AGW Denial, The Greatest Scam in History?


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
'Cause all of the lies and misinformation are all based on the nonsense spewed from Gore and Suzuki.

But then again, it's impossible that we are having this discussion because "the debate is over" - right?.. Can you remember who made a really big deal about that?

So the science of AGW is based on what Suzuki and Gore say?

That's just not true.

Perhaps the politics of it but not the real science.

Yeah.... Why every 2nd post of mine quotes his genius.

More than anyone like Tonn or Anna quoting Suzuki or fact...they never have as far as I know.

You're the only one that keeps bringing them up.

What's truly laughable is that you need to keep this thread from falling-off the radar by picking a non existent fight on the topic.:lol:

Then don't post here anymore, I am merely putting out the info.

What's really laughable is no one is countering any of it except for the usual lame attack on Gore and Suzuki.:roll::lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
What's really laughable is no one is countering any of it except for the usual lame attack on Gore and Suzuki.:roll::lol:

To be expected. That's what separates true skeptics from deniers. Skeptics are persuaded by evidence. Deniers think neat talking points do the trick.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
New Scientist's “Living In Denial” Special Issue Discusses Climate Deniers

The magazine New Scientist has devoted a special issue to the “Age of Denial,” including a lot of examples of climate deniers' efforts to distort and attack climate science.

DeSmogBlog’s own Richard Littlemore has an essay in the issue entitled “Living in denial: How corporations manufacture doubt,” which discusses how polluting industries have followed the tobacco playbook in order to confuse the public about climate change.

Littlemore writes:
“The doubt industry has ballooned in the past two decades. There are now scores of think tanks pushing dubious and confusing policy positions, and dozens of phoney grass-roots organisations created to make those positions appear to have legitimate following.”

Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine and columnist for Scientific American, explains the difference between a skeptic and a denier in his piece titled “When a sceptic isn't a sceptic,” noting that:

“A climate denier has a position staked out in advance, and sorts through the data employing "confirmation bias" - the tendency to look for and find confirmatory evidence for pre-existing beliefs and ignore or dismiss the rest. …

Science is scepticism and good scientists are sceptical.

Denial is different. It is the automatic gainsaying of a claim regardless of the evidence for it - sometimes even in the teeth of evidence. Denialism is typically driven by ideology or religious belief, where the commitment to the belief takes precedence over the evidence. Belief comes first, reasons for belief follow, and those reasons are winnowed to ensure that the belief survives intact.”

New Scientist correspondent Jim Giles notes in his piece “Unleashing a lie,” that is very difficult to counter lies once they appear in print:
“Once released into the wild, erroneous statements follow predictable routes into acceptance or obscurity, driven by well-known psychological processes.”

He also discusses confirmation bias, “the natural tendency to seek out and believe evidence that fits with our preconceived ideas while ignoring or dismissing the rest.”

Interestingly, Giles notes that forcing corrections doesn’t always solve the problem, noting that “attempts to tackle denial can end up entrenching it.”

Michael Shermer closes out the issue with “The truth is our only weapon,” a piece that raises the important question of what to do “where scepticism morphs into denialism” and you encounter those “who, after their claim has been fully discussed and thoroughly debunked, continue to make the claim anyway?”

Shermer says that, on balance, it is important to keep correcting deniers’ lies.

“Those who are in possession of the facts have a duty to stand up to the deniers with a full-throated debunking repeated often and everywhere until they too go the way of the dinosaurs.”

Check out the web version of “Age of Denial” issue at the New Scientist.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006

Yup, it's been warm. NOAA's data looks pretty much the same:

And the satellites are showing the same thing:



Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Will Happer To Testify At Congressional Hearing on Climate Science

Will Happer, as chair of the George C. Marshall Institute, will testify Thursday before Rep. Ed Markey's Select committee as the sole GOP witness arguing against the global warming consensus. Even though Happer, a physicist, has published exactly one paper that discusses climate change, he is apparently the top choice of the GOP to discuss "the ability to present data and information that can guide global warming solutions in a sometimes fierce political landscape."
Professor Will Happer augments his Princeton duties with high-profile climate denial. Ever since he and Fred Singer claimed that ozone depletion was not happening, Happer has been willing to let his Princeton position and American Physical Union title serve the whims of ExxonMobil's policy goals.

Happer proudly says "I believe that the increase of CO2 is not a cause for alarm and will be good for mankind."
He even falsely told a congressional committee: “We evolved as a species when CO2 concentrations were three or four times what they are now”. Actually, you need to go back hundreds of millions of years to find CO2 levels this high. Sorry Mr. Happer, your facts might be a bit muddled, but your motivations are clear.

Happer has been on the board of the George C. Marshall Institute since at least 2002, and is currently its director. The institute receives a sizable portion of its funding from ExxonMobil. Out of an operating budget of about $800,000, an average of $91,428 per year from 2001-07 comes directly from ExxonMobil. They also receive $250,000 per year from the Scaife oil fortune, and we see almost half of the Institute is funded by oil money.
Global warming policy is the institute's largest advocacy program, spending over $200,000 in 2007 and over $300,000 in 2006 on the program. That program employs former registered Exxon lobbyist William O'Keefe, who previously served as CEO fo the American Petroleum Institute. Also on the team, Sallie Baliunas who co-authored a paper on climate change with Willie Soon which was sponsored directly by the API, and then refuted by 13 of the authors she cited.
As the chair for the organization Happer has stepped into a central role in the global warming denialosphere. While some organizations like Competitive Enterprise Institute have renounced funding from ExxonMobil, GMI has been unabashed in its acceptance of oil money. Consequently, Exxon connections form a tight circle around GMI and Happer. See this map of connections.
Will this week's climate tesimony be as hilarious as previous weeks? I doubt Happer will match the absurdity of Hitler-Youth-Monckton at the previous congressional hearing earlier this month, but it will be interesting to see if he makes up more on CO2 levels or pretends to be baffled as to how a mere gas can effect the climate.

