88% agree with Harper on niqab


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Not, however, irrelevant to me..
yeah the thing to remember is, this isn't about you and what you need, or the baggage you carry and need to shed

I've worked in downtown Vancouver for many years. Not once have I seen a topless woman. It's perfectly legal in Vancouver. They have a choice. Just doesn't happen. Why?
it's too f'ing cold OR it's kind of shocking actually how many women hang badly after 28 or so...don't think it's a good thing to be looking at that

Sorry unless those whining about it are going to show me their t!ts, they should just STFU.
you might be sorry with the result

You are making a lot of assumptions that someone who has never lived over there would make.
no, I am not assuming anything about over "there". This is not about over "there", this is about right "here" you know in CANADA. The place they are immigrating to...ya know so they can have a better life...a life of freedom. Canada. Period.

I have contempt for turbans and heeb caps and niqabs and all the other stupid crap people do. I would personally send this woman back to Pakistan, since she's not a citizen of this coutnry anyways and looks like she's just going to be a big loud-mouth pain-in-the-***. Muslims and feminists are similar in that respect. It's all "ME ME ME!"
wow, what an interesting reaction..actually there are lots of men that feel that way actually. I think of them as ball-less wonders but hey, it's a free country they can think what they want, they just can't impose it on those around them. Well at least not unless their culture allows and encourages it.
However, I don't think we should legislate against what kind of clothes people should have to wear
yes as you've said

and you should amend that to "in public" since in the privacy of their own home around buddy they can be topless or bottomless or whatever pleases buddy since Allah says at least in the mind of buddy...he be king, she be slave..oh, but he should adore her and only hit her with a thin rod...and only so many times

you know, just like how it used to be in Britain not all that long ago until women told them to sod off with that cr*p


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2015
Funny part is, whenever you talk about niqab, the "ban it!" people automatically shift the discussion to the burqa.

In Algeria, many women voluntarily go for niqab in a society that doesn't require it, either legally or generally customarily.

There's also the whole aspect of if you "save" these oppressed women by government action, do you really think their men will behave any differently, or that, having had their niqab, hijab, burqa, whatever banned by law will suddenly make them leave their abusive families, get jobs, wear jeans, and sing "I Am Woman?"
Amazing!I just got through all your posts and realize not one person acknowledged what i said!I said it hours ago-i can back it up but you have all ignored it!
Cognitive Dissonance is real!The friggin truth was put in front of you and was ignored.

I am new here and new to boards but already i have read some interesting and funny stuff from Cliffy and Techumsesbones(sorry if i spelt it wrong).

Some here seem very intelligent -yet a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.It seems we are all so eager to share our thoughts and feelings -that we do not process info that does not match what we have already decided is the truth.
I feel wonderment-yet know why Hitler and other rulers got away with what they did.Nobody is listening...
. Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. When inconsistency (dissonance) is experienced, individuals tend to become psychologically uncomfortable and they are motivated to attempt to reduce this dissonance, as well as actively avoiding situations and information which are likely to increase it.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Save Paper Bags, tell women wear a Niqabs!!

Who cares about the Muslim women, in their country they a worthless piece of sh!t, lower than the dogs.

If they want to continue to be treated that way, outside their country, let them.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Amazing!I just got through all your posts and realize not one person acknowledged what i said!I said it hours ago-i can back it up but you have all ignored it!
Cognitive Dissonance is real!The friggin truth was put in front of you and was ignored.

I am new here and new to boards but already i have read some interesting and funny stuff from Cliffy and Techumsesbones(sorry if i spelt it wrong).

Some here seem very intelligent -yet a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.It seems we are all so eager to share our thoughts and feelings -that we do not process info that does not match what we have already decided is the truth.
I feel wonderment-yet know why Hitler and other rulers got away with what they did.Nobody is listening...
. Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. When inconsistency (dissonance) is experienced, individuals tend to become psychologically uncomfortable and they are motivated to attempt to reduce this dissonance, as well as actively avoiding situations and information which are likely to increase it.
So you feel the need to have every one of your posts acknowledged?
There you go.........


