
Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
So did Bush Jr, he was a good, Donald is too old to do anything but void that law for somebody that follows. If it was his daughter then that might mean she would be the one that benefits by serving 5 terms, or Jared and then 7 generations later the US has it's own 'Royals'.

He is 70 or so if he serves a full 2 terms, somebody coming in that is about 45 can serve 10 terms by the age of 85. Why do the old leaders all retire when they lose the leadership when they should stay in the party as an active member rather than hit up the retirement fund.

You fdid good up to thos point and then you went insane. Trump renovates slums, the US is one big slum, what needs to happen is the US needs to be blacklisted by the whole of the UN.

Lacking that, things will get worse rather than better.

Your argument goes to shit when these names are used, Fidel, Hugo, Putin and Iran since 1979.

Reumps rins things as little as Obama and all the Bushes did, their are hired goons, and that is all they ever were. When you leave out that part it shows you are in league with 'them' for whatever reason. That means your posts get the attention any PR program would. This is what I think rather than what anybody else should adopt as the right view. They haven't done the homework I have so fuk them. You should pay attention to what I post as the jokes should be left at the door considering the subject matter.

Really? The FED was created in 1913, in 1962 the Bankers killed JFK as he was going to void them. Do you really think there have been any rouge Presidents since then? You have a endless string of fall-guys, the UK fell in 1815 and France sometime before that.

I'm pretty sure his last post as a freeman was just before Mossad had him say , 'I'm not in anybodies pocket.'

Not really, when you have a leader that is not voted in taking power that is waht you have. When the people elect the same person time and time again they see him as the best person for the country. The ones that buckle to outside pressure are not elected by the people.

The America you reference died in 1913, get over it and straighten out your lying eyes.

He would be better off the world stage and fixing the place known as the USA. Any fool can run something downhill with little effort. You people are not paying attention to who is making all the hills, they are not your friends and they never have been.

No change in a crumbling world is suicide due to pride in admitting you are out of your element.

Under orders, that is what you do when the task is to get fuk all of importance done.

Trumps are not a political party, Jared as president would benefit just Israel.

Maybe after with all the connections his business interests will have access to.

The FED and 1913, please pay attention.

The US Justice system gets how much money each year, the war on drugs and terror are part of that so $3T is not a high estimate. Most of it spent keeping themselves out of jail or from being hung.

Really? You control none of that, what goes on behind your back is something you could act on but have chosen to let the crimes against humanity remain as hidden as they guilty would like.

What good are you really??

LIE-berals and their LUNATIC supporters such as MHz.......................................

are being driven into a FRENZY of propaganda madness....................................

by their FAILURE to defeat Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Muslims are being driven crazy by activities in Middle East..............................

with BOTH Iran and China tipping their hand..............................................

and exposing heir card to the West..........................................

SHOWIMG US CLEARLY the hate and anti democratic BIGOTRY....................................

of the Tehran religious Turnips...............................................

AND the Beijing Butchers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It must be making the Beijing Butchers CRAZY.....................................

to watch the Hong Kong protestors on tv so often...................................

and NOT be able to use Red Army bullies..................................

to SQUASH the protesting peasants like BUGS........................................

because the WORLD IS WATCHING.........................................

and would be APPALLED by ANOTHER Tiananmen MASSACRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RED China cannot afford the current trade war.....................................

they are terrified it MIGHT EXPAND AGAINST THEM....................................

if more people get a true look at Beijing Butchers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
And the racists don't really want Bernie to be the next President
Naw they have something against commies who let hillary rape them in front of the whole country.

NOW, if want Nazi racists, just look in the mirror epstien.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
On the one hand, William Tomison notes in his journal in 1795 that 'there is great complaints from all quarters against the guns, many Indians has lost part [or all] of their hands.' (Johnson, 16). And in 1779, Philip Turnor wrote to the London Committee stating:

'I think the trading Guns must be very slightly proved as one that I bought of Your Honors made by Wilson being loaded to four inches including powder, shot & wading the third time it was fired blowed into two pieces about 15 inches from the britch [breech] but luckily did no damage' (Tyrell, 258).

Yeah the British always did trade crap and ball. Just like their bankers do today. But hey , you injun hating racists don't care, you want them unarmed anyway because children.

I can see why the suicide failed. What's your dad count on now?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
And the racists don't really want Bernie to be the next President

On the other hand..............................

WE ALL WANT hemerHOID.................................

and his dim little buddy Cliffy...............................................

to stop spouting LIE-beral manure............................

WE are being WAY OVER FERTILIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
On the other hand..............................

WE ALL WANT hemerHOID.................................

and his dim little buddy Cliffy...............................................

to stop spouting LIE-beral manure............................

WE are being WAY OVER FERTILIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


is it not amusing how hard LIE-berals work....................................

on those sleazy back room deals they offer to EVIL CORPORATIONS............................

that civil service union HOGS have invested in SO HEAVILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just think of the $12 million offered to Loblaws so they can save on electricity for their freezers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently LIE-berals DO NOT EXPECT US to see any connection.......................................

between the size of stock dividend offered by Loblaws to stock holders.................................

and the wonderful LIE-beral grant for freezers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Well that must be embarrassing!


NEITHER T-bonesforbrains...................................

NOR Cliffy understand a concept like embarrassment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When those two argue...........................

it looks a lot like a Fat Woman`s Ass.........................

wearing tight pants..............................

with the cheeks slapping together as she walks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just two greasy over blown blobs jostling for position!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!