You can watch the hearing here today.

McIntyre Disappoints Denier Conference; doesn't call for jailing of scientists

Mining Executive and blogger Steve McIntyre, the darling of so many climate change deniers, surely disapointed the assembled ICCC crowd in Chicago with his dry and relatively reasonable keynote address. The applause after McIntyre's keynote address was significantly less than when he started because he didn't call for Michael Mann and Phil Jones to go to jail.
Astronaut Harrison Schmidt (why is a former astronaut speaking at a climate conference?), who followed McIntyre, helped to steer the crowd back to the witch-hunt it was promised by conference organizers. Mark Sheppard, writing in the American Thinker, gave this account of Schmidt's remark after McIntyre finished:
This is science, [Schmidt] retorted to a now cheering crowd, and if you want to play that game (tricks, non-disclosure, etc) then you can go somewhere else. To which more than a few in attendance added: “To Jail!”

I can think of no better analogy than the hilarious logic used by Monty Python's King Arthur to impress an even more idiotic group of villagers, and magnificently prove that 'she's a witch!'.

McIntyre's hour long keynote on the first night of the conference discussed the history of some rather dry tree ring data discussed in the East Anglia stolen email. He was welcomed with huge applause, but the crowd cooled over the course of this talk. As Sheppard said, "Steve stopped quite a bit short of passing judgment". While McIntyre still perpetuated the myth that there is a scandal wrapped up in the emails stolen from East Anglia, this episode shows how the ravings of climate deniers hold no basis in reality.
Sheppard wasn't too happy to hear McIntyre's opinion on the recent attempts by VA Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli to leverage himself into Michael Mann's private email exchanges.
McIntyre even slammed Virginia Attorney General Ken Ken Cuccinelli's investigation into Hockey Stick creator Michael Mann, describing Mann’s work as “diligently published” and Cussinelli’s as “abuse of administrative prerogative.” Not exactly what the crowd was hoping to hear from one its undeniable heroes.

Thank you, Steve McIntyre for this valuable insight into the level of discourse at the 4th annual denial-palooza, sponsored by all the oil companies' favorite think tanks.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Global Warming/Climate Change is a fact, it can not be denied.

But the CAUSE of it can.

Global Warming on Mars, Pluto, Triton and Jupiter | SEO BlackHat: Black Hat SEO Blog
There's no proof of anything there, just some evidence that other planets are also warming.
I suppose it never occurred to you that the warming effects on Earth are exaggerated, in comparison to the other planets, by all the crap we spew into the atmosphere?

BTW, I doubt this is an occasion when there is ONLY 1 cause of GW.
Last edited:


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Christopher Monckton: Lies, damn lies or staggering incompetence

John Abraham's Critique Devastates the Florid Lord's Denier Diatribe

Christopher Monckton, the self-celebrating Third Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, toured Canada and the U.S. last year calling the world's best climate scientists and activists "liars" for setting out their concerns about the dangers of climate change. In his presentations and his PowerPoints, Monckton was graceless and taunting in tone, making fun of Al Gore's accent along with his science. The record now shows that Monckton was also wrong - and frankly, wrong is such a way that he himself must be found to be either a flagrant and shameless liar or the most incompetent compiler of information since church scholars gathered to argue for the flatness of the earth.
The new critique was assembled by John P. Abraham, an engineering professor at St. Thomas University in St. Paul Minnesota. A diligent - even painstaking - researcher, Abraham is also unreservedly respectful in his own presentation, giving Monckton the benefit of every doubt.
The facts, however, are less accommodating. As Prof. Abraham demonstrates time and again, Monckton has consistently misinterpreted, misrepresented or flat-out lied about his "evidence" arguing against the theory of human-induced global warming. He has mangled references, misrepresented findings, cobbled together unattributed graphs and staked his case to critically compromised scholars.
Monckton has already revealed himself as someone whose capacity to be antisocial goes well beyond mere rudeness. This new presentation should be required viewing for anyone who regards him as even vaguely credible on climate science. Take the time: you will find he is anything but.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Calgary Crazies hijack local Newspaper

Edmonton Journal columnist Graham Thomson published a rather insightful article on the recent political attacks on climatologists in the Calgary Herald (25 May 2010). Two days later, the Calgary Herald prints two angry letters by coordinated climate change deniers. These letter-to-the-editor scientists repeat the zombie arguments and hollow statements of the Friends of Science as part of their network’s echo chamber: Hot air believed to turn into fact by repetition. Extreme political Ideology wrapped in fact-free pseudo-skepticism.

We wonder why the Calgary Herald grants overrepresentation to such cultists that take an extreme partisan stand on climate science and that constitute only a small minority of the Alberta population and close to zero percent of the world’s population affected by global warming. This creates a false, non-existing balance and gives these neanderthals undeserved publicity, which supports their agenda. In reality,
97% of publishing climatologists consent on the fact the Global Warming is real and manmade. This consensus is not based on beer-table opinion however on numerous disparate lines of evidence consolidated over decades of research. Every year, several thousand of peer-reviewed climatology articles are added to the broad body of science. The Calgary Herald, by printing the creationist denier barkings, also does injustice to Graham Thomson and the quality of his article - and questions its own credibility.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
The University of Virginia is fighting back against the McCarthy tactics of Virgina Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli in his case against UVa and Michael Mann.

In their response to the court, the UVa petitions for the civil investigative demand (CID) to be set aside. In their court documents they state that the demand from Cuccinelli is sweeping and broad, and makes no mention of what conduct is compelling the CID.

It's obviously a fishing expedition, and it's entirely without merit as it stands.