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
yeah the thing to remember is, this isn't about you and what you need, or the baggage you carry and need to shed

it's too f'ing cold OR it's kind of shocking actually how many women hang badly after 28 or so...don't think it's a good thing to be looking at that

you might be sorry with the result

no, I am not assuming anything about over "there". This is not about over "there", this is about right "here" you know in CANADA. The place they are immigrating to...ya know so they can have a better life...a life of freedom. Canada. Period.

wow, what an interesting reaction..actually there are lots of men that feel that way actually. I think of them as ball-less wonders but hey, it's a free country they can think what they want, they just can't impose it on those around them. Well at least not unless their culture allows and encourages it.
yes as you've said

and you should amend that to "in public" since in the privacy of their own home around buddy they can be topless or bottomless or whatever pleases buddy since Allah says at least in the mind of buddy...he be king, she be slave..oh, but he should adore her and only hit her with a thin rod...and only so many times

you know, just like how it used to be in Britain not all that long ago until women told them to sod off with that cr*p

Actually that was a pretty rude response by me in hindsight. Probably because I realized at some point my views aren't all that internally consistent on this topic so decided to go for over-the-top hyperbole, so sorry for that adn thanks for handling it with class.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Actually that was a pretty rude response by me in hindsight. Probably because I realized at some point my views aren't all that internally consistent on this topic so decided to go for over-the-top hyperbole, so sorry for that adn thanks for handling it with class.
no worries....we ALL have days like that....enjoy your evening


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2015
Yes Harper is grandstanding but at the same time he is right and something
should be done to ensure the law is followed. I don't agree with Harper but
I do agree with him on this one
I read a few of your posts, you don't seem that grumpy.

Do you understand that the law is being followed?Jason Kenney and Harper ordered it changed and the law told them that their proposed changes were against the existing law and unnecessary?

Absolutely everyone has to uncover their face for citizenship.Our law says they can uncover their faces in private for their ID photo so we have the same identity rules of any Canadian but as a nod to their culture-we will allow them to wear the niqab during the public part of our citizenship ceremony if they so desire.
Harper said he will appeal the judges decision that Harper's changes were unconstitutional. As it stands -our laws say Muslims have to do everything that even native born Canadians have to do -but they don't have to do it in public after they do it in private.

Harper said they would appeal


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I read a few of your posts, you don't seem that grumpy.

Do you understand that the law is being followed?Jason Kenney and Harper ordered it changed and the law told them that their proposed changes were against the existing law and unnecessary?

Absolutely everyone has to uncover their face for citizenship.Our law says they can uncover their faces in private for their ID photo so we have the same identity rules of any Canadian but as a nod to their culture-we will allow them to wear the niqab during the public part of our citizenship ceremony if they so desire.
Harper said he will appeal the judges decision that Harper's changes were unconstitutional. As it stands -our laws say Muslims have to do everything that even native born Canadians have to do -but they don't have to do it in public after they do it in private.

Harper said they would appeal

So, it would be perfectly legal and all right to wear a balaclava during the citizenship oath.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
that is not the point and you know it

here's the real question for you: is there abuse in your society?

these women are living with men who want them covered, when it becomes a choice then bring it back if you want...even the hijab which I am not keen on but can accept better ONLy because I know a women who did not wear the hijab and then "found Allah" and she has chosen to wear it out of modesty and dedication to Allah...her husband couldn 't care less.

only radicals wear a burqua
Don't worry Tecumseh wants to go back to the good ole days when her Cherokee tribe ran wild on the prairie taking scalps and counting coup .
Now sadly she is counting coup on an internet chat board .Oh how the mighty have fallen .


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2015
So, it would be perfectly legal and all right to wear a balaclava during the citizenship oath.
yes -you could wear a balaclava during the public ceremony so long as you bared your face in private to officials of the Canadian government during the citizen ship ceremony-the same as the handful of Muslims who do just that.

So you feel the need to have every one of your posts acknowledged?
There you go.........
No i do not,i am just saying that usually -somebody has something to say on every-bodies posts -even derogatory mean spirited ones.I am even surprised that your take is that i expect every post to have a rebuttal.
I expected everything from mean invective to agreement-not total silence on a topic that people are typing their fingers off about.
I am not upset just amazed at how our herd mentality works.It justifies some of the twisted mean spirited things politicians do that works with intelligent people.
It is also a cautionary tale about humans.Mark Twain said(i paraphrase)that the chief difference between a man and dogs is that if you lift a dog out of a gutter and treat him well-he will never turn around and bite you.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
yes -you could wear a balaclava during the public ceremony so long as you bared your face in private to officials of the Canadian government during the citizen ship ceremony-the same as the handful of Muslims who do just that.


