
Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The America That Votes in 2020 Will Look Radically Different Than it Did in 2016


Oh dear me................................

here is an article explaining why people like Trump.....................................

are getting so much support.................................................

for restricting immigration to North America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is yet another articloe illustrating all that is wrong with LIE-beral immigration policy!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Canada searching for links to notorious West Bank 'honour killing'

By Evan Dyer, CBC News

Published Sept 10,2019

Israa Ghrayeb was a 21-year-old makeup artist from a small town near Bethlehem in the West Bank, allegedly murdered in a so-called "honour killing"

Ihab Ghrayeb has been named in news stories across the Middle East as one of the perpetrators in the violent death of his sister, Israa Ghrayeb — a killing that has triggered angry protests in the West Bank.

Many of those news reports also describe Ihab Ghrayeb as a Canadian resident and say he returned to Canada after the killing.

But Canadian authorities have yet to find evidence that Ghrayeb was ever in Canada to begin with. And Luay Zreikat, of the Palestinian Authority Police, told CBC News that Ihab Ghrayeb has no Canadian connections. Rather, said Zreikat, his connections are to Greece.

Israa Ghrayeb died August 22 following a series of attacks by family members — who reportedly were enraged by a video she had posted on Instagram showing her meeting with her fiancé prior to their marriage.

(YES!! This filthy vile woman had the temerity to offend Muslim society by appearing in a public place and having some photos taken - with a man who was not yet her hubby- though they were engaged to be married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Palestinian authorities, initially slow to get involved in the case, finally arrested and interrogated some Ghrayeb family members and said the results of their investigation will be released on September 24.

It's not clear whether Ihab Ghrayeb, described in numerous reports as having returned to his home village of Beit Sahour in the occupied West Bank to attack his sister, has been detained.

(The Muslim willingness to engage in honour killing is well documented and no doubt local cops do not want to get involved in a crime that much of their society views as a social obligation - to keep shameless sluts in line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Speaking officially for the department, Guillaume Berube told CBC News that Global Affairs Canada is "monitoring this case."

"Gender-based violence is abhorrent and something that our government is working domestically and internationally to end once and for all," he said.

Another federal government official, speaking anonymously, told CBC News that Global Affairs has asked its offices in Ramallah and Tel Aviv to look into the case and the whereabouts of Ihab Ghrayeb.

And Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is conducting a passport check to see if Ghrayeb entered the country recently. The department reports it hasn't turned anything up so far.

(And what would it matter if LIE-berals DID find out the killer is a Cdn? Our idiot Boy has already told us he will not deport criminals of any sort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Still, both social media and mainstream media in the Middle East continue to report the alleged Canadian connection.

For more than a week, Arab social media networks have been deluged with calls for Canada to arrest Ihab Ghrayeb, or for Ottawa to provide information on his whereabouts.

(How about that- Muslims have more faith in how fast Cdn civil service union HOGS can work - than Cdns do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Some messages have urged those who might know where Ihab Ghrayeb is in Canada right now to contact IRCC's fraud tipline. Other messages were sent directly to IRCC's Twitter account:

Many called on Canada to do the right thing, or expressed a belief that Canada — unlike Arab countries — will deliver harsh punishment.

(Canada to deliver a harsh punishment? No wonder there is so much confusion in the world!! These people clearly know nothing of Cdn LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Canada has dealt with so-called honour killings on Canadian soil before — the most infamous cases being those involving the deaths of the Shafia sisters and Aqsa Parvez.

(Yes- the Shafia killings expose the dark side of LIE-beral policy- with Mohamad Shafia immigrating to Canada as one of the wealthy entrepreneur class- brining with him his TWO wives and 3 kids - sadly Shafia wife one got a good look at Cdn divorce law and wanted rid of hubby Mohamad- and had the perfect blackmail to get what she wanted - get a divorce or she tells Cdns he is violating Cdn law as a polygamist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Sadly the 2 Shafia girls also became “contaminated\’ by western slut values and Mohamad decided his honour required the death of wife one and both daughters!!)
Israa Ghrayeb, a 21-year-old makeup artist, allegedly was first attacked by her father and brothers at her home in Beit Sahour, just outside of Bethlehem.

Attempting to escape the attack, she reportedly either jumped or fell from a window, injuring her spine in the fall. She was taken to hospital.

According to news reports from the region, her family came to the hospital and ordered nursing staff out of the room. Israa Ghrayeb's screams and pleas for help can be heard in a video shot by a Palestinian nurse from just outside the room.

(This is how they torment annoying FAMILY MEMBERS so what mercy can we Infidels ever expect if they get an advantage over us???????????????????)

For reasons that are not clear, the hospital released Ghrayeb into her family's custody. They took her home, where she died a few days later.

(Oh? WHY NOT release her to the family -so she can go home and honour can be satisfied and patients at the hospital can rest quietly without all that pesky screaming??????????)

