1 I on


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
1 eye on

Caroline Kennedy - Respectfully

T.Kennedy's seat Goes to Scott Brown ,A Republican

Scott Brown won against Martha Coakley because he is a man with a "big truck"(compensating 4 something?lol.Sorry,bad political jk, hold on ladies).

Democrates should've run someone more like Kenedy ...Like Scott Brown...or The Lovely Lady Caroline Kennedy ....Oh well, at least Obama Democrates found a scapegoat for his health Care reform bill.Now Dems can blame Republicans for the health bills poor and fading demise...Unless he can get Scott Brown to think independently on this 1 and help revive it.That, Or wait a Couple weeks until he sees Brown Hitch Hikin' on the side of the road, his truck broken down, lookin' for a ride.

Makes me wonder if the Dems really wanted/or really cared about health care reform/or Kenedy's Seat at all...Same ol same ol'..No Back bone,No passion, or will ...So it would seem..Come on Obama . "Yes We Can!"


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Harper shuffles cabinet to focus on economy

1 eye on

Stockwell Day - Politically

StockWell Day As President of Treasury Board.Whatta Joke!.How does this guy keep gettin' elected. Same Oil' Albertan/Harper Politics...Come on...I wouldn't trust StockWell with Grandmas Care or Her Personal Savings Account... Let alone the Countries Care/Finances..He'll gamble it away on Bad Stocks and Leaky Oil Wells/Nuclear Plants..

Harper/Conservative Agenda :

1.) Help manufacture Crisis by holding his part of big pin
2.) Take Peoples $$$$, Give it to Big Biz so they invest in burst Economy.
3.)Call it a Crisis..Use the ol " Gotta pay down deficit " excuse to avoid stimulus
4.) use revenue for own interests.
5.)If all else fails.(If People begin to catch on to shady political tactics)Shut it all down ..Do nothing ..

Maybe I'm wrong..


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Nobody is hungry enough to do something about govt........yet.

You'd be amazed at what someone will do for a half rotten potato.

Until then they'll keep doing what you listed Mr Fish.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
1 eye on - Haiti - 4 Accountability/Transparentcy

Canadians are good at Humanitarian missions/ Peacekeeping/making...We should do more of it, together with other world leaders.UN/US..America ....

Obama Dems..Helping out Haiti ..Fits in with their agenda.I just wish Canadian P.M. Harper would think the same way Nationally as he seems to be internationally.....Would be a better Canada...

Have to keep an eye on where all the charity money goes...(Millitary?)


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Supreme Court eases restrictions on corporate campaign spending - CNN.com -

1 eye on -- living biz..Cautiously

Power to the people.(as long as your Big(brother) Biz employer says it's ok)..If corporations support a candidate ..It better be transparent...May I suggest sew on badges placed on the politicians suit ,a symbol ..next to his/her name.how about an online registry?

1 of many problems I can see ,is if big oil, banks or insurance companies publically supported a candidate ,and the candidtate was required to disclose all big sponsors publically..They would never get elected.."They" know it..

Now on the other hand if a candidate was sponsored by Green/Clean Tech companies ..The people would stand in lines for miles to vote..:) lol...However in the U.S. election system .The peoples vote only goes so far.. As it stands now..

New employee uniform name tag : Property of # your number here


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
Supreme Court eases restrictions on corporate campaign spending - CNN.com -

1 eye on -- living biz..Cautiously

Power to the people.(as long as your Big(brother) Biz employer says it's ok)..If corporations support a candidate ..It better be transparent...May I suggest sew on badges placed on the politicians suit ,a symbol ..next to his/her name.how about an online registry?

1 of many problems I can see ,is if big oil, banks or insurance companies publically supported a candidate ,and the candidtate was required to disclose all big sponsors publically..They would never get elected.."They" know it..

Now on the other hand if a candidate was sponsored by Green/Clean Tech companies ..The people would stand in lines for miles to vote..:) lol...However in the U.S. election system .The peoples vote only goes so far.. As it stands now..

New employee uniform name tag : Property of # your number here

Adolf Hitler had that idea first...something about star-shaped badges sewn on...


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Bingo!..Jackpot! - Hiltler - The pioneer of the"Big Brother" concept(George Orwell 1984 )...Thanks for that country Boy ..EXACTLY!...Only It's alright if it's US watching them ..Not "Them/They" watching US..:smile:...With computers and the internet ..Times are a changin'....Hiltler was a little early...He thought in the mind of War..Not in Virtual reality.

A New World order is on the mind of many Global leaders/Countries..It's all but been accepted "Virtually" by the users...As long as it is with Peace in mind...

Right 8O:?::smile:...

Too bad if "The People" don't accept it...They(The People,not "THEY" ) are owned now by their employers and payed off Gov lackies...

:fucyc: - Oh oh ..Gotta go ."They'"re here..Better keep an eye out..:smile::canada:

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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
"Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS man,let’s try something different;take my pound of flesh "

"Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS man, let’s try something different; take my pound of flesh " J Stacks..

Joseph Stack's suicide note | Richard Adams | World news | guardian.co.uk - Plane Crashes into Building in Texas ..

Austin news, sports, weather, Longhorns, business | Statesman.com - J. Stacks Suicide Note ..

As horrible as it might sound , It was the Suicide note that got my attention .(1 other presumed dead )...

"Keep an eye out for the future..Can't just throw the past away..What's here 2 day ,will bring tommorrow
...Tommorow means another day..!" Odds R Evolution, song "What's In the Jar?"

Always Gotta try to move positively forward...As hard as that seems sometimes (nowadays)..With all the Big Biz/Big Gov..B.S Games.. Don't let the negativity eat you away ..

Never surrender, or things will never have a chance to get Better...

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