Auschwitz survivors mark camp's liberation


Electoral Member
Mar 1, 2008
The Holocaust is not a proven fact. Bullsheeeet propaganda,witnesses lied under oath, articles produced as evidence were not examined just accepted. The only lie left is GAS CHAMBERS. All the others were mistakes.

General Lucius Clay, the military governor of the US zone of occupied Germany, explained the lampshade story, "Well, it turned out actually that it was goat flesh [sic --clearly the general meant skin]. But at the trial [of Ilse Koch] it was still human flesh." (Interview with Lucius Clay, 1976, Official Proceeding of the George C. Marshall Research Foundation Quoted in M. Weber, "Buchenwald: Legend and Reality," The Journal of Historical Review, Winter 1986-87 7(4), pp. 406-407.)

I guess the Germans made up that story to scare Jews.

Still, the lies persist. On May 10, 1997 the New York Times ran an article entitled, "Holocaust Collection Is Educator for Young." The story concerns Milton Kohn, the owner of the world's "largest private collection of Holocaust memorabilia." Kohn wanders the world repeating anti-German hate stories to children. Part of his traveling collection includes an alleged "bar of soap rendered from human fat [which] was bought from a third party in Eastern Europe in 1968." Surely the New York Times, which prides itself on reporting "all the news that's fit to print," is aware that the soap story has been discredited.

The Gassing Vans story is true, Colpy? It is also a lie. No the Germans did not electrocute Jews or other humans.

No Germans did not set off a small atomic bomb and vaporise Jews. Yes Jews lied under oath that Germans gassed people at Dachau. Yes Germans murdered Polish Officers in the Katyn Forest.
Germans were sentenced to death on these lies. Haters like you continue to tell us IT IS FACT-6 million -No serious investigation is needed . From all the lies that were upheld by courts it would seem that serious investigation is needed BUT there are laws forbidding investigation. So shove your --IT IS FACT. You are a hater with a closed mind. Thanks for links to pages and pages--of Jewish produced material.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Okay....I was tempted to sarcasm, but I'm, going to resist.

No, there were not many gassed at Dauchau, but according to witnesses, and one of the camp Doctors, there were some gassings there.....for experimental purposes. And, it should be pointed out, Dauchau was never intended as an extermination camp.

So there were mistakes made at Nuremburg....not surprizing, considering the furor, and the inclusion of Stalin's expected rule-of-law and clear justice there? It was a mistake; I agree with Churchill, just shoot the major players out -of-hand, they are undeserving of any recourse to "justice".

So some still believe in a few of the myths, which, BTW are debunked by Jewish scholars (note the word "scholar"); they hardly disprove the Holocaust.

Yes Jews were gassed by the million. And shot. And murdered in a large variety of ways, simply for being Jews.

You never answered the question.........if the Holocaust is a hoax, if the Germans were unfairly treated, why.... why???? they engage in public self-flagellation? Why are they so involved in their own humiliation?

Why do they still plead "guilty" almost 70 years later?

Now this has descended into a debate of "Did to" vs "Did not"....except I have the advantage of the backing of thousands upon thousands of hours of historical researh, eyewitness testimony by tens of thousands, records, and the accepted opinions of the most respected histornians on earth.

You are backed by racists, loonies, and con men.

When you decide to answer the question above, I will be happy to reply.

Until you've got something reasonable to say, spare me.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The attention to detail German engineers are known for took a holiday when they left glass windows and doors with windows in the gas chamber. You'd figure the glazier would be the busiest guy in camp.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Why do they still plead "guilty" almost 70 years later?

Keeps them (Jews) from wanting to come back? A"Beware of Dog" sign works just as a good as actually having a dog.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Next,some idiot will claim it was just a mass suicide by the Jews. Those lovely Nazis would never ever commit such atrocities. Gotta love the mentally ill who post such nonsense. I am surprised at the level of anti Semitism on this forum,the anti US stance,and pro Palestinian factions too.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Awwwe. The poor Jews just keep getting the ****ty end of the stick. Why? Why did Canada and turn them away instead of slamming the door shut to be left to be gassed or work for IG Farben makign products for sale in the USA?


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Britain and the USA also turned away boatloads of Jews during WW2. All we did was follow our masters' leads. Technically, we are responsible for the attempted extermination of the Jewish people .


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Maybe there wasn't room in any of the 30 camps in Canada at the time? Maybe we should have thought ahead and used the slave labour that was used to build Banff and Riding Mountain national parks and made some more camps just incase?


Electoral Member
Mar 1, 2008
Let their be Light

Bye truth seekers- I note that pressure's on the pope will Williams recant-will the pope wiggle
In 1989 the Holocaust museum finally had the sophistication to analyse the soap

Do you have a scientific study of the Gas Chambers made by your own jewish scientists? NO/Yes
If yes post it?
Thousands and thousands of witnesses you say POST SOME
Here are two of your thousands of eyewitnesses

masur human soap confession
Lampshade 'made from the skins of Jewish Holocaust victims' to be sold

By Steve Bloomfield

Sunday, 8 August 2004

A lampshade allegedly made from the skins of Jews who died in the Holocaust may be sold at auction, despite the protests of Jewish groups.

