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  1. Dixie Cup

    WE really need to get rid of this guy

    Ya & yet somehow Singh seems to think he'll become PM in the future. How delusional is that?
  2. Dixie Cup

    Roe v. Wade overturned?

    Ya, the pill + lack of medical attention will do it every time!!
  3. Dixie Cup

    Rapporteur David Johnson, Eminent Canadian

    You're the perfect example - very hateful & intolerant.
  4. Dixie Cup

    Roe v. Wade overturned?

    Whatever the "pill" was, it cost her her life because she didn't get the medical attention she should have gotten which is why the pill is so dangerous.
  5. Dixie Cup

    Roe v. Wade overturned?

    Actually, the take is this: one woman that died did so because of the "abortion pill" she took. I'm sure there'll be many more deaths due to this pill but hey, that's the risk one takes I guess.
  6. Dixie Cup

    Rapporteur David Johnson, Eminent Canadian

    Why is there so much hate anyway? It never used to be this way. I believe it's all down to the Progressives, anarchists & Marxists leaders that we have in (both) governments who have destroyed the cohesion we used to have. They've done it on purpose so that people become pissed enough that they...
  7. Dixie Cup

    Air (or Error?) Canada. Our National Carrier…

    I believe at the time it was Air Canada but I could be wrong about that. It was pretty funny tho'
  8. Dixie Cup

    How Low Can They Go?

    I dunno, did you?
  9. Dixie Cup

    How Low Can They Go?

    Where does it say that Hamas wants a 2-state solution? Bet it's news to them as well since they've been quite consistent in saying that no 2-state solution - just the total destruction of Israel is the only thing they'll accept (in addition to the killing of Jews worldwide). Even when you got...
  10. Dixie Cup

    Liberal stronghold riding in Toronto up for grabs today!!!

    Where are you getting your information from? Tick Tock? Seriously?
  11. Dixie Cup

    Non-Coalition Coalition that’s Definitely NOT a Coalition…

    Trudeau says that Canada is "not for sale" yet that's exactly what is happening with Bill C-293. He's selling us out big time. Unfortunately, this bill has passed & is waiting for Royal Assent. We must prevent this from happening because our sovereignty has just been sold out from under us if...
  12. Dixie Cup


    If killing Trump is successful, I'm sure this "funny soliloquy" will be even funnier. I'm afraid of what would happen if his killing is successful. You have to remember that 50% of the people support Trump & they'll be pissed....just sayin.
  13. Dixie Cup

    Liberal stronghold riding in Toronto up for grabs today!!!

    Besides the extremists Look, Israel isn't perfect, but neither are we or anyone else. But what Retired said is absolutely right freakin on. You cannot compare Israel to Hamas or Hezbollah. To do so is being severely disingenuous.
  14. Dixie Cup

    How Low Can They Go?

    OMG are you serious? I'm sure you can google it - Hamas DOES NOT WANT A 2 STATE SOLUTION & they've made that crystal clear. What do they want? The TOTAL DESTRUCTION of Israel & nothing else will do. Why hasn't there been a cease fire? Because Hamas has said NO to every proposition given to...
  15. Dixie Cup

    It's Climate Change I tell'ya!! IT'S CLIMATE CHANGE!!

    I know. So was I.
  16. Dixie Cup

    Air (or Error?) Canada. Our National Carrier…

    My hubby had to go to Regina for a family matter & there was one option, when he was booking his flight, that went: Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver & then Regina!! Cool eh?
  17. Dixie Cup

    April Fools!! Here's your Carbon Tax F#ckers!!!

    Ah hell, the NDP will continue to support the Liberals as they can't afford an election right now & besides, Singh still needs his pension LMAO!
  18. Dixie Cup


    Interesting isn't it? I truly believe that Trump is at risk. There is absolutely no way that the Progressives will "allow" Trump to be in the WH. If cheating doesn't work, assassination will even if it takes multiple tries. The Democrats are so corrupt, they'll do anything to make sure they come...
  19. Dixie Cup

    How Low Can They Go?

    Unfortunately, Hamas is not good with a 2-state solution. They want the whole area to belong to them. ALL Jews must be destroyed not only in Israel but world-wide. Nothing wrong with that is there! Stupidity reins!!!!