Her family told authorities she died of a heart attack and claimed that she had been possessed by a "djinn" or demon. The apparent beating recorded in the hospital, said the family, was an attempt to exorcise the demon. The family also produced an imam who claimed he had completed the exorcism at the family home and removed the demon from her body by reading from the Qur'an.

(Uh huh- an do we want such imbeciles in Canada? Either there are superstitious clods or they are insulting our intelligence with their CRAP EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Protests force a response

The phenomenon of a woman being murdered by male family members for a supposed slight against the family's honour is hardly a new one in the Palestinian occupied territories — but public tolerance of so-called "honour killings" has diminished sharply in recent times.

(And the idea of committing murder over a modest photo of an engaged couple standing together sounds NOTHING LIKE the sort tolerance and social responsibility expected of Cdns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The murder of Israa Ghrayeb, and the circulation of the video of the assault she suffered in the hospital, touched off a wave of anger and revulsion in the West Bank that has forced the Palestinian authorities to react.

"The case of Isra'a Ghrayeb shocked our conscience, just like those before her. These are women and girls who dream to live in safety in a society free from violence and injustice," the General Union of Palestinian Women and Feminist Institutions said in a statement.

Israa Ghrayeb has become a new symbol for Arab feminists. Both her face and her story have proliferated on Arab social media accounts and have been referenced in the West by people like U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.

As the clamour for punishment grew in the first week of September, so did the rumours that one of the main perpetrators had come from Canada to carry out the killing, returning to Canada afterwards.

The Canadian connection was repeated by major newspapers and broadcasters across the Middle East. The Israeli news channel i24 reported that the alleged killer attends university in Canada. Jordan's Al Bawaba declared him "a Canadian resident." In the Emirates, the Gulf News described Ihab Ghrayeb as "a Canadian citizen."

From there, the Canadian connection travelled to the pages of publications as diverse as The Independent in London and The Standard in Nairobi.

(So who knows if the guy is in Canada or not?? Given our porous borders and LIE-beral willingness to look the other way as illegals invade us- the guy could be anywhere under any name in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
By teaching tolerance for everything it will be dominated by those that tolerate the least.
Of that is what you see happening then you really are completely fukking nuts. A few words said in a few speeches or lectures or being in Gaza for the last 70 years will teach you what is being taught today and your fantasy is sold to the public to keep the real horrors committed by the Jewish Bankers goes on without any condemnation. You cannot fuk something up that much by accident.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

Having the front-runners together for the debate made the Democratic field look better: A look at the night's winners and losers

The Democratic Party emerged as one of the winners, as the field was generally sharper with the cream of the crop on stage. We also look at which candidates didn't fare as well.

source: WAPO


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Anybody post that Trump has mentioned as 2024 not being the end of the line?? (about time the 2 terms was ditched)

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Anybody post that Trump has mentioned as 2024 not being the end of the line?? (about time the 2 terms was ditched)
Not sure if it was posted here.......but he has certainly inferred a longer term for himself than what is the current practice.
He has more than sown the seed on that one......He would like the position for life .......emulating Kim of NK. Has expressed envy of kim in that regard. The Trumpians are crazy enough to go for it. Not enough hat he has already dismantled much of what used to be the "normal " protocol" and NOT for an improved status either. The USG is currently a one man TWITTER show.........and that is the stepping stone for authoritarianism. The US population might be tired of democracy / republic.........and being fickle..........want a radical "change"........instead of improving on what they currently have. They seem to like crass, insults, name calling .....by their LEADER./ One that is in office for his own benefit .........and financial gain.......as is happening currently. Of course ETHICS have been thrown out the door since he moved in to the oval office and changed the drapes to gold.......Legalities?? ........for the lawyers to sort out..as he does what he wishes. Don't think there is any going back now.......... troublesome
Last edited:


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Not sure if it was posted here.......but he has certainly inferred a longer term for himself than what is the current practice.

So did Bush Jr, he was a good, Donald is too old to do anything but void that law for somebody that follows. If it was his daughter then that might mean she would be the one that benefits by serving 5 terms, or Jared and then 7 generations later the US has it's own 'Royals'.

He has more than sown the seed on that one......He would like the position for life .
He is 70 or so if he serves a full 2 terms, somebody coming in that is about 45 can serve 10 terms by the age of 85. Why do the old leaders all retire when they lose the leadership when they should stay in the party as an active member rather than hit up the retirement fund.

......emulating Kim of NK. Has expressed envy of kim in that regard.
You fdid good up to thos point and then you went insane. Trump renovates slums, the US is one big slum, what needs to happen is the US needs to be blacklisted by the whole of the UN.

Lacking that, things will get worse rather than better.

Your argument goes to shit when these names are used, Fidel, Hugo, Putin and Iran since 1979.