A lampshade allegedly made from the skins of Jews who died in the Holocaust may be sold at auction, despite the protests of Jewish groups.
The lamp forms part of a controversial collection of artefacts assembled by Robert Lenkiewicz, a leading portrait artist who once famously embalmed the body of a tramp.
Jewish leaders fear the lamp may now be sold to the highest bidder to help pay off £2m debts owed by the Lenkiewicz estate and accrued by the artist, who died in 2002. Jewish groups say the lamp should be buried with dignity.

Look at the dates--


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The best piece I have read yet on soap and lampshades.......

Soap, as we have determined, was certainly not made in quantity, and perhaps not at all.

The existence of human skin Lampshades, likewise, is in serious doubt.

The Straight Dope: Did the Nazis make lampshades out of human skin?
We agree on that.

What is NOT in doubt is that betwwem 5.5 and 6 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis............a large portion of that number gassed at extermination camps.

You guys can throw little tantrums, run around in circles chanting quotes from morons and con men, rant at the moon, and drool on your shoes for all I care....none of it changes the historical record.....

And you still haven't answered my question about the Germans.

And you still have shown no evidence that the gas Chambers at Auschwitz were not used.......

Would you like a visit to the Steel Cage, where you can really let loose???


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

(sigh) For the Nth time....this is in Poland. Look at the date. The 4 million number was simply Polish communist propaganda, and was NEVER taken seriously by any western historian, and therefore the 3 million "correction" was never included in serious historical estimates anyway........

Got that?

Serious historians in the free West NEVER thought 4 million died at Auschwitz, and NEVER included that number in the 6 million figure.

Do I need to say it again?

Damn, I wish you guys could come up with something significant....or at least different....

This is getting a little thin.


Electoral Member
Mar 1, 2008
Well written. I remember the whole “soap & lampshades” made out of innocent Jews nonsense. You used to hear that one all the time. Dustin Hoffman says the line “So when the Nazis starting turning Mrs. Greenblatt into soap at Aushwitz..” in the 1980’s film Tootsie. It was accepted as absolute fact that these things happened, and could be proved.
Examples of Jewish lampshades and bars of “Israeli Spring” soap were trotted out for the cameras from time to time by somber faced and reverent Jews in white gloves.
Then came the advent of DNA testing and do-gooder Christians (yep) who wanted to give these bars of Jewish soap (lol) a proper Christian burial.
Turns out there was no human DNA in the provided venerated soap. None. Zero. Oops!
And those human-skin lampshades? Before they could be tested, they disappeared. Yep. Poof!

No gassings at Dachau so cut your bull or prove it?

You have not provided a single scientific study on the GAS CHAMBERS.

You have still not provided a single sensible witness testimony to Gassing of people.
How about one of the witnesses for the prosecution re-gassings at one of the concentration camps.

I don't know why you keep screaming 6 million. I'm not posting that the Auschwitz Death books state

by the way here is The "Bitch of Buchenwald" as you would call her Ilse Koch was convicted by an American Military Tribunal at Dachau
USA pressure on German government to convict
No evidence it disappeared before it could be DNA tested
She killed herself after 20 years in prison ,her one son killed himself


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Well written. I remember the whole “soap & lampshades” made out of innocent Jews nonsense. You used to hear that one all the time. Dustin Hoffman says the line “So when the Nazis starting turning Mrs. Greenblatt into soap at Aushwitz..” in the 1980’s film Tootsie. It was accepted as absolute fact that these things happened, and could be proved.
Examples of Jewish lampshades and bars of “Israeli Spring” soap were trotted out for the cameras from time to time by somber faced and reverent Jews in white gloves.
Then came the advent of DNA testing and do-gooder Christians (yep) who wanted to give these bars of Jewish soap (lol) a proper Christian burial.
Turns out there was no human DNA in the provided venerated soap. None. Zero. Oops!
And those human-skin lampshades? Before they could be tested, they disappeared. Yep. Poof!

No gassings at Dachau so cut your bull or prove it?

You have not provided a single scientific study on the GAS CHAMBERS.

You have still not provided a single sensible witness testimony to Gassing of people.
How about one of the witnesses for the prosecution re-gassings at one of the concentration camps.

I don't know why you keep screaming 6 million. I'm not posting that the Auschwitz Death books state

by the way here is The "Bitch of Buchenwald" as you would call her Ilse Koch was convicted by an American Military Tribunal at Dachau
USA pressure on German government to convict
No evidence it disappeared before it could be DNA tested
She killed herself after 20 years in prison ,her one son killed himself

That is the whole point you seem to have missed in your obsessive state....I don't have to prove anything.....I agree with the accepted history....

It is up to the revisionist (that's you) to prove their view is correct, and all the other research is wrong.

that is how the study of history works,

so far, you get an F.


You have not provided a single scientific study on the GAS CHAMBERS

or anything else.......except innuendo, BS, whinning, frothing at the mouth, jumping around and generally making a fool of yourself.


Electoral Member
Mar 1, 2008
That is right Coply -It wasn't up to you to prove that 4 million were not killed at Auschshwitz. It wasn't up to you to prove that witnesses lied under oath, it wasn't up to you to prove that JRS Soap was not made from humans. It was not up to you to prove that human skin lampshades were a lie. You just continued to further the lies for another 50 years.
Point is Colpy, you have no scientific proof of gas chambers used to gas people . All you can do is reject scientific proof. Since you have no proof all you have are the Historic lies created by yours and chirped by little parrots like you.