2016 Republican National Convention


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The American economy may very well collapse in august september of this year, US police militarization has stepped up at pace with global military preparations and positioning, there may not be an American election in November of this year. This may be the favoured way to stop Trump. If Trump is in fact the wild card he's playing there are forces who do wish to see him blocked. I would not be surprized at martial law being declared. The obvious FF events coupled with riot readyness makes it likely that ML is the favoured programe. What to look for is a big FF event tagged Russian or Chinese or both. The economy can't survive and something must replace it, war is the usual distraction.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
That entire post makes absolutely no sense, unless you happen to be so shallow to think that political correctness is an indicator of substance. If I was a voter (which I'm not in that case) I would want to know what he is going to do, NOT how he is going to do it. When a doctor does surgery on me do you think it's important for me to know HOW he is going to do it?

FACT- Trump is like a breath of fresh air after observing years of lacklustre, supercilious Hillary!

well in your case jlm, he succeeded, as that is exactly what he wants everyone to think, and to hope
he will fix everything, talk is cheap.

I'm concerned with the lies he told in the speech, which have been proven soon after, but of course
you are not going to believe that, facts aren't really that important are they now, but you are
very caught up in the art of lieing, and he lied, hmmmm, guess it doesn't matter with some, or
certain others.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
the word on the everywhere

anyway ya dumb cuck, read the cnn story.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
well in your case jlm, he succeeded, as that is exactly what he wants everyone to think, and to hope
he will fix everything, talk is cheap.

I'm concerned with the lies he told in the speech, which have been proven soon after, but of course
you are not going to believe that, facts aren't really that important are they now, but you are
very caught up in the art of lieing, and he lied, hmmmm, guess it doesn't matter with some, or
certain others.

EXCUSE me, where was I lying? He was dead sincere but of course he may suspect that Congress will try to block him. I don't think I need to see any more of your responses, Talloola, I know you are hung up on Hillary, which is fine, that is your right............it doesn't bother me, I can just see her for what she is, but if it's lying your interested in, Donald doesn't hold a candle to her!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
The mainstream media line is how 'dark' Trump's speech was. There might be some truth to that, but i'd term it realistic without the patina of optimism painted onto a rotten superstructure, with which most acceptance speeches are framed.

I thought Trump hit most of the marks, on the economy anyway. America and the West ARE in an existential crisis. At least he blasted the fiasco of Free Trade. And he didn't mention the fraud of AGW.. he's smart enough to see its a pseudo science.. a political invention.

He could have gone further because Free Trade is only one of the pillars of Global Free Market Capitalism.. which include monetarism; deregulation of speculative markets and financial instruments; regressive taxation; privatization of natural monopolies.

Saunders had a comprehensive plan to break up the big supranational investment banks; put in comprehensive permanent tariffs; impose a regime of progressive income taxation which includes capital gains; and rewarding reinvestment in the U.S. economy. Trump gave a nod to Bernie, heresy in the NeoCon universe of the GOP.. and i guess that's a good start.

Sovereign control of borders, fair trade, ordered immigration, industrial integrity are all essential elements in a viable economy. That viability is a precondition to rebuilding the nation's transportation infrastructure. And Trump is the only one who sees that as the priority. Hillary is just hopeless., clueless.. visionless.

I had to look up what LGBTQ meant.. 'Q' ???.. apparently it means 'Questioning'.. good grief.. that's totally PATHETIC. He could have called the practice of homosexuality what it is.. a grave moral disorder.. with corrosive implications for individuals and societies that embrace it. But i never viewed Trump as having a faith grounding.. and therefor i'm not surprised he relies on the amoral zeitgeist of the time for his reference points.

Actually its the biggest thing missing in his message, because the Culture of Death.. abortion, euthenasia, homosexuality, promiscuity, destruction of the family, depopulation.. has the power to sabotage all he does by way of constructive national economic policy.

I think he'll win. And i think he'll do some good. But America's and the West's problems are far deeper and more profound than his vision embraces. And those have to be addressed before 'greatness' can ever be aspired to again

Trump practices what he preaches in so far as his stance on political correctness. In this day when it seems as if dancing around the truth - dressing it up in rainbows and sunny ways to soften the reality, Trump is for millions of Americans, a refreshing breath of frankness.

Apparently, neither Trump nor the Pres were in error when they talked about the rise in crime. In context, both their numbers were correct.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You talking about Trump or Clinton?

:) :) :) :) Clinton for sure. I guess they are all capable of it, but I think she's reached a new high! :)

Trump practices what he preaches in so far as his stance on political correctness. In this day when it seems as if dancing around the truth - dressing it up in rainbows and sunny ways to soften the reality, Trump is for millions of Americans, a refreshing breath of frankness.

Apparently, neither Trump nor the Pres were in error when they talked about the rise in crime. In context, both their numbers were correct.

Trump is to Sterling Silver as Hillary is to Fool's Gold!

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Looks like Drumpf is pretty well cooked. Still down three points even after the convention. Clinton will almost certainly get a boost after the Democratic convention. Donny boy still can't overcome the fact that 20% of US voters (Blacks and Hispanics) are unalterably opposed to him. Add to that the fact that he isn't liked by Muslims and Chinese Americans, along with gays and most women and he is really fighting an uphill battle.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Looks like Drumpf is pretty well cooked. Still down three points even after the convention. Clinton will almost certainly get a boost after the Democratic convention. Donny boy still can't overcome the fact that 20% of US voters (Blacks and Hispanics) are unalterably opposed to him. Add to that the fact that he isn't liked by Muslims and Chinese Americans, along with gays and most women and he is really fighting an uphill battle.

Not so sure about the Gays there, Bar. He actually spoke quite highly of them last night and made reference to the fiasco in Florida last month. (What has Clinton said she's going to do on behalf of the Gays?) Four months is a long time in politics!


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC


Baby parts for sale, torn up pieces only - phone Planned Parenthood for volume discounts..

Hillary's and the Democratic Party's glowing symbol of humanity and freedom.. these champions of women's right to murder their infants and call it 'health care'... and why not profit from the enterprise in the spirit of Free Markets??
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