Germany.

None of the histroy written by military is the truth. To believe it all carte blanche makes you appear to be a total idiot. You aren't a total idiot are you? So then why would you believe it?


Electoral Member
Mar 1, 2008

Swindle of the Century -- Hijacking of the European HolocaustIn her 1975 autobiography Golda Meir coined 'The Holocaust' with an exaggerated WWII Jewish victim claim of six million in order to justify the founding of Israel. Then, after her death in 1978, in her honor Jewish historians carried on the lie as evidenced in the biographies of Ben Gurion and Menachem Begin, see below.
Above is 1981 Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary definition of 'holocaust' where there is no reference to Jews and below the 1987 definition where Jewish editors coined a new synonym with the intent to defraud the world for 'Jewish suffering'. look around