Another Liberal majority


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
New Brunswick election: Brian Gallant, Liberals win majority government

FREDERICTON — Amid a bizarre vote-counting snafu, rookie politician Brian Gallant led his Liberal party to a majority election victory in New Brunswick, as voters rejected the Progressive Conservatives' bid to jump-start a moribund economy by expanding its shale gas industry.

With most of the polls reporting after a tight battle that went well into the night, the tabulation of ballots was suspended Monday around 10:45 p.m. for almost two hours as concerns arose about technical glitches with memory sticks and discrepancies with vote-counting machines.

Before the count was stopped, Brian Gallant's Liberals and the Tories under David Alward were locked in a tight contest. That changed once the results were updated with the Liberals winning 27 ridings compared to the Progressive Conservatives with 21, though the Tories demanded that every ballot be counted by hand to ensure the legitimacy of the election.

Green party Leader David Coon was elected in the riding of Fredericton South, a result that represents a breakthrough for a party that has never held a seat in the New Brunswick legislature.

The vote counting glitch caused the Tories to call for all the votes to be counted by hand, while the Liberals said Elections New Brunswick needed to be left alone to determine the outcome.

A spokesman for Elections New Brunswick said the agency encountered a technical problem with the tabulation machines it was using to count ballots. Paul Harpelle said in an email that there were problems uploading data from memory cards.
'Make sure that all votes are counted properly'

The president of the Progressive Conservatives raised the possibility of the party rejecting the results without every vote being counted by hand.

"We are calling on Elections New Brunswick to count every vote by hand as they always have," Jason Stephen said. "It is best to make sure that all votes are counted properly. At that time we will accept the outcome of the election from the New Brunswick population."

Liberal MP Dominic LeBlanc, a key member of Gallant's election team, took a different line, arguing the parties should allow Elections New Brunswick to do its work.

"The results in this election will not be determined by the bluster of political parties," he told party supporters at Gallant's campaign headquarters near Moncton.

"It's important that Elections New Brunswick be allowed to determine the vote in every riding."

At 32, Gallant is slated to become the country's youngest premier and leads the Liberals to their fourth straight election victory in the past year in Eastern Canada after wins by the party in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia.

The Acadian lawyer, who was elected to the legislature only last year, was the perceived front-runner when the campaign started. He has promised to place a moratorium on the shale gas industry until risks to the environment, health and water are known.

His campaign had its share of stumbles. At one point, he refused to rule out allowing shale gas companies to use hydraulic fracturing during his government's first term, a position that anti-fracking activists assailed as muddled.

The Tory defeat makes Alward, 54, the second straight premier to fail in his bid for a second term, a rarity in New Brunswick politics. The same fate was suffered by Liberal Shawn Graham when Alward defeated him in September 2010.

Alward's decision to embrace the shale gas industry was polarizing in the province, where a series of public protests culminated in a violent demonstration last fall in Rexton that saw 40 people arrested and six police vehicles burned.

Alward had said New Brunswick was on the verge of $10 billion in private investment if it develops its deposits of shale gas and welcomes the proposed Energy East Pipeline, which could see oil shipped from Alberta to Saint John.

During the campaign, Gallant countered Alward's job-creation strategy by promising to spend $900 million over six years to pave roads, repair bridges and upgrade other infrastructure. It's a measure Gallant says will create 1,700 jobs annually.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
A fine province commits economic suicide by supporting a not-too-bright Liberal Pretty Boy.



Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I was refering to the theme or trend of no-brain pretty boys as Lieberal leaders. Ontario, NB and Canada although Ontario's ain't too pretty.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I was refering to the theme or trend of no-brain pretty boys as Lieberal leaders. Ontario, NB and Canada although Ontario's ain't too pretty.
Oh, sorry. Didn't know you were looking at a particular trend.

Meh, who cares? You're all a bunch of stoned librul commie faggots. The most hard-right politician in Canada couldn't get elected as the Congresshuman from Northampton.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
When are you moving out of Ontario?


New Brunswick had an excellent government (Liberal) under Frank McKenna when I lived there in the 90's. Too bad they couldn't draw him into Federal Politics, I might have even considered voting Liberal if that hadn't opted for the the nitwit demented child king.

Oh well...