I would love to see that happen. I will lay odds that you are wrong.

I'd also like to point out....again..... that the woman that this is all about had no problem removing her niqab, in public, when she applied for her drivers licence.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Save Paper Bags, tell women wear a Niqabs!!

Who cares about the Muslim women, in their country they a worthless piece of sh!t, lower than the dogs.

If they want to continue to be treated that way, outside their country, let them.

I have no problem with women wearing this! When I have a conversation with them I can actually see her facial features and respond accordingly. What's wrong with that? The face covering - not so much!



Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I have no problem with women wearing this! When I have a conversation with them I can actually see her facial features and respond accordingly. What's wrong with that? The face covering - not so much!


Go live in Saudi Arabia sweaty. This is a form of repression, it's not religious. Female genital mutilation is another beef that I have, preformed in Islamic countries..

The Islamic world puts less value on women. India too, not just Muslims, if the doctor tells the mother her unborn child is a girl, they generally have an abortion in India, sex selection.

After mutilation - image 1

After mutilation - image 2

...and the tools of trade most often leads to infection and death in these 3rd world countries.

Back to the Burkas..

Joan Smith: Nothing liberal about defending burkas - Joan Smith - Commentators - The Independent

"Here's the thing about the burka: it's absurd. There are many reasons why people choose to dress as they do but this garment is ugly, restricts communication and represents a dishonest ideology. If covering everything except the eyes protected women from rape and sexual harassment, Saudi Arabia would be a feminist paradise, but that isn't quite how I'd describe the kingdom.

The notion that young women in tight jeans are "asking for it" appeals to defence barristers in rape trials and some Muslim clerics – an Australian imam compared them to "uncovered meat" left out for cats – but it doesn't explain why elderly women are sexually assaulted in their own homes."


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2015
I would love to see that happen. I will lay odds that you are wrong.

I'd also like to point out....again..... that the woman that this is all about had no problem removing her niqab, in public, when she applied for her drivers licence.
I am sure you could wear a balaclava at our oath.The kicker is it would probably have to be part of your religion or culture.The courts have already upheld it in the niqab case-et voila.
Obviously i don't know if they would let you wear it on a lark-i am not a citizenship judge-but it might be possible if you did what the niqab lady did-show your face to the judge in private first.
I don't know why you say you'd like to point out- again -that she took it off for her driver's license pic.She offered to take it off at the citizenship oath which is why i posted previously that this whole uproar is crazy and people don't really listen to each other.
Kenney and Harper tried to make it a requirement but had no right to in law.That is why they say they are going to try an appeal.I will now make you a counter bet.The appeal will never be filed.It is a ridiculous waste of our courts time and money.Other religions are allowed beards,turbans and bushy beards,women wear make-up.
Actually, as a security enhancement-if our Charter allows it-maybe we should take DNA samples from every immigrant as it is the only way to foolproof against errors like look alikes and mistaken identity.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I don't know why you say you'd like to point out- again -that she took it off for her driver's license pic.She offered to take it off at the citizenship oath which is why i posted previously that this whole uproar is crazy and people don't really listen to each other.

Show where she made the offer. I haven't seen it. What I have seen is her postponing her citizenship ceremony until her appeal to the SC concerning the Governments ban.


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2015


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Niqab controversy: Judge struck down ban without referring to charter - Politics - CBC News You will note a little down in the cbc article she offered in 2013 to remove it in private.It was later reported that Kenney and Harper could not enforce their ban.P.S. don't tell me that the CBC is leftist,not reliable etc, as there are other internet sources that back up CBC.Cognitive Dissonance rules...

Ya, in private only. The thing is, she admitted to removing it in PUBLIC for her drivers license photo. Yet she won't remove it in PUBLIC to swear the oath? We don't need the hypocrite here. She can go back to Pakistan and wear it to her hearts content.