American Culture of Violence & It's Related Politics

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
To be fair Trump does not understand what the word "nationalist" means.

Game show host you know.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
NYC 'Bombs'

Some yahoo with a pair of pliars, some wire, and pipe cutters.. plus blackpowder gleaned from some fire crackers. Seemingly a completely primitive triggering device (if any at all); certainly no match for the NYPD bomb squad.

Doesn't sound like a very sophisticated domestic terrorist. He couldn't even get some of the addresses right (Brennan, Soros). I honestly wonder if this might be someone on the lunatic fringe of the Alt Left trying to whip the Democratic base for the Mid Terms.

Hardly seems the earthshaking event that CNN is according it. Although it fits nicely into their spiel of Trump's 'fascist' cult following.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
It couldn't be the false flag event the alternative media has been expecting from the democrats for some time now could it?
...or the hillary hating democrats and bernie supporters?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Ha ha ha OK it's Trump's fault who'd a guessed that?
The point is that he promotes anger, hate and stirs up hostility with his overly nasty rhetoric.
He sets the tone.......and it is not a calm, peaceful promoting one. His simplistic vitriol is reinforced at his aggressive rallies.
and NO , it is not funny at is very concerning. that he does not realise that his words carry the tone for the country. His fanatical extremest followers are more than inclined to be aggressive in words and acts. He fires them up........ what does he expect?? He did not have to send the bombs......... himself. He has followers to do it for him.

A leader of any nation is responsible for HOW he speaks and WHAT he says.......... as there are suggestible people who will act out the hatred that is spewed (by leaders) ..Trump is a bully......... and fosters bully type behaviour. Basic social-psychology.
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Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
NYC 'Bombs'

Some yahoo with a pair of pliars, some wire, and pipe cutters.. plus blackpowder gleaned from some fire crackers.

Doesn't like a very sophisticated domestic terrorist. He couldn't even get some of the addresses right (Brennan, Soros). I honestly wonder if this might be someone on the lunatic fringe of the Alt Left trying to whip the Democratic base for the Mid Terms.

Hardly seems the earthshaking event that CNN is according it. Although it fits nicely into their spiel of Trump's 'fascist' cult following.
well..CNN was targeted indirectly. One would think that they would be a tad upset. Does not matter how unsophisticated the bomb was........ it still creates fear, anger as a terrorist act would do.

Has nothing to do with CNN agenda..........

The bombs targeted everyone that Trump HATES.

No word from The TWitter happy Trump........about this.

Hopefully the idiots that did this......... will be easily caught .......if they are that unsophisticated.

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
Ocean Breeze,

How do you know it isn't the extreme Left sending these mail bombs? make Trump and his followers look bad before the mid terms?


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I almost forgot the bombs were also found on the same day as the big announcement on Opioid legislation, pretty much stole all the thunder H'mmmmm


Electoral Member
Aug 27, 2017
How do we know that it is not the Police/Security State that is not preparing for the next economic collapse? It has been 10 years. (Average span is 13 years.)

How do we know that China is not cashing in their U.S. Treasury bonds? Why would China loan the U.S. the funds to increase its military presence in East Asia and to build a new naval fleet and larger nuclear weapons in order to threaten China?