Alberta to release climate change policy at Edmonton science centre


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
which has what to do with your myriad of alternate "theories"... alternate to anthropogenic sourced carbon? :lol: By the by, as I've been away a tad, have you settled in on a new alternate, or is it just same ole, same ole for you?

do you plan to publish... soon?
Another "duh" moment for drywaldo... :mrgreen:


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
I really thought you would have gotten the hint the last time you were banned. Want to go again?

banned? It's simply a matter of encouraging meaningful discourse... something that stems from the top-down, from moderator action. If you will indulge a simple question: why do "you" (the royal CC moderator you) continue to allow the most purposeful thread disruption/derailing with the most inane and unrelated shyte throwing comments that continue to populate most of these CC threads... comments that come from the same ole crew here?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
hey SLM... see drywall/drywaldo for case in point!

from the CC Forum Rules: "This site is intended to be a medium for public discussion. You are free to express your views forcefully but we require you to remain civil. Insults, hate speech, and deliberately inflammatory statements, commonly known as trolling, are not acceptable. Do not threaten anyone or any group or suggest they are deserving of harm."


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
banned? It's simply a matter of encouraging meaningful discourse...
Since day one, you've done everything in your power to have anything but.

something that stems from the top-down, from moderator action. If you will indulge a simple question: why do "you" (the royal CC moderator you) continue to allow the most purposeful thread disruption/derailing with the most inane and unrelated shyte throwing comments that continue to populate most of these CC threads... comments that come from the same ole crew here?
If she were step that up, you wouldn't be here.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
banned? It's simply a matter of encouraging meaningful discourse... something that stems from the top-down, from moderator action. If you will indulge a simple question: why do "you" (the royal CC moderator you) continue to allow the most purposeful thread disruption/derailing with the most inane and unrelated shyte throwing comments that continue to populate most of these CC threads... comments that come from the same ole crew here?

You do NOTHING to encourage meaningful discourse of any kind. You haven't since the moment you arrived here. You were nose in the air, ignorant to people who gave your posts serious replies long before you ever caught the freaking attention of Bear or Captn Morgan or Petros. This is when people got fed up with you.

And you still do nothing to encourage it. You come on here, again, talking about nothing but how horrific the forum is and there is no discussion. Fine, then there is no reason for you to be here. Get out.

Because we both know that unless you back off, this is only going to end one way.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
hey SLM... see drywall/drywaldo for case in point!

from the CC Forum Rules: "This site is intended to be a medium for public discussion. You are free to express your views forcefully but we require you to remain civil. Insults, hate speech, and deliberately inflammatory statements, commonly known as trolling, are not acceptable. Do not threaten anyone or any group or suggest they are deserving of harm."

why bother... deniers gonna deny! It's what they do! Best move on and let the chuckle-heads enjoy their echo-chamber


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
If she were step that up, you wouldn't be here.

and you would? Your posts are nothing but purposeful insults, disruption, derailing... well, other than the ones where you and your clubhouse bro's shuck & jive and high-five each other!

You do NOTHING to encourage meaningful discourse of any kind. You haven't since the moment you arrived here. You were nose in the air, ignorant to people who gave your posts serious replies long before you ever caught the freaking attention of Bear or Captn Morgan or Petros. This is when people got fed up with you.

And you still do nothing to encourage it. You come on here, again, talking about nothing but how horrific the forum is and there is no discussion. Fine, then there is no reason for you to be here. Get out.

Because we both know that unless you back off, this is only going to end one way.

I've had significant meaningful discussion with many members here... I do note most of them have given up and moved on! Wonder why. As for any of this clubhouse crew giving me any serious reply, that has never happened. This board is nothing but an echo-chamber that is ruled by the usual suspects... and they likee their own echo!

I just posted a most meaningful extract from the CC Forum Rules... let me do it again, and if you'll indulge, perhaps suggest why CC moderators choose to ignore it? Again: "This site is intended to be a medium for public discussion. You are free to express your views forcefully but we require you to remain civil. Insults, hate speech, and deliberately inflammatory statements, commonly known as trolling, are not acceptable."


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
and you would? Your posts are nothing but purposeful insults, disruption, derailing... well, other than the ones where you and your clubhouse bro's shuck & jive and high-five each other!
I seem to get a pass, so long as I cannibalize trolls.

YOU, and Fluffer, should think about that for a minute.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
if only this board had moderators willing to actually... moderate the pitiful excuse for discussion

.. And you wonder why you are received in the fashion you are.

which has what to do with your myriad of alternate "theories"... alternate to anthropogenic sourced carbon? :lol: By the by, as I've been away a tad, have you settled in on a new alternate, or is it just same ole, same ole for you?

do you plan to publish... soon?

Got anymore failed models to lean on as proof-positive?.. I know, you ought to substantiate these failed models with a bunch of unrealized predictions, that'll fix all of us that don't march lock step with you

Set the dogs on him.

I'm reporting you to PETA

I look forward to many more of your "That's it, I'm leaving for good" posts.

Let's really hope that he follows through this time


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
How would this affect carbon emissions?
If coal plants emit CO2 then they are taxed on that. A tree or any other plant eats CO2 as their 'air' and they emit O2, a gas that is helpful to people. That would suggest an office building that has the walls covered in vines produces a measurable amount of O2 and a certain amount of CO2 would get a reduction in it's overall carbon foot-print. Producing an anti-greenhouse gas. On a larger scale Canada's swamp spruce are small in size but many in number are capable of altering the air composition but nobody lives there to take advantage of it.
What should be done is a study that concludes that being exposed to air that is 23% O2 rather than 20% or lower has detrimental health effects. Cars would be required to produce a certain amount of ozone to balance out the CO2 emissions. Ozone breaks down in about 20 minutes to 'harmless gasses'. A high voltage spark is all it takes to produce ozone so each plug wire could have a number of breaks in it that would have 5 blue sparks before the power was applied to the spark plug.
Total output of gas is CO2 + O3 = <CO2 overall


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
hey SLM... see drywall/drywaldo for case in point!

from the CC Forum Rules: "This site is intended to be a medium for public discussion. You are free to express your views forcefully but we require you to remain civil. Insults, hate speech, and deliberately inflammatory statements, commonly known as trolling, are not acceptable. Do not threaten anyone or any group or suggest they are deserving of harm."
You don't seem to like this place much.....
one tiny little question?
Do you always shop at stores you don't like or eat at restaurants where you hate the food?