2016 Republican National Convention


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island

Speaking of pointing out the obvious. From CBC no less.

Stupid analogy for so many reasons it would be too exhaustive to explain.

All you have right now are feelings, no rationalization or explanation about how he will achieve the dumb things he promises.

And you may like the fact that he's not politically correct, but it's not that.. he's just not correct.

Keeping jobs for citizens instead of importing them is dumb?
Removing illegal aliens is dumb?
Protecting your citizens is dumb?

Being left of the NDP is dumb.

Just googled his acceptance speech - yeech!! He is a loony toon! He exaggerates so much, people HAVE to know he can't do all the things he says he'll do and much of what he said simply isn't even remotely true.

I am SOOOO glad I don't have to vote because I dislike Hillary as well. I honestly couldn't see myself voting for either of them.


No loonier than the corrupt system that runs the US and to a lessor extent Canada. WHere unelected bureaucrats make and enforce rules that suit them. These people are truly afraid of Trump because he threatens their existence.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Trump can't even get through a speech without lying at least once every minute.

He's not going to achieve any of his half wit promises.

He's not even existentially correct - the guy is an elite who was hired through the process the establishment chooses for every other candidate.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
President Trump.

Say it five times.

President Trump. President Trump. President Trump. President Trump. President Trump.

Get used to it, get over it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
And that has what to do with the descent of the Republican party?

Descent?? Since W.W. 2 the Democrats have been in power for 35 years and the Republicans have been in power for 36. I'd say they are holding their own! :)

Just googled his acceptance speech - yeech!! He is a loony toon! He exaggerates so much, people HAVE to know he can't do all the things he says he'll do and much of what he said simply isn't even remotely true.

I am SOOOO glad I don't have to vote because I dislike Hillary as well. I honestly couldn't see myself voting for either of them.


I think you are partly right, Dixie. Congress will screw him up. But at least he knows what has to be done and has the balls to at least give it a good college try. A hell of a lot better than Hillary's preening! :)


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
he lied many times during that speech, the facts of the numbers he read out trying to make Obama gov
look like failures over their time in office were wrong, I watched for those figures to be announced,
which they were, and he just turned them all around, opposite to the facts.

he did not even mention the environment, or global warming, so I guess it doesn't exist.

he gave no solutions to anything, and if he did everything he announced he would, he would have the
country trillions in debt, after he had cut the taxes like he said he would, none of it made any
sense at all.

he blamed Hillary for all of the problems in all of the countries around the world, that was comical.
of course what those countries are doing to each other doesn't matter, it is her fault, lol,
they are again counting on all of the 'no brains' who pay attention to nothing, to believe him,
and of course, vote for him.

he is obviously after the big eyed, no brained people, who see him as a big strong fixer of everything,
and he will take care of everyone, he is counting on all of those votes, it was a speech grasping at
everyone he possibly could reach, as he desperately needs the votes, but he has no solutions to

I liked his daughter, but she loves him, he is her father, he has allowed all of those kids to have
everything in life they could possibly want, along with a very good education, they are not stupid,
they stand with him, as they should.

the crowd was very split, he was not supported by everyone there, that is for sure.

he praised the law officers, and that is fine, he wants to make the country safer, and that is fine,
but not one word toward the police problems against black people, and he is speaking same day as
a police office shot a black man in the leg, who was laying on the ground with his arms straight
up in the air pleading for assistance, and when he asked the police officer why he shot him, the
reply was 'I DON'T KNOW'.

the speech was designed to promise everything to everyone, and hope for the best when
the votes are counted, will be interesting to see if it works.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON

And you'll never -and I mean never - meet a humbler person than me.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
The mainstream media line is how 'dark' Trump's speech was. There might be some truth to that, but i'd term it realistic without the patina of optimism painted onto a rotten superstructure, with which most acceptance speeches are framed.

I thought Trump hit most of the marks, on the economy anyway. America and the West ARE in an existential crisis. At least he blasted the fiasco of Free Trade. And he didn't mention the fraud of AGW.. he's smart enough to see its a pseudo science.. a political invention.

He could have gone further because Free Trade is only one of the pillars of Global Free Market Capitalism.. which include monetarism; deregulation of speculative markets and financial instruments; regressive taxation; privatization of natural monopolies.

Saunders had a comprehensive plan to break up the big supranational investment banks; put in comprehensive permanent tariffs; impose a regime of progressive income taxation which includes capital gains; and rewarding reinvestment in the U.S. economy. Trump gave a nod to Bernie, heresy in the NeoCon universe of the GOP.. and i guess that's a good start.

Sovereign control of borders, fair trade, ordered immigration, industrial integrity are all essential elements in a viable economy. That viability is a precondition to rebuilding the nation's transportation infrastructure. And Trump is the only one who sees that as the priority. Hillary is just hopeless., clueless.. visionless.

I had to look up what LGBTQ meant.. 'Q' ???.. apparently it means 'Questioning'.. good grief.. that's totally PATHETIC. He could have called the practice of homosexuality what it is.. a grave moral disorder.. with corrosive implications for individuals and societies that embrace it. But i never viewed Trump as having a faith grounding.. and therefor i'm not surprised he relies on the amoral zeitgeist of the time for his reference points.

Actually its the biggest thing missing in his message, because the Culture of Death.. abortion, euthenasia, homosexuality, promiscuity, destruction of the family, depopulation.. has the power to sabotage all he does by way of constructive national economic policy.

I think he'll win. And i think he'll do some good. But America's and the West's problems are far deeper and more profound than his vision embraces. And those have to be addressed before 'greatness' can ever be aspired to again
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Oh, I think I can hold my own in that department. :) :)

I'm still trying to figure out if you are for or against Trump.:)
Gee, maybe there's a hint in my repeated statements that I'll vote for Trump, and that now I've sent money to his campaign.

But as I said, logic and stuff.