A Harper majority would harm Canada and the world.


Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2008
Like we should just trust Dion and where his 50 BILLION is coming from??? Give me a break, lol
You know where the 50 billion is coming from but you just don't listen. Talk about others having blinders on ..


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
What makes you think the MST was revenue neutral?

I think you misunderstood me.

The GST was promised to be neutral in cost to the tax payer, it wasn't, not by a long shot.

However, consumption tax is better than income tax.


Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2008
It would be coming out of our pockets...
Like I said you don't listen, you seem to be very closed minded and only want to see what you want to see. Reminds me of Harper he just wants to see what he wants to see, the statistics show that stronger punishments to the youth will not lower their crime rate. Just like the Green Shift, other countries that have adopted this practice find it very successful and Harper won't listen to this either. Do we really want a Prime Minister that will not listen to the facts and choose to see thing they way they want to instead. Not Me, I would much rather a Prime Minister who faces the truth and uses truth to guide his/her actions. I'm sure there are more examples of this type of behavior.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I think we've all been had. Canada has been the safe place for countless people whose only hope was to leave some oppressive master behind. Lord Liberal and Lady C. have had their days. Isn't it about time the folk who actually make the wheels move should have a go?


Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2008
I think we've all been had. Canada has been the safe place for countless people whose only hope was to leave some oppressive master behind. Lord Liberal and Lady C. have had their days. Isn't it about time the folk who actually make the wheels move should have a go?
I couldn't agree more, I'm all for a change. We need a green revolution, if only the majority would vote for the Green Party. But people are afraid of change, so it will not be easy to get this to happen.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
"A Harper majority would harm Canada and the world"


Well politically we all have different views about Canada under a Harper majority.

But the WORLD?

Come on.

It really isn't going to be that big a deal on the international scene.
Canada is known as a stable, polite country.
Be it Lib, Con or NDP.
Foreigners are more concerned about room rate rates in Banff and saving the seals.
Frankly we are lucky to be part of the G8.
Economically we don't deserve to be there.

Nobody outside of Canada is following this election.
Understandably so.

And even at home.
Libs or Cons, whats the diff.
The "green shift" wouldn't happen even under a Lib majority.
Anybody remember the "Red Book".
And Harper will just be more of the same, even with a majority.

"Nothing to see here folks, go on home"




Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2008
Trex, Canada is a peace keeper for the most part, if Harper gets a majority this will all change. Right now we influence others to be peaceful, Harper has made it very clear that he supported the war in Iraq and no doubt would support any other war the US would get into. We would be influencing people to go to war if he gets a majority. So I believe it would harm the world too.


Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2008
The fact was that the UN inspectors didn't find WMD in Iraq and didn't believe there was any. Did Harper believe this, no, he chose to believe they had WMD and supported the war in Iraq. Do we really want this kind of judgment in our leader, I surely don't.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Canada is not a peacekeeper and has not been one for ages.

Canada has been going on wars which have been labelled "peace keeping missions" even though we are taking sides and engaging in combat to force a peace.

That is a war, the difference is we don't have to give our soldiers veterans benefits if its not a war.

Everywhere we have gone for years as "peacekeepers" has been as soldiers in a war once you get rid of the "Newspeak"


Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2008
Canada is not a peacekeeper and has not been one for ages.

Canada has been going on wars which have been labelled "peace keeping missions" even though we are taking sides and engaging in combat to force a peace.

That is a war, the difference is we don't have to give our soldiers veterans benefits if its not a war.

Everywhere we have gone for years as "peacekeepers" has been as soldiers in a war once you get rid of the "Newspeak"
If you are correct its just another deception our government scams us with :(


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon

I beg to differ.


You can find the same stories in the British media as well.

I beg to differ your differ,

The print media pretty much cover all international elections.
On page 26, under the fold if you know what I mean.
Its tough to fill up the international section of your newspaper otherwise.

I don't know for sure but my best guess is that the Americans are not spending too terribly much time lying awake worrying about the outcome of the Canadian election.
They have more important concerns right now.

As to the Brit's you referenced, I just landed on Saturday from Heathrow.
After a month of mingling with my Brit co-workers and not hearing a peep about the Canadian election somehow I don't think it's too much of an issue over there.

In a couple of days I head off to Italy.
Will keep you posted on the local Italian uproar about Canadian elections upon my return in a few weeks.
No doubt they are going crazy in the streets as we speak.

The rest of the world is assuming a staid, polite and friendly Canada the day after the election,
just like it was the day before.

Harm the world,

Come on people, Canadians are internationally recognized as pretty nice folks.
Lets not try and convince them we are too self important.

That would be; horror of horrors ........almost American.



Electoral Member
Sep 8, 2008
Necessary hospitals are being closed under the Harper government :(
If we don't stop this man he will do much harm to our country.
It is urgent that we stop him for so many reasons, our way of life is at stake here.
There is no doubt he will harm our country.


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
Necessary hospitals are being closed under the Harper government :(
If we don't stop this man he will do much harm to our country.
It is urgent that we stop him for so many reasons, our way of life is at stake here.
There is no doubt he will harm our country.

He is dead set on having a surplus....no matter what the circumstances.
Will he suffer I doubt it.

We will.

IMO, a man not to be trusted with our welfare.


May 24, 2006
Canada is not a peacekeeper and has not been one for ages.

Canada has been going on wars which have been labelled "peace keeping missions" even though we are taking sides and engaging in combat to force a peace.

That is a war, the difference is we don't have to give our soldiers veterans benefits if its not a war.

Everywhere we have gone for years as "peacekeepers" has been as soldiers in a war once you get rid of the "Newspeak"
You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Haven't you heard about building schools and hospitals???