The Trumpians are crazy enough to go for it.
Reumps rins things as little as Obama and all the Bushes did, their are hired goons, and that is all they ever were. When you leave out that part it shows you are in league with 'them' for whatever reason. That means your posts get the attention any PR program would. This is what I think rather than what anybody else should adopt as the right view. They haven't done the homework I have so fuk them. You should pay attention to what I post as the jokes should be left at the door considering the subject matter.

Not enough hat he has already dismantled much of what used to be the "normal " protocol" and NOT for an improved status either.
Really? The FED was created in 1913, in 1962 the Bankers killed JFK as he was going to void them. Do you really think there have been any rouge Presidents since then? You have a endless string of fall-guys, the UK fell in 1815 and France sometime before that.

The USG is currently a one man TWITTER show.......
I'm pretty sure his last post as a freeman was just before Mossad had him say , 'I'm not in anybodies pocket.'

..and that is the stepping stone for authoritarianism.
Not really, when you have a leader that is not voted in taking power that is waht you have. When the people elect the same person time and time again they see him as the best person for the country. The ones that buckle to outside pressure are not elected by the people.

The US population might be tired of democracy / republic.....
The America you reference died in 1913, get over it and straighten out your lying eyes.

....and being fickle.......
He would be better off the world stage and fixing the place known as the USA. Any fool can run something downhill with little effort. You people are not paying attention to who is making all the hills, they are not your friends and they never have been.

...want a radical "change"....
No change in a crumbling world is suicide due to pride in admitting you are out of your element.

....instead of improving on what they currently have. They seem to like crass, insults, name calling ...
Under orders, that is what you do when the task is to get fuk all of importance done.

..by their LEADER./ One that is in office for his own benefit ......
Trumps are not a political party, Jared as president would benefit just Israel.

...and financial gain.....
Maybe after with all the connections his business interests will have access to.

..as is happening currently. Of course ETHICS have been thrown out the door since he moved in to the oval office and changed the drapes to gold.....
The FED and 1913, please pay attention.

..Legalities?? ........for the lawyers to sort out..as he does what he wishes. Don't think there is any going back now......
The US Justice system gets how much money each year, the war on drugs and terror are part of that so $3T is not a high estimate. Most of it spent keeping themselves out of jail or from being hung.

.... And being a Can-AM..........all this bothers me.
Really? You control none of that, what goes on behind your back is something you could act on but have chosen to let the crimes against humanity remain as hidden as they guilty would like.

What good are you really??

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
.... And being a Can-AM..........all this bothers me.

NOT Can Am anymore. I corrected that on my post. Just CAN now ,,,,,That was a slip of habit ;-(

but it still matters.......Many family embers are still in the US.

Interesting post BTW. (MHz)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
As a wise poet once said: “there is no such thing as revolution, it’s got another name its called evolution ….. go slow.”
Given what we face on a planetary level, one has to wonder if we have the luxury of going slow. And one also might wonder if going slow is even possible given the more recent planetary collective access to information on every level possible. There are no secrets any longer and the one time exclusive keepers of those secrets, no longer hold a powerful exulted status. Knowledge is a catalyst for evolution but it also could be a catalyst for revolution …. Whether it be a bloody political religious revolution or one of the heart, is up to us.
What people like Todd Starnes don’t get, is the move away from political Christianity [indeed established religion of all stripes in general] and patriotism by newer generations on the planet, is not about the ungodly left VS the godly patriotic right. It’s about the evolution of the human heart and the access to knowledge that irrevocably sets that evolution in motion. What is happening with the young folks is a blessing, not a threat.

Fox Nation Host Claims 'Civil War' Could Break Out As Young Americans 'Don't Believe' Religion, Patriotism Are Important

Fox Nation host Todd Starnes thinks it's increasingly likely that the United States is headed for another civil war, warning that younger Americans do not view religion or patriotism as important to their lives.
Starnes appeared for an interview on Fox News morning show Fox & Friends on Tuesday to promote his new book, Culture Jihad, which alleges that the political left is attempting to "kill" the nation. During the segment, he railed against left-wing politicians and polls showing that young people are increasingly less interested in religion and being patriotic.
"I noticed that there was a trend developing in the country with the rise of socialism. We've been wondering for many years now, why is it that the left has been so hell bent on declaring war on religious liberty and taking God out of the public marketplace," Starnes said. "And I realized after digging into all of this that for socialism to rise and really take root, they've got to get rid of religious liberty. They've got to take away the foundation of this country."
Many on the political left have pushed back against conservative efforts to promote Christian specific beliefs in government institutions and public schools, arguing that such actions violate the First Amendment of the Constitution. The language of the amendment reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
Although Starnes's claims that those on the political left want to take away people's religious liberties, some of the most progressive Democratic lawmakers in Congress – such as Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont – have repeatedly raised concerns for protecting religious minorities in the country, who are increasingly concerned about hate crimes targeting their communities.

More: https://www.newsweek.com/fox-host-civil-war-young-people-religion-patriotism-1458491


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
From a friend in California...