A Zombie Survival Camp Exists In Canada

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
How do you get from common sence preparidness to Trump supporter? I think I already know, you're retarded.

Right. Preparing for zombies is just common sense. At least by your moronic definition of it.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
No hiding under coffee tables for those guys....

And all you progs laugh at islamophobia...
Any zombie terror attack in the news kids?

Now let's talk about a ladder survival camp


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Hungry sheepies ....zombies....vegetarians...

get off my grass!!!

problem solved
a well hung ladder might be good place to hang the bodies to cure though....hmmmm

The Road - Cannibal Scene
watch it
Last edited:


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The New Maunder Minimum? Vegetable Shortages Strike London

Eric Worrall / February 7, 2017

Farmers’ market in a warehouse in Major Draper Street, Woolwich Royal Arsenal, southeast London, UK. By Kleon3 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The Sun reports that in London, some supermarkets are rationing purchases of vegetables like lettuce, which is in short supply due to Southern European crop failures.
SALAD SHORTAGE What is the 2017 vegetable shortage, which supermarkets are rationing broccoli and lettuce and what’s the cause of the crisis?
Tesco and Sainsbury’s are rationing iceburg lettuces and broccoli as cold weather in the Med causes a vegetable shortage.
BY ELLIE FLYNN 4th February 2017, 2:29 pm
THESE are dark times times for British vegetable lovers.
A veggie shortage plaguing UK supermarkets has worsened – with Tesco and Sainsbury’s now forced to ration iceburg lettuces and broccoli.
Customers will only be allowed a maximum of three lettuces per visit after poor growing conditions in Europe caused a shortage.
Why is there a vegetable shortage?
Poor growing conditions in Europe – mostly Italy and Spain – has meant there is a lack of vegetable stock.
This comes from a combination of flooding, cold weather and poor light levels.
In winter months Spain’s Murcia region supplies 80 per cent of Europe’s fresh produce.
But the area has suffered its heaviest rainfall in 30 years – meaning 70 per cent of the growing fields are unuseable.
Italy has also suffered a cold snap – meaning the region is having to import vegetables they usually export at this time of year.
The effects of shortages are particularly notable in Britain, which imports an estimated 50 per cent of its vegetables and 90 per cent of its fruit.


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
"Tip #5: Have an out-of-province contact."

Someone down in Bellingham who has lots of spare ammunition, eh?


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
I'm just going to get myself a couple of zombie's like Michonne did... or get myself a Michonne. She's dark, troubled a so very hot.



Electoral Member
Jun 18, 2017
I;m probably already prepared/trained enough to survive a zombi apocalypse. About 20 years ago I started thinking that Russia was going to invade Canada so I started preparing and learning skills to survive - so I'm sure I could use them on zombies too. Cheers!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The zombie Apocalypse is going to happen if the power goes off and there is a break down in the political/social order only it will be people starving and eating anything or anyone they can get their hands on. It won't be a virus, it will be human nature: Humans will revert back to the lowest common denominator if the threat of retaliation (law and order) is removed and that will include cannibalism. A well aimed sun flare could take out all communications and power grid could go down. No food in the store within days, no gas, nothing. How do you think city dwellers will react? If you live in a city, y'all beef hooked.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
How will the Zombies get to thier camp? And how is it the walking dead are concerned about survival after death? I believe the whole subject is very stupid, by the stupid ,for the still stupider l.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
The zombie Apocalypse is going to happen if the power goes off and there is a break down in the political/social order only it will be people starving and eating anything or anyone they can get their hands on. It won't be a virus, it will be human nature: Humans will revert back to the lowest common denominator if the threat of retaliation (law and order) is removed and that will include cannibalism. A well aimed sun flare could take out all communications and power grid could go down. No food in the store within days, no gas, nothing. How do you think city dwellers will react? If you live in a city, y'all beef hooked.
This. This is what they mean by "Zombie" Apocalypse. The whole idea of a virus turning the dead into living dead is preposterous. However, there is a way something very similar to the pop culture version of a zombie apocalypse could happen and that's if some sick f*ck figured out how to weaponize the rabies virus.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I'm not concerned about zombies at all, even granting that they could exist as depicted in popular fiction. Human teeth are so weak, all you'd need to protect yourself is a good set of biking leathers and a full-head helmet. No creature with only human teeth could bite through that. Our teeth are so bad we have a group of highly trained specialists whose only job is to repair them for us, at usurious prices. Zombies are no threat to anyone who's properly prepared, they're lurchingly clumsy, slow, and weak, with bad teeth that couldn't possibly do you any real harm if you're minimally armoured. Go into zombie territory wearing a t-shirt, you deserve whatever happens to you.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I'm not concerned about zombies at all, even granting that they could exist as depicted in popular fiction. Human teeth are so weak, all you'd need to protect yourself is a good set of biking leathers and a full-head helmet. No creature with only human teeth could bite through that. Our teeth are so bad we have a group of highly trained specialists whose only job is to repair them for us, at usurious prices. Zombies are no threat to anyone who's properly prepared, they're lurchingly clumsy, slow, and weak, with bad teeth that couldn't possibly do you any real harm if you're minimally armoured. Go into zombie territory wearing a t-shirt, you deserve whatever happens to you.
Plus I think winter would put a pretty good halt to it. At least in places that get real winter :lol: I saw a pretty funny article in Cracked online a few years back about why the Zombie Apocalypse could never happen. I'll see if I can find it again. Found it!

Let's pretend for a moment that zombies are real (as if half of you weren't already daydreaming about that very thing). Have you noticed how most zombie movies take place only after the apocalypse is in full-swing? By the time we join our survivors, the military and government are already wiped out, and none of the streets are safe.

There's a reason the movie starts there, and not earlier. It's because the early part, where we go from one zombie to millions, doesn't make any sense. If you let the creeping buzzkill of logic into the zombie party, you realize the zombies would all be re-dead long before you even got a chance to fire up that chainsaw motorcycle you've been working on. Why?

7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly)